Downsizers - May 2021 Team Chat



  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »

    01/05/2021 10.853 steps
    02/05/2021 14.765 steps
    03/05/2021 12.513 steps
    04/05/2021 8.844 steps
    05/05/2021 14.205 steps
    06/05/2021 10.613 steps
    07/05/2021 5.903 steps
    08/05/2021 11.289 steps
    09/05/2021 11.506 steps
    10/05/2021 16.233 steps + 1 hour of zumba.
    11/05/2021 13 018 steps + 45 minutes of zumba
    12/05/2021 15.673 steps
    13/05/2021 6.790 steps
    14/05/2021 14.821 steps
    15/05/2021 8.488 steps
    16/05/2021 18.949 steps

    131.9 kg = 290,7 lbs
    17/05/2021 10.313 steps
    18/05/2021 11.773 steps
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,534 Member
    No pain no gain. Seriously, I try to move around the apartment when I can and I rest a lot through out the day. It’s kind of walk, rest, fold clothes, rest, laps around the apartment, rest, make lunch, rest etc. That’s the way I spend my day. Mri wasn’t open and my head was in some kind of contraption but the sound of the machine was totally different than any others I had. It was almost soothing! Best part is I have a brain. He showed me the images he took and they are cool.

    You are doing well with those walks. I hope you can get your ketones is the right level.

    I hope you hip/back pain settles down. Great job on those steps!
    The guy was good. He told me how long each image would take and made sure I was ok each time.

    Sounds like your scan is another indicator of your success. Can you get on the cancellation list for the endocrinologist?
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Yayyyyy! The knee brace fits 👏🏻👏🏻 Look at all of those steps and an enormous calorie burn 🎉🎉 You've been doing amazing!

    How did it go at the doctor's? How's your migraine?

    Over 10,000 steps!! I'm sorry to hear about the hip pain, hopefully that goes away so you can enjoy your walks.

    That must have felt good to hear the compliments at the rec center. Yes, family tends to do that. I know my family likes to feed everyone until they can't move. That was a great response to your sister. That's awesome news about the high functional muscle score, hard proof of your exercise. That's INSANE, that they cannot see you until December. Have you told your GP? Maybe her office can make a call into the endocrine doc for you to get you in sooner.

    Another terrific walking day!

    Look at that impressive list of high steps! Amazing days for you 👏🏻👏🏻

    Great day hitting your goals!! Tracking and staying under, while getting in those steps 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

    Another HUGE step day AND walking on the beach 🎉🎉🎉 Have you tried out your new Asics?
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Bike- 30 minutes, 8 miles ✅
    Steps- 10,000 ✅
    Seltzer- 8 cups 👎 only five six cups
    Tracked everything ate and drank ✅
    Under calorie budget ✅

    Bike 30 minutes, 8 miles, moderate effort
    Steps 10,900

    We didn't get to do our evening walk. Took the kids with us grocery shopping and by the time we got back it was way too late. I did hit my 10,000 goal though. Although, I"m getting greedy and wanted to get a bit more. I'm envious of all these high numbers that I"m seeing. I need to keep reminding myself that I'm just not there yet, it takes time.

    Grabbed a large package of chicken tenders while at the store. Tomorrow I need to separate the tenders into dinner portions and marinate at least a few of the portions, then stick them in the freezer.

    My husband grabbed a few pounds of peaches, and had my son come up to me and ask me to make a peach pie. That face! Oh, that boy has my heart. It looks like that will be on the agenda tomorrow also.

    Time to get to bed, the day flew by and the morning comes even faster. Good night everyone 😄
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 573 Member
    I have been going back and forth in my head trying to decide whether to be excused for this week's weigh-in or to go ahead and put my weigh-in on record. My mom lives alone, and I take care of a lot of her needs. She hasn't been very well for the last two weeks, so it's been rough. Last Saturday I had to take her to the emergency room, and they admitted her to the hospital. I have been spending days there at the hospital with her. Last night, they discharged her, and I took her home. It was a super long day as many have been lately.

    So, it certainly was not a normal week or even close to it. I am very exhausted and stressed. Even though she is home, it is still a lot of work and is exhausting. She still has pain, so it's hard.

    I have a gain this week, and I am very surprised it is not more. I was in the hospital room and didn't leave it much because I was afraid a doctor or someone else would come in to talk to her while I was gone. I paced a bit in the room, but it was small.

    Anyway, I'll post my weigh-in this week and @TheresaM787, can you please let me know if I should record it or be excused?

    PW: 193.7
    CW: 195.3
    LTD: 57.3 pounds (SW 252.6)

  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    @iradi8 glad you stayed with your mom. I hope she's better.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 sorry you're still down. I hope they can get it straightened out.

    @TheresaM787 I'll take a slice.

    @Beautyofdreams grats on the compliment. Family constantly see us so they don't realize our progress.

    Check-in for 5/19
    Steps - 3890 plus treadmill for 20 minutes.
    Calories - just over 1700. Had a small bowl of vanilla ice cream with cherry syrup and cherries. Made a homemade pizza tonight. Fattening but I'm trying to figure out the calories the best I can.
    Exercise - gym at 6am. 6 machines and cooldown on treadmill. Concentrated on my legs. Walked around the block going to the grocery store. Zoo tomorrow.

  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    edited May 2021
    Good Thursday Morning everyone...

    I decided today was a rest day... 3 days in a row ended up making a Johnny a sore boy much all day yesterday. lol

    Blood Ketones 0.8
    Blood Glucose 134
    GKI 9.31

    Seriously Ketones are still plummeting. My GKI is on the terrible end of the scale. This is super odd, cause I don't even think a single piece of bread whether it was Keto or not would cause this.

    So other then baking new bread this Friday.... My blood monitoring device does come with Calibration liquids for both Glucose and Ketones... So I'll have to read up on the calibration process and give it a whirl. However the tests do seem to be in line with Lynn's Urine Strip tests, So I'm not all the confident that there is a problem with the monitor. It's just real strange odd and hard to fathom.

    The Doctor called me... And is concerned that I'm Anemic. Wanted to know if I was hemorrhaging blood recently? or if I have family with a history of bowl cancer. She thought it was even stranger that I was on a ketogenic diet, as that normally would provide me with all the iron I could ever need and make me even less anemic. She said it's just plan odd for men in general to be anemic. Anyway I am a big guy and I occasionally do hemorrhage sometimes internally in the fatty tissues of my inner thighs and under slab... Sometimes Externally. I can usually squeeze blood out of my body from somewhere any day of the week. Sometimes these ruptures can happen without me even noticing. But were not talking lot of of blood here.. But maybe it's enough to cause the problem? (eg... red blood cells are always putting up with somesort of battle against evil?)... Or maybe it could be due to my covid vaccine shot 7 days before...? Doubtful on that one though.

    So more blood tests.. one to see if I'm still anemic now that I don't feel like crap like I did that particular day... And also to double check my blood sugar etc. (She thought my blood sugar was amazing, but like I said it was a hyperglycemic day for me). So I tried to explain that to her... blah.

    Well that's about it... Time for me to get my *kitten* to work. I expect my other set of dumbbells in soon, and I'm excited to see my new bench ship. Only a handful of days left before Leg day.... God Help Us!


    Steps - May 19 = 5796
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member



    NO ONE 🤩 Great job everybody
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Moving is stressful enough, but moving AND repairs at the same time. That's a tough one. You are doing really well though, think of all of that movement you've been getting. Do the best you can with what's going on around you. 🤗 Congratulations on the move! 🎉

    What you mean to tell me that you don't realize you're hemorrhaging throughout the day? Doctors (shaking head). Love that you are keeping your sense of humor throughout this. We have anemia in our family, we were told it's not genetic, but both of my kids are anemic also (and like I said, it runs in my family). They wanted to put us on folate (it tastes terrible) or have IV iron infusions. We chose the disgusting folate. So more blood tests, eh? Keep us posted. You've been doing incredible with the walking! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

    Huge loss! You've been walking a lot, hitting new step goals each time 👏🏻👏🏻 I'm so happy for you, for both your loss (weight) and your gain (steps) 🤣

    Terrific steps Roger, plus an awesome gym day 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Mmmmm vanilla ice cream with your homemade cherry syrup?

    🤗 This has been a difficult time for you, I'm so sorry. I'm glad she's home now, hopefully you both will get some rest. Yes, doctors do tend to come in the second you walk out the door. I think they have patients' rooms being monitored, "Ok, the family just left the patient alone- QUICK assemble the team, let's sneak in there now." Please look to this group, as a way to keep you motivated, help you from sliding. It's not meant to add any more, unnecessary, pressure to your life 🤗 you can either remain in or be excused. Please let me know which you'd prefer, we just want to be here to support you 🤗 I hope your mom's pain lessens and she feels better soon.

    Thank goodness he was there! I'm glad you don't have to go back for a bit. I'm sorry to hear that the migraine won't leave (slight headache- tail end of the migraine hopefully). 🤗
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    thanks very much ❤️💙
  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member

    Steps for 5/19 4,601

    Between working late, running errands then dinner, ran out of daylight to get my walk in yesterday. In the past that would definitely not bother me but now I look forward to my walks and am disappointed I did not get one yesterday.
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Updates steps for 5/18 18,939
    5/19 16,310

    Yesterday I went for a short walk with kids and friends dog. My toe got numb again after awhile and I was only wearing canvas slip on shoes which also gave me blister.

    I have been playing with the protein shakes and don’t hate them so going to keep incorporating into my days with a healthy dinner. Last night was shredded harissa chicken with brown rice cucumber and taziki. I can never find harissa in the stores so I made it myself. Hubby gave a thumbs up.
  • Aqualang26
    Aqualang26 Posts: 149 Member
    edited May 2021
    Hi @TheresaM787 ! I usually do my weigh-in before bed Friday (around 11pm est) so I'm thinking it may be better to say my weigh-in day is Saturday to avoid any issue of it seeming late? I'd still post it Friday night. Whichever works best is cool with me.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,534 Member
    edited May 2021
    I am so happy you are staying on track! Keep fighting those cravings. I love summer dresses. I hate clothes shopping for the most part but love shopping for summer dresses.

    When you mention your beach walks I picture myself at the beach in Newfoundland. One of my happy places so thank you for that. I hope you like your sneakers. Great job on a 1.5 hour walk. I think after 15 minutes I would have sat down in the sand and made someone go get me shoes. Did you find any pretty sand glass? You have found such an enjoyable way to burn calories. Your supper last night sounds delicious.

    You are doing so great with your check ins. With your steps be proud of how much you have increased them. I made chicken teriyaki this week. I marinate them for 24 hours but I also made a second batch and froze the chicken in the marinade. Is this what you do? It is hard to resist those cute faces. That’s why I get in trouble with my daughter when the grandkids are over.

    Glad the doctors appointment went well. We have the exact same A1C. Glad your headache is getting better.

    I am so glad your mom is home. The stress you have been under has to have been incredible. I hope your Mom’s pain gets better and your stress lessens. I know it is hard under the circumstances but try and get some me time. Sending hugs!

    You deserve that rest day with all the hard work you have been doing. I hope the upcoming blood work gives definitive answers this time. If you have a follow up appointment with your doctor bring your blood glucose monitor to show her your fasting readings.

    I love that you have dessert and stay with in your calories. Pizza is one of my favourites but something I find hard to stop eating once I start. Let me know any ideas you have to lighten it up. Awesome gym workout!

    With all the moving and repairing I think you are doing pretty good. This month you have maintained your weight so far. That’s an awesome accomplishment with all that’s happening. Sounds like there is an end in sight.

    Awesome loss! Do you think all that stepping is contributing?

    Walking can be a great time to unwind. Hope you can get yours today.
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