Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Kim, I do agree, I need to know where I stand medically as do my doctors....My PCP asked me "what can I do for you"....I suggested she come home with me to clean my kitchen and cook for me. She still hasn't shown up. Other than order tests I don't want to take, MRI's I would cancel, bone scan, neurologist...same....she is stumped because the ball is still in my court, not getting much play.

    I did cancel my endo appt. The pain is back to the original so this is 2 weeks now. I said I'd reschedule when I am recovered so I'll give it a couple of weeks and pray for stability. I'll need to get lab work prior so will have to be able to hike about. It's such a struggle.

    In the kitchen: yep, there are some things/tasks I can use the stool for and do. It's a comfort tool....because when my back goes out and legs get numb, I can sit down to recuperate. I am so thankful I do....with just 3 minutes down, I can get up and go for 5 more.

    I had an FBS of 82 yesterday morning! Hooya. Weight was 232.4...back down from the 240 on 2/28. I have now had soup for dinner 6 times out of 9 days! Due to my pain...it's an easy, 4 minute fix and I do enjoy it. I'm more concerned with ease and convenience at the moment rather than the sodium levels.

    In seeing the insurance ad again today, I coulda " called yesterday", I shoulda...I woulda....I added but I didn't do it...and made myself laugh. That could be my "To Do" list. I coulda, shoulda , woulda but I didn't do. There's also a gospel song by the Cathedrals.." can He, could He, would He, Did He"....I love that...still makes me smile at what our Savior DID!

    I ate some veggies for you the other day....will do this again...and soon. I love the mackerel!7y2gu9sq0qe2.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    OOO, thank you! I see all the things I don't like, I do appreciate you doing that for me! I have been having more salads though. Spinach and this ruffly lettuce that is sooo good! I add a meat, cheese, nuts and dressing. Most of it is the spinach and lettuce though. Oh, and I add 1/2 an apple. So refreshing on these hot days.

    I'm so glad you made it safely through the terrible storms that blew through and are plaguing the middle of the country now. I hope they keep moving NE! We do need the rain, but not all of that danger!

    I have a sore throat this morning so am going to take it easy. I also had my first strong headache in three months. I took Tylenol and caffeine and it was gone pretty quickly - praise the Lord!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope you are doing well today. I still have that sore throat so will miss our fellowship meal tonight - :( It's one of those that burn and easily get irritated so I end up coughing when that happens! Boohoo! Did go to the doc for bloodwork. Hoping my cholesterol numbers are down. A statin is the only way for my cholesterol to go down. My last doctor said that it was genetic because I can't bring it down naturally, no matter how often I try! I think my dad had high cholesterol too, but I'm not sure. I know he had high blood pressure. I don't know of anyone else in my family that had high cholesterol, but that's because we weren't a family who talked about health stuff! We did have breakfast out after the appointment. I had French toast (2 slices) and 2 slices of bacon.

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    I just got up from a long nap, had a message from my ex-SIL, to call her.
    My brother has died. With my hearing issue, I couldn't make out everything..."someone" had seen him a few days ago?...and he was OK. "Something" had been bothering him but he wouldn't go to the Dr.
    He was found in his bed, passed away. My nephew will have him cremated as he can't afford a full on funeral/burial.
    Donald was with others, as he was with me. Very little to no contact and I hadn't seen him in about 5 years. He was 70.
    With my knee crippled up, I can't drive over there...I called my one friend, my ex co-worker, Sharon....and she's been having some of the issues I have, falling with major damage, weakness, being sick...but we commiserated, laughed and cried and that's good for me.
    I'll send Rhonda a message and ask for info I can read, since I can't hear....I know I have your prayers and appreciate them so much.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Asking the Lord to give you comfort and peace. I'm so sorry!

    Wow, my blood work is back and everything is awesome. Well, one of my kidney numbers is high, but barely. The ratio between the two numbers is smack dab in the middle of normal, so one is high and one is low. This is normal for me! The high number is actually .12 lower than the last blood work! My cholesterol is all down quite a bit, even my triglycerides are down. I take 4000mg of fish oil a day (which is what my doctor told me it would take) and that seems to be working! Praise the Lord. It's down by 92 points! My total cholesterol is also down by 92 points. That's since November. Praise the Lord!

    This is for you my precious sweetie-greens

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Thank you Kim! I "need" some greens up in here....and the hugs for sure. I will be OK...God has me in His care and I am at peace. My heart and prayers got out to my nephew, who is left to deal with all these things for his Daddy.

    That's great news Kim! My triglycerides stay high but I am so happy they are now in the 300 range as opposed to the 1024 of about 6 years ago...perhaps I should up my intake! I thought I was getting plenty, just looked at the bottle and 3 minis is 2010 MG and I only take 2 a day. Oops!

    I noticed today that my knee pain is going from my back down to my ankle...my PCP said I most likely have a pinched nerve that was causing the numbness....so maybe that's a factor in this very painful situation. God is aware of it all and is with me in this experience.

    Last night, I only had a banana....so had a can of soup for breakfast. Lunch was a bottle of orange juice. I have a piece of pork I need to cook so will toss that in the air fryer with some tater tots for dinner. I have half a can of sausage gravy and will finish that off as well. Having the stool in there helps when I am waiting the 3 minutes for my soup to heat, or broth etc. to be ready.

    Today's numbers were good...230.2, 113/75 62 and FBS was 113. I was very happy.

    Thanks again for prayers, your love and friendship. I love you Ladies! God bless you richly.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Wow, great numbers, Bren! I'm still around the 240 range, one pound up or down depending on the day! I won't lose anything until I eat less than 1000 calories a day, just the way my body responds.

    Still sick with this cold. I'm hoping that as I go through the different symptoms I am now on the last one. Started in the throat, went to the head and now it's in the chest with some still in my head!

    Love y'all very much.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    I hit 230 today...Praise God! I had gotten back up to 245...my highest ever....and some of that was fluid/inflammation and mostly my poor eating since November.

    Well, this knee thing has me hobbled so badly, to the point my 5 minutes standing is reduced to 3...so I am using the stool while waiting for soup to heat etc. and have actually cooked very little since the end of April so while it's an inconvenience and very painful deterrent...I would SO rather just be obedient! I have tossed a few things in the air fryer 3-4 times...

    I did make the mistake of buying cereal! That had my sugar spike to 254. Yikes...I took my insulin w/o eating and at 10:30 PM...woke to a low of 61. I had a bottle of apple juice and a can of soup...no Tresiba...and it was 149 when I got up at 3:30...Not bad, considering...so...I will get rid of the cereal. I'm glad it was Wal-Mart brand and not the high dollar stuff! I'll bag it up with other things to pass down to my buy nothing group. In the new one, there is always someone in need of food and they wouldn't mind one bowl missing from each bag. I know I wouldn't if I was in need!

    Update on my Brother: My nephew came by to see me yesterday, but I was sleeping. They have a foster for the little dog and he will be neutered, get all shots etc. before going to his new home.

    He gave me good news! The county stepped up/in to take care of Donald's burial experiences! Nathan said before he could even apply for help, they had already done it!. I know this is God's tender care.
    Donald was well known, well liked by our small town, worked for the city for several years....and made a mark on many hearts.
    He will meet with them tomorrow, get the details and timeline. There will be a memorial, lunch apparently and burial...no cremation and I am so glad. This is such a gift!
    Nathan said they would come get me...and bring me home again after. I offered again to help some and he said no...it's all been taken care of. I am praying I might be able to drive by then, to save them that extra bit of burden. He is doing so well, taking care of things.

    He told me that all Donald had left, was in his car...as he had lost everything in a fire like 3 years ago and I never knew. That was so sad to hear! He found a letter in the car and got my address off that...from back in February. Made my heart hurt more...that he had suffered this loss and kept it to himself.

    I have my chore list ready and will get to it in a few minutes. I need more coffee first! Be blessed in this new day. I hope you feel better very soon! Love and prayers...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member
    Happy Mothers Day ladies - hope your day was very special
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Yes, Happy Mother's Day, Moms! God chose Wade and I for something different besides being parents - but something I learned along that journey was that there are joys and heartaches in both situations. And one isn't better than the other, it's just where God places you! I hope you know more blessings than heartaches.

    Bren, woohoo for reaching that mile-marker! Awesome. Let your family take care of you, sweetie. It's a blessing for them - I know it would be for me! I remember reading something one time - someone wanted to give some money to someone and they refused - the person told them that they were robbing them of the blessing of being able to give to them. I'd not looked at it that way before. The person accepted and made everyone happy. They may not understand it as being a blessing, but if they are offering it is because they want to do something for you - make it easy for you to be there and not cause you any kind of hardship! Let them bless you so they can be blessed!

    Love you sisters!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    I totally misunderstood my nephew! Donald is not to be buried after all, he's at the crematorium and Nathan will get his cremains back tomorrow!
    My ex-SIL just sent me a message...so that is what the city paid for...not a burial. So I won't be going over for a memorial at a later date....that's just too sad, not necessary and would be much too painful physically....Just thinking of it at this point was so stressful. Depending on when Nathan has it...I will reconsider?
    However...in spite of my hearing issues/misunderstanding....God knew this was happening and it's not a shock to him....and He in His mercy, has given me much peace and comfort and I am OK....I am truly blessed!

    The knee was so much better this morning tho it acted up at nap time. the pain shoots from the knee down to the ankle it seems. I am weak and weary from being hobbled for more than 2 weeks but this too, shall pass. I', so thankful it's eased up again!
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 63 Member
    I'm so sorry Bren! You are in my prayers!
    prayers for us all
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Thank you Missy. My heart took a tumble for sure...but I am OK....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,311 Member
    Oh, I hate that for you, Bren. You do whatever you feel comfortable with! This is for you, this is for the family members, not your brother - he doesn't care anymore! If you don't feel comfortable going then don't go! But if you want to spend time with family members, then let yourself be there for that reason.

    Still struggling with congestion but am slowly feeling better. My chest is better this morning, quite a bit less coughing than the past two days - praise the Lord. I just keep praying there will be no wheezing and no trouble breathing (which could mean pneumonia) - so far so good. A tiny bit of quiet wheezing and one day where I had trouble breathing while getting dressed, but nothing since them - God is so very good!

    I love y'all and am keeping you in my prayers.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member
    Today was a weigh in day for me - not good. Am back to 235.6 (not happy about that) but going to get that gain of 4.8 off asap.

    Made up my food plan for the next week - hopefully I will see some of this gain gone by next week.

    Praying for all of you lovely ladies

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 772 Member
    Thanks, Kim. I've never had a relationship with them actually, other than my brother, due to being away for so long, my first nightmare marriage of 12 years, then 12 more in Dallas, and marriage to David. Now he loved it there, loved the outings on the river ,like my brother....so they had that in common.
    I don't like being in crowds, and my hearing issue makes it doubly difficult. So....if I can avoid a gathering....I will. For my part....it's just unnecessary.

    I had another all day down day....The pain, fatigue, weakness....just had me whipped. I'll be OK tho. The rest feels good, now that the knee is easing up again. I have to be careful with it and not get too "exuberant"...LOL