Daily Chats and Encouragements
Wow, welcome to our world of government school graduates! Unbelievable. He probably couldn't read the sign, or never looked at it, just dumped your stuff and ran! Way sad.
I saw my orthopedics doctor today and he did have some answers. Apparently those positives did mean that I do have Lyme disease, or subacute Lyme disease. I also have a rheumatoid disorder so he is referring me to a rheumatologist. I will be on antibiotics for the foreseeable future to try and kill the bacteria from whenever the tick bite was. We aren't going to do anything about the pain because that is what we are using to see if the pain will recede as we deal with the underlying problem. He said that I had inflammation everywhere (from the two MRI's - which didn't show my hands or knees!). So, we are heading in the right direction. I appreciate all of your prayers for me, so much. Oh, and he thought that the pain I am having is probably from another place than the one I've been thinking it's from and if it doesn't get better within the first four weeks of taking the antibiotics we will need to do a shot and it isn't going to be a fun time! My attitude about it is that that pain will last a lot less time than the pain I am going through! I may have to scream and cry, but then it will be over! LOL!
We did alright through our storm. We are still getting rain, but the wind and lightening wasn't that bad and we were able to sleep through most of it. We were supposed to get up to 68 today, but it's gone from 63 down to 59 so I don't think we are going to warm up that much! Time for me to get on a sweatshirt since I am just wearing a 3/4 sleeve shirt and I'm getting rather chilled! Love you ladies. Let us know how the Doctor's appointments go!
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Oh my! I'm glad you are getting some answers and praying relief will come. Oh, I'd be screaming and crying a week in advance. I am so sorry you are dealing with so much pain, my friend. I'd be willing to go to the hospital for a few days of tests for mine, if no needles were involved and they'd do the testing while I slept. You stay in my thoughts and prayers, my lovely friend.
Brrr….I am chilled a lot these days. I normally keep the heat/air set at 73 and lately that's not warm enough. We've had some days past 80 and are expecting a few this week in high 60's. So glad you are alright after the storms. Things have been really wild, destructive and deadly for many states. My heart hurts for those in the paths of such destruction.
I got one really snarky response on FB….asking "what makes you think you are so special"…because I want the orders dropped in my cart. It was a rather long message from an angry woman it seems. So many offered support, understanding and commiseration, as they have had similar and worse experiences and some are older and in even more pain than I'm in. I will do new signs on bright cardstock for both the door and my cart. Hoping this never happens again!
I've had 3 days down now…so will aim to move more and knock some things off my permanent to do list. I did get the fridge sorted Sunday before my order was dumped…dealing with that took the wind from my sails and down I went. I'll be OK tho…
Mary stopped by yesterday to go over the upcoming changes, increases etc. and to vent some. My heart and prayers go out to her and Shane. With new ownership and busy body board members wanting to jack everyone up for a 50% increase per year…electric almost doubled, insurance mandatory….she is fighting for her job and her tenants. With a new multibillion dollar AI facility being built here, it seems they are keen on pushing us out so rentals are available for the newbies coming in that will need housing. She got nowhere with them and was told we're not HER tenants. It's her job that is now being threatened….and Shane's. He's our maintenance man. They took our number two guy to another property so Shane has all of ours to tend to alone.
I'm off to see what I can cobble together for lunch…then need to get some work done this afternoon. Sleeping until 10 is not conducive to a good work day.
Love and prayers for us all….
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Oh no! I guess AI is not a benefit to y'all as they talk about it being! I'm so sorry and will pray for you.
I don't have my new med yet, the doctor needs to change it to what Medicare will cover! But getting him together with my pharmacy isn't working so great right now!
My pastor had a very good post yesterday. I will high light some of the points because I tried copying and pasting and this format didn't like that a put words together and added letters and it was a mess. So here is a compact look at what he said:
Our Pastor had a very good blog yesterday about the passage in 2 Cor. 5:21
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him
. The phrase "made Him to be sin" doesn't mean what it appears to mean and we understand that from the Septuagint's use of the same word in the Old Testament. There are more than 100 uses of the same word but translated as sin-sacrifice or offering for sin. He had looked at several concordances (even from Reformed or Calvinistic writers) and they all agreed that it should have been translated sin-sacrifice in this passage as well.From the post: Notice also, it is God who made Christ to be "sin" for us. There is no way that God (the Father) made His Son to become (SIN). It is not conceivable for God to make anyone to sin, or to become sin, much less make His own holy Son become sin. HOWEVER, it is consistent with the Old Testament record and agreeable to the nature of God the Father and God the Son, that the Father would give a SACRIFICE FOR SIN (a SIN SACRIFICE).
There are many preaching out there today that Jesus was the greatest sinner of all because the sin of the world fell on Him. I learned growing up as a Lutheran that Jesus was covered with our sins and that is why the Father looked away from Him. So not true. Jesus couldn't have continued to be the sacrifice if he had become sin because a pure and spotless Lamb was used for the sacrifice. We don't know why the translators chose to not use sin-sacrifice here when they did over 100 times in the OT, but they should have used sin-sacrifice, it's the only thing that makes sense. Just fascinating to see the truth through the Bible itself!
Have a blessed evening, hopefully being able to be in Prayer Meeting or Bible Study! I love y'all.
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Meds: My insurance will no longer cover my Fiasp. This is the third time to change my fast acting insulin, but they did give me one more 90 day supply in January. That was a surprise. I got a letter following, to let me know it was "complimentary" and my last and to be sure and have my Dr. prescribe something new. He is aware already, as I let him know, back in November. Getting the pharmacy, Doctors and insurance all on the same page is a dance sometimes.
I had never heard that and am glad I haven't. To have Jesus labeled the biggest sinner ever? My heart lurched at that! What blasphemy! I would think the weight of our sin, He bore, was crushing and beyond the greatest pain ever. His sacrifice and love are beyond comprehension.
I managed a wee bit of work yesterday, got up at my normal time of 5 AM, after a good night's rest. Will attempt a bit more today. I am blessed, regardless of pain and discomfort and so appreciate each new day. Love you lots and pray for comfort, healing and strength for us all.
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Love the picture! Put a smile on my face!
Having a painful day so will rest quite a bit. I did get my meds yesterday evening and started them last night. Lord willing they will be what eases this pain! It may take a couple of weeks to see the effects, but I am hoping my body will respond more quickly!
You are so right about getting everyone on the same page. It would be easy if the doctor's have a meds list and beside the med it tells them what Medicare will cover - although you would need all of the insurance companies on there because they all cover stuff differently - ugh!
Have an awesome day with Jesus! Love you
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My Part D is with WellCare. I stayed with them to avoid the hassle of looking for and changing to another insurance. I've had Medicare for 7 years now. This was the fist year to get a break on my premium and when they cut insulin cost was a huge blessing! I once paid over $700 out of pocket for my two insulins. It's now $105 each for a 90 day supply.
I'm glad you have your meds and am praying too, that you see quicker results. Do rest as much as you can. I think I get enough rest for three people these days.
My three kitties are coming for breakfast again. Junior, Sister and Calico Granny. It took a bit for them to let me pet them again….Sister is about ready to have more babies. I so with they could be TNR'd. I know my girls have to be exhausted at having litter after litter and so few survive. I love them all.
I need to get my shoes on, have this first cup of coffee and get some work done. I fizzled out again yesterday.
Be blessed today, Ladies. Love and prayers….
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I have Wellcare too. It had the best offers and yet was cheaper than all the rest.
The Lord is touching with the pain. As long as I sit quietly I don't feel any pain. I was feeling quite a bit of pain earlier and was praying about it and the Lord just eased it away for me! God is so very good!
I'm off to sit for awhile, feet up.
Love y'all.
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Cool beans!
Oh that's a good report! Yes! God is totally awesome. Mine eases with laying down. Especially now that the dip in my mattress is displaced after several years of sleeping in a ditch! When my legs go numb and my back is screaming, sitting helps too. I often have to stop midway in putting groceries away.
Feet up: reminds me of how thankful I am for my new recliner and being able to put mine up. The old one was oversized and my legs so short it took hard labor to get out of it the two times I let it out. I did use my stability ball or my extra shower chair to prop my feet on tho. I am thankful for the tools we have at our disposal.
I stayed down until 6….and didn't want to get up then but I wanted to feed my cats and take my Tylenol… the bed was so cozy. I think I'll put my lighter blanket on it today and put my heavy one in the wash for Wednesday. Our temps will be in the 80's all week and one day at 91. With my new "chill factor"….I should be able to be frugal with the AC this summer as I am now quite comfy at 76 or so as opposed to 73 and below.
I'm off to get coffee and do my list for the day. Blessings to all…Love you!
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It's strange how just two or three degrees can make a difference! We'll be just at 63 or so today. It's nice out in the sunshine, I was surprised it wasn't warmer!
Today will be a day of rest for me. I'm feeling a little bit nauseous (probably from the antibiotics) and very weak. I was able to walk (with my cane) over to the Net House to practice a song for tomorrow, and then walk back, but I think that is about as much as I can do today! I will be glad when the med starts to help with the inflammation. It almost feels like my body is fighting back, not wanting to give up! LOL! I am so grateful that the Lord knows and in this He is with me and if I must go through it there is something I need to learn or some way I need to grow or someone I need to reach. James 1 gives us a wonderful reason for our trials - the growth of our faith!
Well, it's time for lunch and then down time. Love you ladies very much.
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Last 2 days have been rather busy - glad that most of the running around is finish as I am tired.
Norm had looked at new cars over the last week (we had a 2019 Rio made by KIA) Well they have a big sale going on and were looking for good used cars. Our only had 60,000 miles on it so they had called us to see if we would be interested. I was not really wanting a new car - but we now have a 2025 Kia K4 and it is wonderful. So many more features that are worth having. For instance when you go to back up and a car is coming or someone is about to cross your path, it flashes on the dash with an arrow to see what is happening. Also when you approach a pedestrian crossing it indicates on the dash that you are close - also notices you when you are approaching a curve in the road. There are other features also that make it a good car - and though it is brand new we were able to wheel and deal to get it - they were really wanting to get the sales up. And I must say they are good cars - this is our 3rd one and only reason we have bought new ones is to update to get the new features.Am struggling with the weight - I know what is best to eat but the temptation seems to be getting to me. Have to curb that and get back on track as I am feeling not so good at the weight I am at now (233) so will be taking time to replan my food - make a list of better choices and stick with them.
Waiting to see my doctor re my hearing test and the heart monitor test - no news is good news so they say but I really don't like waiting. And on top of that for some reason I have 2 water blisters on my left leg where the cellitus is - Norm thinks I should pop them to let them drain but I am leaving them alone as I know they will pop on their own and will be very sore when they do. Just making sure the leg stays clean and dry for now.
Well feeling a bit tired (it is now 2:30 pm) so before my daughter returns from respite think I will see if I can get a small nap.
Praying for you wonderfu ladies - may the Lord bless you greatly in all that you do today and in the future.