2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- yes its a do at home program, I haven't done it in awhile, so I don't remember everything, but in the workout I did yesterday there was push ups, chest press, deadlifts, and squats...among other things. But, if you google the workout I know there are sites out there that give a a review of each disc and tells you all the workouts that are on them.

    And yes I know the pictures are for my own good. The only thing I cannot stand seeing pics of are my *kitten*, maybe cause I don't see it often, but I just wish I could make it smaller. And it tends to get bigger when I am running, sooooo its hopeless.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey ladies. Life's been getting in the way of checking in-between work stress and home life stress things are just array. Been staying on top of working out and trying to eat well. Started NROLfW this weekend. Finally gave in to paying for a month of gym membership until DH's gym workdays kick in to equate to free summer gym membership. Just needed to break out of the home workout routine for a bit. With the house being in disarray with the remodel and all of life's other to dos, DH agreed that getting out of the house for an hour or two to hit the weights was needed. Started on Saturday with Workout A, hit up intervals on Sunday, a light walk Monday, and then Workout B today. Got a super light workout planned tomorrow morning to rest up for my Workout A on Thursday. As much as home workouts are necessary and effective, I feel a sense of 'ah' just getting that little break. I am an advocate for both sides of the spectrum given each of our situations. I'm just glad to have the opportunity to switch both back and forth because it keeps me motivated to keep moving forward.

    Chloe- I've heard awesome things about Chalean's program for strength training. A bunch of my MFP friends have done it, and if I hadn't gotten P90x off a friend I would have splurged on that. I think she does a great job of motivating you (at least what I see in Turbo Fire) and makes the workouts effective but also upbeat. Which at 5am, can be helpful! I love Tony, but don't always enjoy him bright and early!!

    Ris-Good luck on your research, I know I've heard similar things. But like Solar said, it feels like forever ago that I read it.

    Kate- Just saw another drop from you on the face page. You are doing amazing. Love your balance for life and fitness. Enjoy your trip, long but so going to be worth it I'm sure!!

    Amy- I'm with you on needing to go to the store for groceries. I opened the produce drawer this AM and saw nothing but wilted lettuce. Clean eating tastes and feels great but I think I'm BFF's with the grocery store cashiers lately!!

    Keep it up ladies. I feel like I'm hit or miss on the boards lately so hopefully things will slow down and I can get back to being active. I've been trying to make sure I prelog my foods since I fail to get in here as much during the day lately. But it's going ok. Chloe- that sugar thing drives me nuts. I ate like 18 sour patch kids and threw my sugar out the window. Darn you DH for having those in your gym bag!! :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Holy moly, chui - that concert sounds *awesome*....yes, go have fun. (fun enough for me, okay? Plus more...)

    Chloe, my "behind" pictures are the ones that make me cry....and, i don't have *running* to blame for making my butt bigger....i have genetics for that one. Blech.

    mama - I'm really glad to read you have started NROL4W. Can't wait to hear what you think!! (and, yes, I think getting out and "to the gym" can be a breather for all SORTS of reasons!)

    gack - I'm supposed to work out after work, but my energy is waning and I can see me driving straight home and spending time with my kids. (this is *why* I do my work-outs at lunch....too much distraction if I wait until after work).

    PS - it's raining. And, I had to work through my lunch.
  • SD2bfit
    SD2bfit Posts: 11
    I just joined up with MFP over the past few days, and I discovered these groups today. I saw one discussion in the "Not That Heavy Girls" and almost left this group. I am frustrated with these stubborn 10-11 lbs. and this new-found bloating that has arrived with the onset of perimenopause over the past 2 years. It is crazy! Of course, I know it's my fault, too. I stopped competing in triathlons 2 years ago, and that must have been the trigger. Now, I work and come home. The trackers on MFP have really helped hold me accountable. Reading your inspiring stories and great support for each other is SO INSPIRING! Any one want to invite friendship to help along the way?? Lost a few lbs. but so easy for the scale to jump up 3-4 lbs. Hope this group can help. People at work just don't understand why I want to lose weight. Because I don't just want my clothes to fit! I want to feel good in my body and my clothes!

    Oh--2 week goals:
    Just try to stick to my goal of 45 min. of exercise per day, and log in each day to MFP. Try to keep counting my calories (some days it is challenging, and depressing! Time to face the music!!)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Man yesterday kicked my @ss at work. I worked through lunch and was busy up until right around when it was time to go home. Back to the grind..... I really didn't want to work out after work for several reasons. I really wanted to just go out, get some dinner out and have a few drinks to blow the day off. But my husband and I are trying to go out less to spend less money so we stayed home and had leftovers and I had A glass of red. I also feel guilty that I get about 4 hours to spedn with my daughter on days I work by the time she gets home from day care and before she goes to sleep. But, I got on the treadmill for about half an hour and did speed intervals which I haven't done in FOREVER. I just started back running about 7 weeks ago and this is the first time on the mill since about then; (weather has been so nice I've been running outside). I must say I was very excited to see how much progress I've made in such a short time. I was struggling those first few times and last night felt so good. Anyways, that was my first "real" workout of the week. We all went for a walk Monday night to hang up fliers for my bro-in-law's concert this weekend but I didn't really get my heart rate up. Still, it was fun to walk around the neighborhood (we live in a neighborhood with lots of restaurants, shops, bars, etc.) with the fam and got a little burn in. I have the next 2 days off so I plan on getting some runs in and my strength session.

    Looks like you all are rockig it. BTW, what is NROL? I see it on here all the time. Hope you're all having a great week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Welcome, SD2bfit, I am not going to guess which thread you are talking about but there are some that would make me leave this group, as well, I just ignore them and hope they go away:wink: I have a friend who is almost 50 and she was always thin, active, former gymnast with a lot of muscle tone, but she has recently gained a bit of layer, and looks softer, so it might be part of aging. I know I don't look as good as I used to, even at the same weight, so I am trying to build muscle now...
    Ashley, NROL is New Rules of Lifting (for Women). That is cool you live in a fun, walkable area. Mine is almost walkable, there is a lake and some stuff on one side of that. I am hopeful that the nearby hospital, which was just vacated will be redeveloped into a cool area of shopping and eating, I can hope!
    Kate, I have not tried IF. I think I could try the 8-hr window thing, but it would be hard for me to do on most days...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Welcome newbie!! This is a great thread to be a part of we are all super supportive, but also tell it like it is!

    I would like to know more about the IF too Kate and more so if you try it how it works for you.

    I would love to try NROL but, I like working out at home. The convenience is key for me. I know my husband has some weights in the basement, but he agrees to stay out of my workout room and I stay out of his :wink: But, I could venture down there and see what he's got and if it would be doable to lift that heavy at home. For Chalean I only have up to 25 lb dumbells.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- quick drop in on the IF thing. I did IF with the eat from 12pm-8pm rule. When I was lifting weights, this worked well for me. I didn't use a BCAA like it is suggested on the website. I tried one and didn't like the taste and didn't want to spend the money on trying another. I've read they come in pill form too, if that's something you are interested in. I considered going back to IF with lifting weights again. At this point, I'm just trying to keep my head above water!! So I've not put much thought into it. But I did find it relatively easy to transition into since breakfast is not one of my favorite meals of the day and mornings are already busy enough without trying to squeeze in a meal.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Reese - thanks! I think it would take some getting used to but that I would end up liking it (if I saw drops!). I'll keep you all updated. I am definitely going to give it a try but I need to research more on how exactly I'll do it. I'm not sure how it would work on "nights out" though! I might have to break it for that.

    Ashley - well done on the running!

    I am going to ahead and say bye for a few days! I might pop in but not promises! I'm going to put my workout tonight in the "optional" category...I don't feel great about it but I don't have 90 minutes to spend from door to door on a workout tonight...we'll see! I will ready to get back on it next week.

    Have a great rest of your week!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- ENJOY YOURSELF!! Have a blast!!

    Chloe- I completely understand what you are saying. I think we all can find effective programs for ourselves where ever they need to be. I'm a 9 months home/3 months gym girl. :laugh: The little break is great for keeping me going, but between convenience of home and snow 6-7months a year- I'm good with lots of home workouts. I had to laugh at your 'he stays, I stay out..' comment. That would be DH and I if we both worked out at home!!

    Amy- I caught some of that the other day when I went through the 'group' part to get to our board. Not exactly what I think you meant when you set up the group. Glad we can hid out in here though!! :drinker:

    Ashley- Saw your loss pop up on my face page. Great job. All your efforts to get movin' and groovin' again post-adorable little one have been effective keep it up girl!! :flowerforyou:

    I just want to say that I am enjoying NROL. It's been kicking my butt and I love it. I have a question for you all though. Squats and Deadlifts. I've been checking and rechecking my form. Watching myself in the mirror and really thinking I'm getting it correct. But all the soreness is in my quads, no soreness in glutes or hamstrings. Not even with step ups and lunges. Am I missing something?!?!?
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    Beeps - I didn't mean to touch a nerve.:flowerforyou: I just thought it was interesting that so many of us who comment here are lawyers or thought seriously about becoming one. I pursued a PhD and an MBA instead, so I'm certainly aware of the hard work and dedication needed to earn a top degree. We're obviously a dedicated and hard-working group here regardless of the letters (or not) behind our names. I'm sorry your sister pulls that kind of stunt with you. It IS annoying when people do things like that, especially family members! My sweet sister invites us to her house for big holidays and prepares 20 different foods/dishes and there's milk or gluten in every single one of them so I can't eat a single thing!!! :sad: Ahhh, the quirks of family members.
    Thanks for the story of finding your nanny. That's funny how a little one-line ad caught your attention. Not sure that method will work for me.

    Chloe - thanks for the info on Chalean - it sounds intense and effective!

    I'm still sick and can't remember what others are up to. I def won't be working out today: I can barely function and after walking down the hall I'm out of breath. Happy Thursday and great workouts to everyone!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I have been a little MIA lately, so I was just quickly scanning posts to get caught up. Wow! This thread moves fast. I have been doing really well at getting back into a regular excercise routine. I started lifting again last Saturday and so far no back pain - yeah! I just need to work on my eating habits. I cannot seem to stay away from sugar!
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    I just want to say that I am enjoying NROL. It's been kicking my butt and I love it. I have a question for you all though. Squats and Deadlifts. I've been checking and rechecking my form. Watching myself in the mirror and really thinking I'm getting it correct. But all the soreness is in my quads, no soreness in glutes or hamstrings. Not even with step ups and lunges. Am I missing something?!?!?

    Mamareese - I feel it mostly in my quads whenever I do squats and lunges, but I do also feel it in my glutes when using higher weights. For whatever reason I don't ever feel it in my hamstrings. I DO feel my hamstrings the day after a hard uphill run, but not after squats or lunges. I'm curious to see others' experiences.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    mama - I had *exactly* the same problem when I started NROL4W. And, even with a personal trainer, it took a LOT to get my GLUTES to fire. I have "lazy" glutes - and my quads take over. There was a link, awhile back, that someone gave me which listed a TON of (additional) exercises you can do to "engage your glutes" - http://www.higher-faster-sports.com/noglutes.html

    It "is" a form issue....and, if you end up continuing to work your quads, they become MORE dominant, making the body parts that are SUPPOSED to be working, work. I *still* have very lazy glutes and I have to FLEX them, really hard, to get them working. But, when you DO get them working, it feels GOOD - and you then go, "ah - ha, that's what it is supposed to feel like..." because your glutes, being the LARGEST muscle in your body, are SUPPOSED to carry A LARGE amount of the load!

    This is a VERY mental thing, for me.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I agree with Beeps on this one.....you really have to concentrate on working those glutes during a deadlift. But, I LOOOOVE when the backs of my legs are sore!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I might have to read up on engaging the glutes, it hadn't occurred to me before, but it will now. Still, no deadlifts tonight, got squats, bench press and barbell/pendley rows.
    I am looking forward to lifting but I have been so sleepy lately, and I was only up 30 minutes earlier today and yesterday.
    I am a big sleeper, though, I need my 8 hours.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I hear you on the "lack of sleep" front, Amy. My daughter, out of the blue, started suffering from insomnia 2 weeks ago and it is TERRIBLE (for the whole household). She has NEVER had problems falling asleep (staying asleep, yes - a few years ago she'd be up in the middle of the night)....and now, it's 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 and she's just wide awake.

  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Beeps - I'm sorry about your daughter having insomnia!! My friend has it and she hates it! She had to take any and all electronics out of her room (no tv, no computer, no phone) and that has helped her a little bit because her body has started to realize that her room is just for sleeping (which is hard with kids because when living at home we use our room as our everything!!) Maybe that'll help though??

    Kate - I tried IF for a little bit last summer.. it was okay... but I didn't really notice a big difference, so I started eating my breakfast again, but it's worth a try!! And I hope you have a fun time at the jazz fest!!!

    Solar - I hope you feel better soon!!

    Abigail - Glad you're back and that you have the okay to work out again! Be careful not to hurt yourself again!

    Sorry I've been MIA this week! Work was absolutely CRAZY!! I feel like the dummy in this group!! I have my BS in Textile, Fashion Merchandising & Design... and that's it.... But I'm not complaining, I went to school for something I really love and ended up basically being the valedictorian of my major (highest GPA out of my class for the major) so I guess I'm not that dumb... just not lawyer status!!

    I haven't gotten all the workouts in that I wanted to this week, but I went from work, right home to work on some projects for class.. needless to say I'm a wee bit tired! I did do some weights at home yesterday and I'll be going to the gym today, so that will be good! Tomorrow my bf and I will be going to Newport and doing a lot of walking, so that will be nice to get some form of "exercise" with him! My eating has been okay... not great.. but okay. Hopefully I'll be able to control myself this weekend better, I'll try to keep myself from buying snack foods with him!

    Do any of you do single leg work outs?? Such as single leg deadlifts or single leg rows?? What are your opinions on them??
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    YAY its Friday!!! What a loooong week this has been!

    Happy to say so far this week I have stayed completely clean except for one slip up with a granola bar. Got all my workouts done. Yesterday my run was pretty weak for some reason, but still got my planned 5K in. Tonight is is Chalean and tomorrow my 8K run. Sunday is a planned rest day or if I feel like it a cross training cardio day. I have my weekend planned out and am ready to tackle it! I have drinks planned for tonight and tomorrow, but withing my calorie limit.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    This board does move fast! It's been a busy week at work so I don't have too much time to comment, but a few things:


    Shander--I don't do a lot of single leg workouts, just leg extensions, but I want to start doing single leg squats as well. When I had a trainer he was all for them because they prevent you from favoring your dominant leg. And BTW that's awesome that you were the vadledictorian of your major! I have a good friend who's a designer for Lane Bryant and from what I can tell it's a pretty competitive area, being a fashion designer sounds so glamorous that tons of people want to do it, but not many can really hack it.