Daily Chat Thread



  • mercury8826
    <Intimidated> Hello to all you Veterans on the thread. ^^; I just want to put my foot in the door and see if I can join this group a little more than just, well, "joining the group". I am very new to this, just bought the book last week and started S1 A1 this morning. It was tough but the soreness is already gone (for now, lol) and I feel very energized. I'm reading all the NSVs you guys have been posting and its beyond encouraging! I can't wait to post a few of my own!

    So nice to meet you, and I hope get on the same level of awesome that you guys are at. =D
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope you had a great weekend.

    I am on my rest week between Stage 2 and 3, and managed to get some fantastic cardio in this past weekend - a 30 mile ride on Saturday, and a 5 mile run and 2.5 mile walk on Sunday.

    I also spent some quality time in my closet, trying on absolutely everything I own. Well, the verdict is in...NROL4W is AWESOME! All of my size 10s are in a pile for a girlfriend of mine, and most of my 8s fit or are just a bit big (but still look professional, provided I wear a belt). But I'm thinking that in another month or two I'll be out of those too. My body shape has really changed, and despite being smaller, I have more curves (lol...this from a girl with 34DD boobs!) and look so much better in clothes. Anyway, my NSV for the weekend was trying on clothes and sending pics of how big they are to my sweetie. Can't wait for next month's trip to NYC...I'm thinking there might be a bit of shopping to be done! Particularly since I've now given away all of my fall/winter clothes!

    Beeps: I've never heard of Femsport, but it looks amazing! I hope it comes to Winnipeg one day too.
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Oh, and pardon my rudeness! Welcome jojo and mercury. :)
  • mercury8826
    Hi Joanne, That sounds like an amazing nsv. You must've felt great that day. I just purged my closet this weekend, but I'm still the same size as always, so it wasn't that exciting. ^^;; I hope to purge again in the next couple of months to find a very different result/feeling. Shopping in NYC sounds exciting and that's a great way to reward yourself for all your hard work. =D
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Joanne - what a terrific NSV!!! I can't wait until my 10s are too large, but I don't have any 8s waiting in my closet, so I will definitely have to go clothes shopping then. Shopping in NYC would be awesome, keep working and you'll get there!!!

    mercury - welcome!!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi, Mercury and welcome. Don't feel inferior. We were all new to the program.

    Time to head to the gym for last WOA in stage 4. :bigsmile: sure do dread the step ups though :sad:
  • danielle5243
    danielle5243 Posts: 30 Member
    Oh Joanne, I'm so envious! Congrats on being in the single digits. I've been teeter tottering between an 8 and a 10 for about a year now. I'm so sick of being right in between (constantly yanking my 10's up but can't quite breath comfortably in an 8). I cannot wait for the day when my 8's button with ease! Keep up the great work! It's inspiring!
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi everyone!! I just got home from vacation last night. I tried to read through most of the posts I'd missed, but I feel like I was gone forever! There were several pages!

    I didn't do so great on vacation. I am up 4 lbs on the scale. Some is water, some is too many calories. :-/ Anyway,back to the real world. I start stage 4 this week. I am looking foreword to getting back to normal.

    Dh and I have been looking into Paleo. Or at least mostly paleo. Does anyone eat this way? My husband really needs to lose weight, and he is really interested in this.

    I eat paleo (mostly - I do have some wine and a small amount of cheese and diary). The Primal Blueprint is a great place to start, and the Primal cook books are excellent (available for kindle too). With a g/f I run a low carb /paleo recipe ( and forum) website here in New Zealand. I started off low carb 4 years ago but over the last 18 months have naturally progressed to paleo, you do need to be keen to cook real food though, paleo isn't about products.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    ...and thank you all so much for the kind welcomes :)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    LOL I love how you all are talking about size 10s! I'll be very happy to fit into a size 10!! Joanne awesome NSV. It's fun to do that! Go through the clothes and take out all those BIG clothes. I got rid of all my 16s this spring, and wow I was such a happy camper!! Didn't save a one "just in case" cuz there's not going to be one of those anymore!

    I guess I did things really right yesterday, I'm stiff, and slightly sore, and my back muscles are feeling tight! Stretching is helping, and none of it is bad pain, just letting me know that I worked 'em!

    Mercury, welcome! I know the feeling, but believe me when I tell you that the women here are incredibly supportive. I'm only on Stage 1 myself, and I've had so many questions, and I've asked them! You should do the same! There's an incredible amount of experience here!

    So, my followup pap is also abnormal. My next appointment will be with a surgeon, and she and I will discuss all the possibilities, but honestly, this every 3 months and not knowing what's going on in between makes me more certain that the surgery will be my best option long-term, even if it means I can't lift for 6 weeks to 2 months. My sister has fully healed and is back at work with no repurcussions whatsoever. The doctor I'll be seeing comes highly recommended by both my GYN and my internist. I'll let you know what I find out after I see her - I'm guessing sometime next week or so.

    M, why do you dread the step ups? I missed something? I just find them incredibly boring, though they are effective I believe!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Hi, Mercury and welcome. Don't feel inferior. We were all new to the program.

    Time to head to the gym for last WOA in stage 4. :bigsmile: sure do dread the step ups though :sad:

    I like the step ups b/c I get super winded and feel like I"m making progress. Planking is a different story. I hate them and they make me feel physically AND mentally weak. Booooo!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sue, I can't increase weights for one. I find myself bending over just to get up on the bench if I do. And I get super winded LOL

    I am so glad WOA 4 is over!! woohoo! I pulled a muscle in my back -can barely walk. Planks were not my best either only did 63 secs and 38 secs on the floor. I increased my weight on the woodchop and think that's where I hurt it.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Mary - do you use dumbbells or the barbell on the step ups? I really don't care for them either, just because they really make me work hard. LOL!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    jen, I use (2) ten pound dumbbells
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Does your gym have weighted barbells you could use? I know I really prefer the barbell because I don't feel like I lean over as much as I was using dumbbells.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have to do them again??? Stage 7? oh Lord, please no.... If so, I'll try the women's OLY bar (35 pound) and then progress to men's OLY bar if I can.
  • mercury8826
    I'm sorry to hear about your pulled muscle, Manic! D= That's never fun to live with something like that. >_< But on the bright side, at least you got it at the start of your week break, right? ^^ So you'll have a good amount of time to recover.

    I've only had one workout and the step ups didn't bother me nearly as much as the squats did. Gawd! I had to think I was so impressive! Normal squats are not very challenging, and I can't do the "heavy goblet" because my wrist has been acting up again, so I decided to do the empty barbell. I didn't actually realize till my dad told me that the empty barbell was 45 lbs.. @__@ I was able to do them though! Every last rep! So I think I'm going to continue to use the barbell and see where that takes me. ^_^

    Btw, did you guys have trouble with the "prone jackknife"? Its such a weird, different move, and I don't know if I'm doing it right. @_@
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Mercury, here is the prone jackknife http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szyy3-K_Yz8
    and the harder pike http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIx4JGxwL8c. You can find all the exercises on youtube and bodybuidling.com

    I am EXHAUSTED from our day at the theme park yesterday. We did some serious walking! and had the most fun yet besides the oppressive heat. Lifting postponed until tomorrow. Bummer since my plans for the pool were cancelled.

    Joanne, great NSV, and Sue I'll send you my 10's though they may be stretched out a bit Lol.
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Good morning all,

    Yesterday I finished stage 1 and I am looking forward to starting Stage 2 after this week off.
    During this wek I plan to kick start my running as I have a major road race in 4 weeks - it is only 7.1 miles but it is mostly hills.

    I haven't really run since I completed my first half marathon on May 27th, but I should be ok - this heat is killer though.

    I plan to take my measurements and pics after stage 2 as I don't feel/see any difference from stage 1.

    I also plan to pay special sttention to my form in the coming stages and I may even ask a trainer at my gym to go over the form for these exercises - especially the front squat, push press as we do not have any olympic bars at the gym(I may have to use the smith machine or a curl bar)

    Have a great lifting week!!!

  • mercury8826
    Sam, Thank you! That helps a lot! I feel so silly, I'm a Youtube rat, and I never thought to look up the workouts on Youtube. ^^;