DeeDiddyGee's C25K - Starting....NOW! (October 2015)

This is a new group! Who would like to join me in doing a new cycle of C25K (Couch to 5K)? I used this program a couple of years ago with great success! It's a walk/run program. Week 1 entails 2 minutes of walking with 1 minute of "running," 3 times per week. I do it on M/W/F! I prefer to do it on a treadmill so that I can't use the "crappy weather" excuse. You can download this 8-week "course" at It is totally free. You plug in your headset and run the program through your phone. Join me!
Owner: DeeDiddyGeeLeaders: DeeDiddyGeeCreated on September 30, 201514 membersPrivacy: Public



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