I have lost 167.2 lb. I am currently in maintenance. I now weigh 157 lb., and I am 662 days into my journey. I feel like I used to carry another grown man on my shoulders 24/7, 7 days a week and now I have finally got him off my back. You can do it. I call it stick-to-a-tivity. Stick to your goals and climb down off that…
Hi everyone. I am preparing for gastric sleeve surgery and today I have my last meeting with the bariatric doctors. I have lost 50 lbs so far and initially weighed 325 lbs. I am 67. I am trying to change my perception about food, eat to live not live to eat. I think that is key. My reason for overeating has many factors.…
Congratulations, I was the same weight as you three months ago (324.2 lb) when I started and have lost 48 lbs so far. My goal is to lose 139 lb. I am prepping for gastric sleeve surgery. I have lost over 100 lb twice before, I am 67 years old. Eventually it comes back, so I hope this works. Now I have a team of bariatric…
You may want to adjust your protein suggestion to 0.8 times your weight in kg or you will have 300 pound people trying to eat 300 grams of protein a day.
click on the Hello Healthy View All section this site. A begginer guide to eating low sodium was recently posted, maybe two weeks ago. Anyway it is a good primer. Feel free to friend me. I have CHF as well and manage it quite well.
substitute swiss cheese for the string cheese. red bell peppers aren't that high. double check that. eliminate eggs period. choose another protein source. Eliminate bread from your diet and eat Wasa crackers (Walmart) instead. If you must eat bread eat tuscan bread. Tuscan bread is traditionally made without salt. It was a…
Some dried beans are toxic and require traditional soaking or you will get sick. Do not cook beans directly in crockpots, microwaves or ovens in the same water used for soaking. The toxin in beans is leached out in the soak water and must be discarded. One that comes to mind are kidney beans, but I believe at least fava…
Unsweetened cocoa powder is the best alternative. I love it and the isoflavones in pure cocoa is very good for you. I like to blend it into fruits. A whole tablespoon of cocoa powder is only 12 calories. I put a tbsp in with 100 grams of strawberries and make a nice smoothie that is only 44 cal. You'll be surprised. The…
Thank you. It works fine for me and agrees with what my other phone app predicts.
Wow you are an inspiration to me. Your story sounds like mine. I have heart disease and had a 50% chance to live 4 more years in 2012. Then in 2014, I went into the hospital and they took 20 lbs off me in a week then I went home and lost 80 more lbs. I kicked my c-pap too and had an episode of gout when I ate too much…
Thank you for the compliments. My Cardiologist is very proud of me. My heart is much much better and yes I am under his care. He has reduced my carvedilol to the lowest level and he is considering reducing my afib medicine but that will require hospital monitoring. My lasix (80mg/day) is half what it used to be. I am very…
If you are just starting to cook, then learn the correct way. Do a google search for Chef John. He is the head chef at and has his own blog. The nice thing is, he has a video for every recipe and he does things correctly. So, subscribe to his blog and start up with and create an online recipe…
Sign me up!
My goal is to lose 100 lbs in 6 months. I am very close to doing it. I weighed 342 on Sept 8, 2014 and now weigh 244.5. I did something similar back when I was 50 years old. Unfortunately I did it by eating high protein, low carb. That diet is not a lifetime diet and I don't recommend it. Good luck everyone just keep it…
Just get a scale!!!
No I don't agree.
That's very true
Thank you for sharing this info !
If you are looking for a low sodium soy sauce replacement check out China Town Soy Sauce. It only has 145 mg/Tbl sodium. That is the lowest I have ever seen. The addition of salt is declared in their product.
Bragg's has 320 mg/tsp of sodium which is quite a lot. That is according to their website. Bragg's also say that they add no salt and all of the saltiness is due to the normal amount of sodium in soybeans. When I checked out what he said about soybeans with the USDA, I found that soybeans do not contain much sodium at all.…
If anyone needs a source for hard to find low sodium ingredients try I have not bought from them, so I can't vouch for them that way. They're from Minnesota and a little pricey, but at least you can see what is available.
I have the same heart problems and my diary is open, if you need suggestions. Try this recipe You'll never know there is no salt in it. Mexican Bean Salad 173g/serving Servings 10 calories per serving 285 adapted from (use their directions) 15…
I used to not care about my sodium intake. Then 2 years ago on Christmas Eve after having eaten lots and lots of sodium, I had a major heart problem that left me unable to work and on disability because of it. So, to me, the most important thing I could preach is "cut your sodium to very low levels." You need far less than…
I used to be a handsome man, but since I gained so much weight, I don't let anyone take my picture. I am so embarrassed. You know the old adage that "all fat people look alike." I had to go to my sons wedding and of course many pictures were taken of me. None were very flattering. Well there isn't a better motivator than…
I was 342 lbs on Sept. 8, 2014, went in the hospital a few days for it and now I'm 264 lbs. No surgery!
In my younger days when I could lift weights, they did what was called the zig zag method. It is similar but a bit more complex and really works. The body builders used it to define the abs. It takes off that last little bit of fat that is almost impossible to get rid of.
Add me Rebecca. I want to lose 180 lbs. I started September 8, 2014 and have lost 72.5 so far.
Use your favorite egg strada recipe but put tater tots on the top level.