erikgoya Member


  • well it partly has to do with how the MFP calculator is weird. There are plenty of other calculators that you can use as a resource instead. You use them to calculate your approximate TDEE and BMR. You choose a number, and eat at that calorie rate. MFP likes to be weird if you use the automatic settings, so. Go and find…
    in CICO? Comment by erikgoya April 2015
  • I just started keto myself a few days ago, so far its going okay, no keto flu for me that I've noticed. Results vary from person to person as with any diet. Some people have lost 20+ pounds in two months and continue to drop; some people barely lose 5. Just try it out for two or three months, if you aren't getting the…
  • Depends on the eating program you follow. For example, if you follow keto, you'll limit your carb intake to 5% (20ish grams), your protein to ~25% and fat to ~70%. If you're following a calorie in calorie out (CICO) approach, then it doesn't really matter so long as you stay under your TDEE and above your BMR. But, CICO is…
  • Mon: rest Tues: cardio Wed: upper body Thur: rest Fri: lower body Sat: cardio Sun: upper body The following week I switch my weights around so: Wed: lower body Fri: upper Sun: lower I don't really concentrate on abs. I might throw in some ab workout on my lower body days because I don't cycle through so many exercises.
  • All of that stuff about fiber/fibre is accurate. As for meal ideas, do you have a Pinterest? There's loads of recipes and stuff on there. There's also websites like caveman keto. Loads of good recipes there as well. Don't be afraid of the bacon grease too!
  • Just find something you like to do. Cardio is the optimal way to lose weight, but you'll lose muscle mass if you don't keep up at least some strength training. Plus, more muscle mass = more calories burned at rest. Also, your post is very vague, so I'd say to do cardio 3x a week strength 2x a week, rest on the 7th. Or just…
  • While I know plenty of people that have lost weight on the product...I still have to side with everyone else telling you to not waste your money. They will always try to get you to buy more of the shakes or their other products and its just a huge waste of money that you could be using differently. I've also noticed that…
  • As everyone said above, I would suggest free weights over machines, but if you have dizzyness problems, dont worry about it. The only one I WILL object to is the smith machine (the squat machine). They run along a predetermined path and don't allow you to squat naturally. This can cause posture and back problems in the…
  • She commented later that's she's 169 pounds, but even without knowing that, OP said that they're 5'6" and 20 years old. If that doesnt clearly scream that she needs more than 1200 calories, I dunno what does. Regardless, OP, you need to get over your fear of carbs and calories. Find out what your TDEE and BMR are and eat…
  • 1100 or 1200 is way too low. Bump up to 1400 or even 1600. I'm 5'5" and I eat closer to 1700 or 1800 to lose (granted I'm a bit bulkier at 200lbs). You need to eat a sufficient amount of calories to fuel your body. Dont, I repeat, DONT be afraid of calories. Calories are energy. Your body NEEDS energy. The big 3 sources of…
  • Eat something small and light an hour-ish before you workout, and then eat a proper meal after. Trying to operate normally after a workout with no food in your stomach = a very bad time. And yes, this applies even if it was a late night workout. Your body needs to refuel and repair itself. The only exception to this is of…
  • Motivation is temporary. Make it a habit. It takes 21 days or so of something for it to become a habit. Even if you don't have the motivation, you'll end up working out. Trust me, after it becomes a habit to work out 4-5 times a week, a week without exercise just feels weird. And you feel the NEED to work out rather than…
  • ^all of that stuff they said. If you want to consider keto, drop carbs to 5%. That's about 20-30grams a day. Fat at 70-75%, protein at 20-25% Some people do 5/20/80 c/p/f, but that's a little to low on the protein side for me. A lot of people swear by keto, but do your research. Dunno if it helps, but Gabriel iglesias (the…
  • Its a weird thing the way that works. I'm a bit weird though; the left side of my body is "bigger" or "more defined" by my right side (dominant) is stronger. Go figure. Don't worry about it too much OP
  • Buying in bulk is where its at (if you have the fridge/freezer space). A 5lb bag of brown rice will take a while to get through and won't go bad fast. Frozen veggies usually come in 10 for $10 type of deals if you buy generic. Peanut butter, nuff said. Freezing bread loaves is a good idea too. Buy the generic brand of raw…
  • Not too much prior experience with 5x5 results, but so far as your "after" be careful about your food intake. If you're looking to gain muscle mass, you've got a good program, just make sure to go on a "lean bulk". A " dirty" bulk usually leads to some fat gain as well as muscle gain, and I doubt you want to deal with…
  • We're talking about stronglifts 5x5, right? You can continue to do the 5 exercises and the ABA pattern, that's fine, but don't bother adding the weight progressively. While on a deficit trying to cut weight, you'll stall on your lifts a lot quicker than maintaining or bulking. Just set the weight to 70-80% of your max, and…
  • Ironically, because I HATE using them for dead lifts. I find that they actually make my bar crooked rather than straight.
  • Pet peeves... Long list coming at you. Watching people not squat to parallel. A group of people dead lifting with terrible form (I've seen 3 people all lift with backs like a camel) People who put on a belt to lift just the bar. The inevitable group of guys that gather around one incline bench hogging about half a dozen…
  • Leg workouts are TOTALLY worth doing. While you can't spot reduce, you'll build strength and tone them up so they look good once you DO lose the fat. So far as compound weight training goes, Squats and lunges (normal and side) are the way to go; Romanian dead lifts to hit your hammies/lower back too, if you're up to it…
  • ^what they all said. Only thing I have to add is to ease off the workouts. Your body needs at least one rest day a week.
  • 20 5'5" Starting weight: 210ish Current weight: 205ish Fatloss Goal weight: 150-160ish Ultimate Goal Weight: 180+? I want to lose the fat and then get on a clean bulk. I lift 3x a week, so body weight is hardly something I pay attention to, even while being in a deficit. Body fat wise, I'm in the 30%-40% area and I'd like…
  • I've only ever heard of keto flu. I know that that supposedly comes from the 10-30ish days it takes your body to adjust to using fat as energy rather than carbs. Your body is essentially used to one fuel source and has a time period in which it gets used to the new fuel source. Common symptoms are usually just grogginess,…
  • You'll find that just chicken veggies and eggs won't be enough eventually. Might as well add some fats and just go full keto. Nuts and cheese will be your friend, and some fattier meats too.
  • Alright, thanks for input guys!
  • For intense cardio, Metallica for sure. Lifting is all hip hop and pop. Squatting in time when the bass drops is a beautiful thing.
  • Eating some cottage cheese before bed works. The protein in it takes some time to break down, so your stomach will be busy 'eating' that until you wake up for breakfast. Throughout the day... If you're hungry, eat! Make sure you aren't starving yourself accidentally, really get to know your macros and your BMR/tdee. You…
  • BMR is the amount of calories needed to keep your body alive if you were comatose, TDEE is the amount you need in order to keep your maintain your weight. So your deficit should be a number in between those two. Its an amount underneath the calories you need to eat in order to maintain your weight, but above the amount…
  • Your thighs are fine girl, don't worry about that (thick thighs are the way to go anyways c; ) But if you want your strength back, but don't want your thighs to get too big, just keep away from lifting for hypertrophy (google it). Avoid high reps, but still squat heavy (or whatever leg workout you do). Muscle growth is…