Herbalife - anyone using the products?



  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    A long time ago, I had a client start this product about 3 months after having a baby. She wound up on the psych ward after the product pushed her into a manic phase and she didn't sleep for about a week. It was a very frightening experience for her.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Camarose79 wrote: »
    Well for me, being fat all these years while walking and biking everywhere, obviously I've also been eating way too much. It's not like I didn't do any exercise at all and just got up walking and lost as much weight as someone else who just started exercising. You can make a shake just with fruit, yogurt, milk, water, or whatever you want, and not buy any Herbalife shake. Do what you like. It's helping me. I have had a lot of bad health habits for many years. I don't know what struggles the other commenters have had or how much work they've done to get fit. What is this a competition? I'VE lost 8 pounds and that makes me successful! I fit into my new jeans now! AND I'm using Herbalife shakes. As well as exercising. Tracking food. Counting calories. Making better food choices than I have in the past. Being more aware of what I eat. Learning as I go. Meh. I'm still winning.

    I think the other posters were trying to point out that weight loss is possible without products like Herbalife, not to "compete" with you.

    And I'm glad that you are happy with your success and with the products, but think about it. You said:
    I'm using Herbalife shakes. As well as exercising. Tracking food. Counting calories. Making better food choices than I have in the past. Being more aware of what I eat.

    Don't you think you'd be just as successful doing all of that minus the Herbalife? As well as learning better eating habits? All the money that you save from just dropping the Herbalife and doing all the other things that you mentioned could be spent on something worthwhile.

    And don't think that any hostility that you may have read in my original post was aimed at you - it's more aimed at the companies themselves, which spread lies and prey on the people who are desperate to lose weight and may not know that much about nutrition. Not the people who actually fall victim to their sales tactics (let's face it, they're aggressive and the sales pitches can be pretty convincing at times). I am so excited that I finally realized that I don't need to spend money on products like Herbalife to lose weight that I want to help others realize it, too.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    fbmandy55 wrote: »
    Camarose79 wrote: »
    I didn't even have a car for the last 7 years. I walk and ride a bike everywhere. Yes exercise is free but for me, I appreciate having the structure of a specific time and place to work out, with instruction. Works better for me. I've been fat and out of shape for almost my whole life. What I'm doing now is making me feel better. So what if Herbalife isn't the top product out there, I've been eating crap food choices for years and years already! Most of you previous commenters have a pretty awesome looking bod in your profile pics, I'm guessing you haven't been considered obese in your lifetime. And how many if you don't use ANY kind of muscle milk, plant protein powder, protein shake, or pre or post workout product? Who cares what product I'm using. It's helping me.

    How do you know they haven't been obese???? Maybe they have just worked really hard for their awesome looking bod. I think you will find many people on MFP in that boat.

    <----twas obese less than 2 years ago... No magical shakes needed.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Camarose79 wrote: »
    Btw I've lost about 8 lbs in 3 months.

    I've lost 30 pounds in 4 months by eating less and moving more.

    Spent no money doing it either.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Camarose79 wrote: »
    I didn't even have a car for the last 7 years. I walk and ride a bike everywhere. Yes exercise is free but for me, I appreciate having the structure of a specific time and place to work out, with instruction. Works better for me. I've been fat and out of shape for almost my whole life. What I'm doing now is making me feel better. So what if Herbalife isn't the top product out there, I've been eating crap food choices for years and years already! Most of you previous commenters have a pretty awesome looking bod in your profile pics, I'm guessing you haven't been considered obese in your lifetime. And how many if you don't use ANY kind of muscle milk, plant protein powder, protein shake, or pre or post workout product? Who cares what product I'm using. It's helping me.

    I've been fat and out of shape most of my life too.

    I've also tried a bunch of gimmicks.

    They don't work in the long run.

    The secret to losing weight is to get to the root of the issues of what caused you to overeat and deal with them and then to break the behavioral patterns you've developed over the years in regards to overeating. The bottom line to both parts of that sentence is accepting responsibility for both things and resolving to move forward.

    After that? This site is a great tool. Sign up, plug in your stats, create a calorie deficit. Read the forums. Learn some more about nutrition. Start making better food choices. One food at a time. You're building a lifestyle. It's okay to take baby steps.

    The people here who use protein shakes (I'm one of them) use them to supplement an already healthy overall way of eating. For example, I'm a vegetarian. I use shakes to supplement my protein intake. I buy a high quality one from a reputable company for that purpose.

    You don't need to throw money away on something as sketchy and potentially dangerous to your health as Herbalife.

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hornsby wrote: »
    fbmandy55 wrote: »
    Camarose79 wrote: »
    I didn't even have a car for the last 7 years. I walk and ride a bike everywhere. Yes exercise is free but for me, I appreciate having the structure of a specific time and place to work out, with instruction. Works better for me. I've been fat and out of shape for almost my whole life. What I'm doing now is making me feel better. So what if Herbalife isn't the top product out there, I've been eating crap food choices for years and years already! Most of you previous commenters have a pretty awesome looking bod in your profile pics, I'm guessing you haven't been considered obese in your lifetime. And how many if you don't use ANY kind of muscle milk, plant protein powder, protein shake, or pre or post workout product? Who cares what product I'm using. It's helping me.

    How do you know they haven't been obese???? Maybe they have just worked really hard for their awesome looking bod. I think you will find many people on MFP in that boat.

    <----twas obese less than 2 years ago... No magical shakes needed.

    I agree though, can't make assumptions like that. I've been an active member of MFP since August 2011. ;)

    Also, yes, I was in the Obese BMI range when i started. And when i started i had the same mentality. The amount of dumb stuff i tried (think pills/shakes/fad diets), only doing cardio, trying to go vegan, etc. It wasn't until I posted on the forums with questions that i learned about nutrition, proper exercise for my goals, etc. I wish i had done so sooner and not wasted the 4-ish months when i first started!

    It was the tough love and no BS approach that helped me reach my goals and help me maintain a 18% body fat physique year round.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    At my high point I was just a shade under 300 pounds, and honestly, it would not surprise me if I tipped the scales at 300+ and just didn't know it. At 5'11" I'm pretty sure that put me in the morbidly obese category. I never used any "weight loss" gimmicks, and I'm currently in search of 10% body fat by the end of the year. Herbalife, and all other such products do little or nothing for you, and you have to pay through the nose to receive the nothing that is provided. It's a scam, and people that defend it are either diluted, or complicit. Sorry if the truth stings, but it is what it is. I'd save your money in the future.

  • Camarose79
    Camarose79 Posts: 86 Member
    I know it's obvious and common sense to just eat less, exercise more. For me, being fat and unhealthy has been a lifelong struggle. Chrisandleahtotheend stared this post just asking if anyone uses Herbalife and I do. I also used it more than ten years ago and lost weight then too. At another point I just walked 5 km a day and lost weight. Another point I did karate for 2.5 years and lost weight. Now, at THIS point, Im just having a herbalife shake once a day. I'm not a die hard promoter of it, but im not against it. It was my Herbalife distributor that told me to go on my fitness pal and start tracking my food. And I'm having results. It's a lifelong struggle to permanently change my lifestyle for the better. Congrats to all of you who are also trying.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Camarose79 wrote: »
    I know it's obvious and common sense to just eat less, exercise more. For me, being fat and unhealthy has been a lifelong struggle. Chrisandleahtotheend stared this post just asking if anyone uses Herbalife and I do. I also used it more than ten years ago and lost weight then too. At another point I just walked 5 km a day and lost weight. Another point I did karate for 2.5 years and lost weight. Now, at THIS point, Im just having a herbalife shake once a day. I'm not a die hard promoter of it, but im not against it. It was my Herbalife distributor that told me to go on my fitness pal and start tracking my food. And I'm having results. It's a lifelong struggle to permanently change my lifestyle for the better. Congrats to all of you who are also trying.

    Im curious (not being facetious), What do the shakes offer you that a protein shake or real food doesn't offer?
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Camarose79 wrote: »
    I know it's obvious and common sense to just eat less, exercise more. For me, being fat and unhealthy has been a lifelong struggle. Chrisandleahtotheend stared this post just asking if anyone uses Herbalife and I do. I also used it more than ten years ago and lost weight then too. At another point I just walked 5 km a day and lost weight. Another point I did karate for 2.5 years and lost weight. Now, at THIS point, Im just having a herbalife shake once a day. I'm not a die hard promoter of it, but im not against it. It was my Herbalife distributor that told me to go on my fitness pal and start tracking my food. And I'm having results. It's a lifelong struggle to permanently change my lifestyle for the better. Congrats to all of you who are also trying.

    Im curious (not being facetious), What do the shakes offer you that a protein shake or real food doesn't offer?

    The opportunity to join a pyramid scheme
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Camarose79 wrote: »
    I know it's obvious and common sense to just eat less, exercise more. For me, being fat and unhealthy has been a lifelong struggle. Chrisandleahtotheend stared this post just asking if anyone uses Herbalife and I do. I also used it more than ten years ago and lost weight then too. At another point I just walked 5 km a day and lost weight. Another point I did karate for 2.5 years and lost weight. Now, at THIS point, Im just having a herbalife shake once a day. I'm not a die hard promoter of it, but im not against it. It was my Herbalife distributor that told me to go on my fitness pal and start tracking my food. And I'm having results. It's a lifelong struggle to permanently change my lifestyle for the better. Congrats to all of you who are also trying.
    Did you keep the weight off 10 years ago? Why the need to lose more?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Camarose79 wrote: »
    I also used it more than ten years ago and lost weight then too.

    So it didn't work then and you want to try it again?

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Camarose79 wrote: »
    I know it's obvious and common sense to just eat less, exercise more. For me, being fat and unhealthy has been a lifelong struggle. Chrisandleahtotheend stared this post just asking if anyone uses Herbalife and I do. I also used it more than ten years ago and lost weight then too. At another point I just walked 5 km a day and lost weight. Another point I did karate for 2.5 years and lost weight. Now, at THIS point, Im just having a herbalife shake once a day. I'm not a die hard promoter of it, but im not against it. It was my Herbalife distributor that told me to go on my fitness pal and start tracking my food. And I'm having results. It's a lifelong struggle to permanently change my lifestyle for the better. Congrats to all of you who are also trying.
    Did you keep the weight off 10 years ago? Why the need to lose more?

    Yes, i see where you are going with this...
  • erikgoya
    erikgoya Posts: 77 Member
    While I know plenty of people that have lost weight on the product...I still have to side with everyone else telling you to not waste your money.

    They will always try to get you to buy more of the shakes or their other products and its just a huge waste of money that you could be using differently.

    I've also noticed that while people on Herbalife tend to lose weight, they hardly ever seem to get "toned", just kinda skinny-fat. But that might just be because of all the cardio they do.

    My advice: ditch the products, switch to a CICO approach, or keto, or paleo, or iifym, or whatever. Find a cheaper meal replacement shake if you INSIST, but whole foods will always be better.
  • cheezels83
    cheezels83 Posts: 62 Member
    edited April 2015
    I did it for a year and even though the lady was a nurse and knew I had an underactive thyroid, she said NOTHING about the product affecting my medication. The shakes are soya based. I kept going as it was a weekly weigh in with others but looking back it was such a waste of time and energy.
    I lost next to nothing while taking two shakes per day and 5 gym classes per week. In fact I got sicker and sicker. It was not until I cut all soya from my diet that my meds went into overload and the connection was made. (My doc had kept on increasing my thyroid meds as my blood results were shocking and even they were unsure about why it wasn't working like it should. I didn't know at the time that Soya should be avoided by people with thyroid problems until it was too late. )
    I also made the shakes with soya milk as I am milk intolerant.

    I now use an egg protein powder that I make with greek yoghurt, (it doesn't affect me like milk does and normal yoghurts for some crazy reason), and almond milk for my breakfast most of the time. When I feel like it I sometimes also throw in blueberries or raspberries.
    I like having a shake like this for breakfast as I don't feel hungry until lunchtime plus I don't have to think about what I will have and so on.

    This stuff is overpriced for what it is and before long the person who is "the leader of the group" will approach you to think about selling it yourself, with the premise that you will be able to buy it cheaper for yourself. Don't do it.

    If you want to go the shake route go to a health shop and check out the various tubs of protein powder that you can buy. There are many different types and usually a great range of flavours.

    But Herbalife? Run.
    As fast as you can in the opposite direction.