sweetpea813 Member


  • Me! I did CICO for about a year and a half and lost around 30 pounds then hit a major wall for months. I got on keto last week and dropped almost 8 pounds already. I know it's probably water weight but my belly bloat went away and I have never felt better. My doctor suggested low carb because I kept complaining of my…
    in Keto Comment by sweetpea813 October 2017
  • I'm right there with you. Summer is the worst for me with BBQ's, beer, vacation and kids wanting a trip for ice cream. I gained back 10 and felt pretty bad about myself because I had done so well. I hopped back on the wagon and slowly got back into it. I know how you feel and it sucks. But you caught it in time before you…
  • Orgain Organic Nutritional Shake on Amazon or at CVS. It is pre-made and very good. I don't like protein shakes but I really like this one. It has 16 grams of protein.
  • Coffee with heavy whipping cream and a Siggi's yogurt and maybe a boiled egg or 2. I get light headed if I don't eat.
  • I just read this quote in another weight loss forum... "Stop rewarding yourself with food, you're not a dog." I put it on my refrigerator.
  • If you feel the need to drink acv, drink it thru a straw. My dentist said that it will damage your enamel.
  • I got the Paragard in October of 2016. I had some cramping the first few days after but that was it. I have heavier periods but no cramps during my cycle but I also exercise a lot and I think that keeps the cramping to a minimum. I chose Paragard because I didn't want any more hormones because they messed with my mood. I…
  • Ugh I hate running. I find it incredibly boring but I have friends that love it. I had to find something that I looked forward to doing. If you hate it, chances are you will find excuses not to do it. I hate running but I can walk/hike for miles. I tried Zumba and got hooked. I go to about 4-5 classes a week and I get…
  • I use them for a cushion. If I'm hungry, I'll eat. If I'm not hungry, I leave them. But I'm at 1600 calories a day. I would eat them if I was at 1280.
  • I've suffered from depression and really bad anxiety for over 10 years. When I started losing weight and exercising in 2016, it started getting better. Now, I only get down if something happens and I can't exercise for days at a time (like sickness). I think I had situational depression. I wasn't happy with my appearance…
  • I bought a shirt off the rack yesterday without trying it on at the store. I got home and tried it on and it was too big! I had to go return it and buy a medium!!
  • His diet is TERRIBLE. A lot of eating out. He has already been diagnosed with HBP and he's about 35 pounds overweight with a stressful job. I just feel like he thinks this juicing negates all of his unhealthy choices.
  • 1600 a day. I do Zumba 4 times a week and Body Pump 1-2 times a week. I try not to go over 1600 calories but it's not a big deal if I do since I get so many exercise calories. I'm 5'9", F, SW 196, CW 168, 44yo.
  • Because it's that time of the month, I actually just ate a small brownie sundae for lunch. Nothing else, just a brownie sundae and I enjoyed every bite of that 480 calories. Yay me.
  • I shoot for minimum 500 calories. I think I'm getting more since I do a Body Pump class followed immediately by a high intensity Zumba class.
  • I lost 28 pounds in 16 MONTHS! I decided to make a change in my overall lifestyle. For me, quick weight loss resulted in quick regain because I never made it a habit. Be patient, it will happen. Or go back to WW since it worked for you. Good luck.
  • I did Bikram for about a year. I thought I was burning about 900 calories in a class and I was eating half those back. I actually gained a few pounds. I started a high intensity dance class when I stopped Bikram and the pounds started to drop off. I think the 'calories burned' listed for Bikram is greatly overestimated…
  • Quinoa, tofu, kale, radishes, sardines and especially cilantro.
  • Yeah, I'm with you on this one. Thinking about pouring the remaining bag in my cat's litter box so it won't go to waste
  • I used to go to Crunch but they sold or closed all locations where I am. And I was super self conscious when I walked into my first Zumba class last summer but it was the best thing I ever did. It's my favorite exercise of all and you will feel a little awkward at first because there will be people in there that know the…
  • Wow!!!! You go girl! I can see a big difference!
  • This is exactly how I made it as far as I have. I had a different mindset and I remember laying down that first night and being excited and proud for making it through the first day. The next morning, I woke up the next morning and remembered the day before and was immediately pumped to start the day. I've been doing this…
  • Right, but I am using a tdee calculator which specifically asks how much you exercise. I'm trying to distinguish between the 1-3 days or 3-5 days because I do 3 days.
  • I am typically on my feet and have 2 small children that keep me running around also. I easily get about 13000-15000 steps per day.
  • This. I just bought some and had to leave my group fitness class due to major gastric upset.
  • I read that the Paraguard increases bleeding during periods and cramping, which is one reason why I haven't really looked into it. Has that been your experience?[/quote] I have heavier bleeding but not cramping. I don't mind the heavier bleeding because all of those crappy emotions are gone from the hormonal birth control.…
  • I was on hormonal birth control for years. I changed to Paragard IUD in November and immediately lost about 3 pounds but my stress and anxiety disappeared also. The hormones messed with my mood and I was always on edge a week before my period.
  • If you eat at Chick Fila, get the egg white grill. It's only 300 calories and full of protein. I eat that probably 3 times a week!!!
  • You can try lightly active and if you're not losing at the rate you want to lose, you can adjust. I couldn't do 1200 calories. I am at 1600 and exercise 5 times a week in a high intensity cardio class with some weight training here and there. I settled on lightly active for myself after trying different levels on MFP. I…
  • I take shots because I am deficient but they don't do anything for my energy or weight loss. I was hoping for energy when I started them but that wasn't the case. But I do have tons of energy now but that's due to an hour long cardio class 5 times a week along with strength training. Got rid of my anxiety and mild…