
  • Yes I have read the same thing. It has been two weeks though. My arms when I measure them have solidified more that is why I was wondering. But then again i was on a steady losing of 2-3 pounds a week till just recently. Hopefully it clears out soon. :)
  • I don't think it matters. 1 can is 1 can and water does not add or take away anything but volume. :)
  • Pic the forum / blog link I believe :)
  • Thanks, I just want to reach my goal and I fear it feels like a plateau :) I will not fear! Hopefully it will settle down soon. I don't mind the muscle though. My arms feel harder and its cool but I want to reach my goal! Thanks for the support :)
  • I agree you are active, but if this is what you do on a normal basis and you still want to lose more I would put light. The reason it asks you the question is to give you a calorie goal that will help your body start to lose. If you want to lose more without changing your lifestyle, eating less calories is the answer.…
  • Welcome! I just started recently too and this program, especially the cell phone app helps me keep in track!
  • No, Lost 6 pounds since I started this 2 weeks ago, but have lost 167 since last January.
  • Welcome :)
  • kEEP IT UP! :p
  • wow ill shoot for more :)
  • Well I started over a year ago January 2010. But yes I have worked at it. :) I recently got into a plateau that is when I started counting calories and started losing again :)
    in Hello. ^_^ Comment by AZKAOZ August 2011
  • I just joined too. Glad to have you on here and I hope your goals are reached!
    in Hello. ^_^ Comment by AZKAOZ August 2011
  • Umm that just depends on your genetics and your daily burnage. I can tell you my experience. I started out with high protein low carb diet myself. I plateaued at 250 pounds. Only until I started counting calories did my plateau go away and I started losing again. Maybe both will work for you, maybe they wont, you wont know…
  • I myself use cardio trainer, yes I bought the pro but its also free. When I put a mile workout on here it matches calories and its off by 3 sometimes. Find out how your walk stacks up :)
    in Runtastic Comment by AZKAOZ August 2011
  • I posted this somewhere else but it applies here too! SKIN SKIN SKIN My problem too. Is there a solution? YES! Ok so I lost crazy weight yet my belly still sagged. GUESS WHAT --- -SKIN! So after reading many articles and looking through it, skin tightens only with the use of vitamin E. So eat more meat or direct…
  • LOL... too many carbs for me in all that sugar, but I love the idea! MUST FIGHT CRAVINGS!
  • LOL BMI does not take into account muscle mass and bones.My BMI has always said obese yet when I did a fat percentage in body test it says I am 23% body fat not like BMI thinks I am 33%. I dont trust it at all :)
  • Ok so the software estimates the maximum you should be eating to stimulate weight loss. If you eat less than that, it is better. But if you also eat too little the software will give you a warning telling you that you are a point of starvation that may hinder your progress. I myself have stayed anywhere from 300 to 700…
  • SKIN SKIN SKIN My problem too. Is there a solution? YES! Ok so I lost crazy weight yet my belly still sagged. GUESS WHAT --- -SKIN! So after reading many articles and looking through it, skin tightens only with the use of vitamin E. So eat more meat or direct application. I went to store and got me a Vitamin E Skin Lotion,…
  • I post my abdominals as general aerobics and based on time spent. Best way and closes when comparing to other sites. Good luck!
    in help!! Comment by AZKAOZ August 2011
  • UMM my friend had six overdrafts before. They told her there was nothing she could do. I told her let me talk to them. In 10 minutes I had them reversing all six of them and they even acknowledged they were incompetent fools. My friend was a nurse and she had a direct deposit check every friday from work of 4 grand. They…
  • Don't worry. I didnt notice serious loss in core area for 7 months after I started. My legs and arms and even my head got smaller before my tummy! :) Cant believe how super small my wrists are. Keep it up!
  • OUCh! LOL...... claim insanity, or Card Theft! lol Good luck with them bankers dude!
  • Very true, I remember reading an article on a study that cells regenerate faster when people excercise. Cancer is a disease that destroys cell reproduction to corrupt it and make it a cancerous cell. if the cell can fight back or recuperate, won't it slowly halt cancer progress? Thanks for the info!
  • As long as you can do something to not gain is a plus. Walking is a great start, but walking forever may take a long time, you may have to up it up a knotch. I did walking then started walking 60 seconds and running/ jogging 90. Did this for 15 minutes daily. Now I can run a mile in 8 minutes flat. It takes time but it can…
  • Welcome, I have been here a week and it has been a great five pounds lost. You will Enjoy it, helps you lose weight. :)
    in Newbie Comment by AZKAOZ August 2011
  • I have caved in to my desires (CHICKEN LO MEIN) but McDonalds, NEVERMORE! It has been three years since I ate McDonald's and I shall never go back. I think we can all cheat, I have, just get back on track the next day and you should be fine. :)
  • Very good question. I guess it depends on the person. If you get discouraged easily: don't weigh daily. I do weigh daily but I try to weigh myself at critical times of day for the best accuracy. I weigh only after every workout after a shower and before eating my next meal. I try to eat after workout just for that weight.…
  • That truly depends on your diet type. I myself am a low carb high protein dieter and have lost 170 pounds not to mention putting on 30 pounds of muscle. Lowering carb and calories helps me lose faster. 5 pounds since i started this fitness program alone. Everyone is different, you won't know till you try.
  • Congratulations on the loss, it is a great triumph and when you plateau you feel like the end of the world. I have been through the same but recently with the calorie counter and carb counting I have started losing again. Evaluate your diet and your workout and see what can be added or subtracted to continue losing weight…