Hello Newbie Here

I just wanted to take this time to say hello to everyone! I am currently 1 1/2 years into weight loss and Ive lost 100 pounds so far! I have a goal of about another 60-70 punds! I feel like I am stuck! I upped my workouts to 5 nights a week instead of every other night! I dont do the same work out all the time because I want to confuse my body! Any advice would be cool!!


    AZKAOZ Posts: 35
    Congratulations on the loss, it is a great triumph and when you plateau you feel like the end of the world. I have been through the same but recently with the calorie counter and carb counting I have started losing again. Evaluate your diet and your workout and see what can be added or subtracted to continue losing weight or stimulate more weight loss.
  • ♚SuperHeather♚
    WOW WTG! I can't help you with your issue, But welcome to MFP!