Late Night Food took me over!

So for the past 2 nights, I have been craving some kind of huge burger. I fought off the temptation last night by eating an orange...but tonight, I just couldn't help myself! I haven't had McDonald's in about 2.5 months and I actually vowed that I would never eat their food again because of some YouTube Videos I viewed a while back. BUT tonight...I felt like I had too!

So I got in my car at 1:39 am EST and drove like 1.5 miles to McDonald's and talked to myself about making a healthier choice when I have the chance to order. So I didn't get the Big Mac...I got the Deluxe Angus Burger (1/3 lb), a small fry, and water. Not much of a healthier choice, but I figured at least I know what kind of BEEF I was eating. :P

Halfway home, I couldn't help myself...I had to take a bite of the burger. IT WAS SOOOO GOOD! My body was happy...I couldn't wait to finish it off in the comfort of my house.

...and now, here I am! I have eaten the Deluxe Angus Burger and small fry. I don't feel gulity...I actually feel really good. Even if I just consumed over 900 calories. LOL

Do you think my body was just craving protein? I have been lifting heavy weights for the past 1.5 months...with a dramatic increase in weight the past 2 weeks.

That burger alone had 40 g of protein!!!!


    AZKAOZ Posts: 35
    I have caved in to my desires (CHICKEN LO MEIN) but McDonalds, NEVERMORE! It has been three years since I ate McDonald's and I shall never go back. I think we can all cheat, I have, just get back on track the next day and you should be fine. :)
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    at 1.39am sheesh, I would not get out of bed to do that haha. I haven't had McDonalds since September last year :) wooo! nearly a year! If you're waking up in the middle of the night because you are hungry it usually means you aren't eating enough & if you feel like a sugar/salty craving it's meant to be your body telling you it's tired & you need sleep. I'm not too sure about your background & eating habbits/ excercise so i'm not sure what to tell you - besides MCDONALDS IS BAAAAAAAAAAAD!
    (doesn't help you live near a 24/7 one either)

  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    Drink a lot of water to counteract the sodium and all will be fine. Every once in a while you have to indulge. If the scale is up in the next few days it's most likely the salt. With enough water, this too shall pass.

    I had a glass of wine tonight just because it sounded good. Hadn't had any alcohol in 3 or 4 months. Now I'm drinking my water.

    Good luck in your journey!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I think you probably just needed a fast food burger. Sometimes you gotta have a fast food burger and it makes everything better.
  • MrsAshleyJ
    MrsAshleyJ Posts: 2 Member
    Have you completely removed meat from your diet?
    Have you ever heard of the "Blood Type Diet"? Based on your blood type, you're supposed to eat a certain amount of meats, fruits, veggies, etc. I'm supposed to be eating about equal meat, fruits, veggies, while my husband is more of a veggie eater. If I don't get meat, I get mean. I get weak, tired, anxious, and sometimes very sick. I am very much a meat eater, and I've stopped gaining weight now that I've stopped trying to completely remove it from my diet.

    Good luck! And congrats on your no Mc Donalds for two months, wow!