Hello, I'm new

Hi, I'm new to this. Former weight watcher gal. Want to try this because it seems much easier to count calories then points.


  • LeenLeGrys
    Welcome! :)
  • DashaDahling
    totally agree...welcome!
  • doughchic
    Hey I've been on here a few months...I'm just starting to read blogs & forum post! Pretty exciting to follow other's journey & share mine! Oh & I am absolutely addicted to Zumba!! I Luv, Luv, LUV IT!!!
    AZKAOZ Posts: 35
    Welcome! I just started recently too and this program, especially the cell phone app helps me keep in track!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Hello was a ww gal too and I find this way easier than t counting points and it must be a mental thing but I feel like I can have more because 1770 calories seems so much better that 33points. I know total mental thing. And the people on here are great Im loving it and of course its free. Whoop Whoop! feel free to friend me the more support the better the out come. Cheers