kjablinskey Member


  • I can offer that finding a therapist that “fits” is key to the experience. I am going through a similar backslide into bad habits, realizing that’s what’s happening is a good thing, I think. I’m also using a daily meditation app and that really seems to be helping me. That must be very tough to be so isolated during this…
  • I’m in a similar place too, I need to get back in the habit of dedicated logging. That was key to my initial success.
  • Great responses from everyone above, all I can do is second their suggestions. Routine, packing your bag the night before, getting a gym partner or trainer to be that extra motivation to get up. Small, incremental goals (I use StrongLifts 5x5 and a yearly mud race signup with someone significantly younger than me).…
  • Another vote for Stronglifts. I use the app too, it's great. I used the free version for a year before paying the $10 for the full version. It gives you warmup sets and allows you to add auxiliary exercises. I'd say it's worth it. Wish I'd gotten it sooner. I also think you've gotten good advice from gaucho, but definitely…
  • Good day so far, great day in the gym. No failures on my lifts. 225 squat, 175 bench, 135 row. Celebrating with a pint at Atwater Brewery and some fish and chips for lunch. Won't leave me a lot of calories for dinner do we will see how the overall day ends up!
  • I stumbled a bit this morning myself, skipped the gym. Cardio days I'm finding it easier and easier to do that. Upside is I was under yesterday even though I was hungry all day. Those heavy weight days are doing that to me.
  • I'll be driving by you on the way home. Sorry about you having to stay in south gate.
  • I'm working downtown Detroit today myself! Great restaurants but you should probably stay away from them Ohio guy!!
  • Try honey with the oatmeal instead of brown sugar, I found it was a little sweeter do you use less plus it's not refined so I think better for you. I did great yesterday until dinner, where I probably overdid it and didn't log. That's been my problem lately getting back on the weight loss train. Dinner and afterwards I…
  • Just like everyone else has said, you've done an amazing job. Something very few people have done successfully, first of all take some time to let that sink in. You are part of an elite group of people and should be extremely proud of what you've accomplished. And you're exactly right in realizing that you're about to…
  • Start a progressive load lifting program immediately.
  • 1. At my yearly physical last week, nurse was taking vitals and while listening to my pulse asked "Are you a runner?" Never really thought about it, but since I've been running 2-3 times a week for almost two years I said "I guess I am!" She said, "It shows." Then doctor came in and was listening to my heart and says "Wow!…
  • I find this to be the case with me too. The first mile is the hardest, after that it gets much easier.
  • Outdoor is more fun but different. I found it a little more difficult at first. I was used to the treadmill setting the pace, it took a little time to learn to read your body (heart rate, breathing, stride, etc...) to get your pace right. Also, difference in terrain makes it more challenging. Even on paved surfaces there…
  • I've had my nine year old daughter do the same thing with me. Always wants to join in with me, I understand your concern about body image issues. I worry about that too, maybe more so with a girl. I think as long as you guys are open with him and emphasize the health aspects of it and kind of glaze over the way it makes…
  • I'm 44, lost 45 lbs over a six month period a year and a half ago. Have maintained that weight loss for over a year now. It's very doable. Feel free to friend me. I've got suggestions and tips of a lot of things that worked for me and things I wish I'd done differently.
  • Perfect answer here^^!!! I totally agree and can relate, I went from 200 to 145 and felt it was too thin for me, although it was what BMI charts said I should weigh for my height. More than one person asked if I was okay. Been maintaining at 155 for a year and LOOK more muscular but agree that's just the muscle showing…
  • I'm in a similar place too. Lost 45 pounds starting a year and a half ago, from 200 to 155. 5' 6" 44 yo male. Went down to 145 for a while because that's what BMI chart said I should be at and found that too lean for me. Maintained 155 very steadily for over a year now. Been lifting 2-3 days a week and cardio 2-3 days a…
  • I hear the lack of support at home thing s lot here, and I get it and have experienced a little of that myself. While it's nice and helpful to get some positive feedback, it's really your inner motivation to change that's going to get you where you want to go and, more importantly and harder, to keep you there for the rest…
  • 1/4 cup steel cut oats with one tbsp honey and a double scoop protein shake for first breakfast at 5:30. Chobani yogurt, two bananas, a babybel cheese, and a builders bar for second breakfast at 9:30.
  • ^^ This is another gem of wisdom, I always thought about the negatives being a web of interconnections but was missing the positive side!! Thanks for pointing this out!! Also, tomnev1 is right about setting modest goals. Set them low enough to achieve success, if you exceed them it's all the more inspiration for you to…
  • This is EXCELLENT advice!!!
  • You sound like you're starting down the right road mentally. The one thing I heard though that might be a bit of a stumble was that you don't want to burden your teenage son with your problems. I think that is a normal response for a guy, trying to be the stoic protector. But kids are tougher than we generally give them…
  • I can relate, I'm 44 and a guy too. Rough time for us. Navigating through treacherous seas at this time in our lives, careers, relationships, our bodies. the effects of time and neglect on all these things I think often reached critical mass about this time. Like others have said, losing weight by itself won't cure any one…
  • Add me, I've lost 45 and am maintaining/preparing to attempt to put muscle on. One regret I have for when I was losing is not being more active on this site. You'll get a lot out of it.
  • Nice to meet you! I'm 5'6", 44 year old guy. I weighed 200 lbs in the fall of 2013, was down to 155 by March of 2014, maintained that until a couple weeks ago when I decided to drop another ten pounds in preparation to put on some muscle. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I've found that running outdoors is a lot more challenging. You not only have elevation and terrain changes, even on pavement, but like others have said you are actually propelling yourself through space. Reality trumps simulation any day. I think you also have to pay a lot more attention to your body to maintain the pace…
  • Same here! Thought it was my male wishful thinking that it was getting bigger!!
  • You need to take care of yourself FOR your husband and daughter. Waiting till she's older won't work, there will ALWAYS be something in your life getting in the way of your fitness. I can tell you from personal experience because I think I'm a bit older than you that you need to put a priority on your own needs, if you…