DLS1029 Member


  • Hello, everybody! Thanks Barbiecat - for starting out April for us! I can't believe three months of this year is already passed by! I've been so busy.....not hardly any time to post or read. I left the March thread about 2-3 weeks ago. My mom - she is critically ill, in the last part of stage 5 renal failure. It's so hard…
  • Yes, I am still alive. Been taking care of people....... Donna in WV
  • I've been reading the posts this evening and I've noticed several of us have had losses this week! Since I'm a visual person, I like to think of it this way - 1 pound is the same size as 4 sticks of butter! Five pounds is the size of a bag of flour! I never thought I'd enjoy being a "loser" hahaha Donna in WV
  • Good news here!!! For one thing, the sun is trying to shine! But the best thing about this morning is - the scales are starting to move in the downward direction! Happy dance!!! Happy Saturday everyone!!!! Donna in WV
  • Anna - Congrats on the loss!!! That's awesome! Happy for you!!! Donna in rainy, foggy WV
  • Heather You look great! Love the dress with the ankle boots! DJ You are always so inspiring! Tammy Welcome! Congratulations on the loss! 20 pounds is something to be proud of! You will find that this a very supportive group of ladies! Come when you can and be inspired! Went to the podiatrist yesterday to review the EMG…
  • Tryingtolive1 It is hard to down size your cooking when you've cooked for a crowd. I've seen your posts. Please know that you're in my prayers. I know it may not seem possible, but the sun will shine again. Things will get better. Let your heart heal. ((((((Hugs)))))) from Donna in WV
  • Made it back from Olive Garden without too much damage. I looked at the lighter fare but ended up with the Tour of Italy. Ate maybe half and salad. Only one breadstick! Tracked every bit of it and still have some calories left. I probably won't eat anything else this evening. That was an accomplishment for me. I may take a…
  • Today is my baby girl's 25th birthday. We are going to dinner at Olive Garden. Not my choice, but that's where she wants to go and it is her birthday. I see lots of calories in my future........
  • Barbie - thanks for getting us going again! Well, here I am again! Looking back at my goals for February, I made some and some I didn't!* Walk every day at lunch - almost every day! And I walked more on the weekends, taking the puppy out. * Lose 4 pounds - I was up and down all month and ended up losing 1 pound. Better…
  • Hello, ladies! This has been a busy place! I have been reading, but not posting. Not enough time! I do envy those of you that have some time to post. And to those of you that have time to exercise and walk the dogs - you make me green with envy!!!! I'm too busy taking care of people, working, taking care of people,…
  • It's been a beautiful day! Took the little granddaughters outside for most of the afternoon to play along with the puppy. The 4 year old is taking a little nap while the 5 year old is watching a movie. Puppy is taking a nap too. She's been wooled all week by the girls! Haha. Good for the pup to be around the kids while she…
  • Katla - Thanks for the heads up about the acid reducing meds being linked to dementia and Alzheimers. I had not heard about this and hubby takes one every night. To me this is a big deal - my dear departed father-in-law suffered for years before he died from Alzheimers. Hubby is 62 and does many "brain" activities to try…
  • I too, am being "unfaithful" to myself in tracking. Time to get myself back to where I was and track everything that passes through my lips. Life has not slowed down any for me - working full time, caring for my elderly mom and MIL, and now DOS and DDIL have went to TX for the next week due to her step-dad's critical…
  • Hello friends - I've been trying to read through all the posts. Seems like many of us are going through a lot of "stuff" right now. Prayers for each one that is having a tough time. (((Hugs))) The sun will shine again - eventually. On the positive side, I have been walking everyday and tracking everyday for over a week. I…
  • Oh happy day!!! ;)
  • Sylvia - What a beautiful story! You have a kind heart! Donna in WV
  • Lenora - Cracker is so cute! Our little Lacey pup is part Jack Russell terrier and even though she is a"wild child" we love her! Smart little dogs! Lacey weighs 9 pounds now and is learning to follow instructions. I too was a WW member for a few years. I lost 43 pounds then they changed the program. Never made it to goal…
  • Guess what!? I walked outside today for 25 minutes!! Actually jogged a little......then came back into work. Some of the ladies I work with had a Leslie Sansone DVD going in the conference room, so I stopped in for almost 10 minutes of that too! I feel good about that! I really miss having time for me to walk and…
  • Lenora - I love reading your posts! It never fails - you encourage me. Thanks! Janetr - So sorry about your great nephew. So young. How sad. (((hugs))) One thing about have a heavy load of "stuff" on me right now - my appetite is almost zilch! Donna in wild, wonderful WV
  • Good morning everybody! Love all the fairy garden pictures! Kudos to all that are exercising and tracking! Sorry I don't have time to respond to everybody's post. Just not enough time to do anything. Too much stuff going on in my life right now. I'm just trying to keep on track with my food and a little exercise every day.…
  • Barbie - Thanks for getting it going again! Joyce - Sorry you have been going through so much this past month. Things will get better - we have to believe that! Glad you posted. So when I looked back for my goals for January, I discovered I had not set any! No wonder I haven't progressed much...... I didn't really lose any…
  • I'm here! Will post tomorrow! Bedtime! Donna in WV
  • Well, here it is Friday night already. I have so many things that I would like to do, but it seems like there is just not enough time to do them all! Went to the grocery right after work, came home, unloaded all the stuff and put it away, walked the puppy outside for about 10 minutes so she could do her "business", cleaned…
  • The hurrier I go, the behinder I get. I have been reading, but not having any time to respond! Kudos to those of you that are tracking their food, exercising, and getting in the activity! Janet - I do love the pic of you and the beautiful weather! Allison - So sorry to hear about Woody. Our little furry friends leave paw…
  • Does anyone on here do WW? Donna in snowy WV
  • Well we got slammed by the snowstorm! At our house we had almost 18" by the time it stopped snowing. Been trying to dig out today. The interstates have been closed and we have been in a state of emergency. So ready for spring! This is taken from my back porch this morning around 8:00. Went out and it was really hard to…
  • Kisses - So sorry about the loss of your job. I hope you find one that you really love. Bonnie - I hope the blizzard does fizzle out for you. We have 8" so far and it's still coming down fast! State of Emergency has been declared already. Praying the power stays on. Miriam - Bless you for helping your neighbor's son! Only…
  • Wow! I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the posts! This is a very active thread, which is a good thing! Michele - Love your fishy welcome sign! Do you have a beachy place for it? That would be awesome. Lenora - Yes, my little pup Lacey, is smaller than her big red Clifford! haha Lacey only weighs about 6 pounds…
  • Linda - Welcome back! Barbie - I like to count my blessing everyday too! Glad your weather is good enough for walking today. Ours is a little too freezy for my liking. Donna