

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi gals,

    Sylvia – Ok so I have a strong opinion on this one.. and you can choose to think I’m a nut, but I have some personal experience ---- they are children, they do not get to chose where they live, as the adults the choice has to be made based on what is best for them – squalor and being told they are hated is not in their best interest – it seems to me that getting Child Protective Services involved if that is the easiest way is best, but your son and crazy julie need to be told the kids will live with you and DH for a month while they figure out everything, he gets more stable etc… and it is not a choice. *** Later**** so glad the principal is getting things moving!

    Kim from N. California


    Kim and Carol thanks for the support!

    Heather darling pictures. They are adorable!

    :heart: Margaret
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Allie wrote: have laundry in the dryer and meatloaf in the oven..
    That's what you wrote, Allie, but I'm so stressed out at the moment that I read you had laundry in the oven and meatloaf in the dryer. I know you wouldn't do that! Sorry to hear Tom is being such a pain again.

    Carol, I've searched for PB2 in health food stores all over Scandinavia with no luck. I'll either have to wait until I get back to the US or get my act together and use Amazon. Glad to hear you liked it!

    I was logging in for something else entirely when I saw this http://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/article/9-of-the-most-isolated-towns-on-earth/ar-BBpo2I0?ocid=spartanntp#page=1 My town is on page 4. The picture made me sad, though. The eleven houses at the top right (one row of seven and one row of four) are all gone now, after the avalanche.

    Sylvia, you're in my heart!

  • Fiftyshadesofweight
    Hi all I am here for the accountability! My goals for February are to be consistent for the month and do what I say I am going to do! I would like to lose 2lbs a week this month so I am really hoping to be down 8lbs this month! Please add me as a friend!

    Colleen <3

  • Fiftyshadesofweight
    I would love to join your group. Do you post weight loss on a chart?
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Michele I use Dr. Schols athletic insert (the one with Plantar bridge) I know they wear out quickly but I simply cannot pay $500. for medical orthodics.

    Heather your grandkids are soooo adorable!

    I am in awe of all you grandmothers raising a new generation of children, my mother-in-law is raising her great granddaughter and I cannot believe, not only how generous, but how the bond between them heals them both.

    Shep the little pup, is photogenic, what a cutie. :)

    Great Friday everyone, I am off to the dentist and then going to treat myself to a little window shopping for clothes. Don't think I will buy anything but I noticed when I reorganized my clothes closet, I tend to only buy black and blue, time to try a little more color! Need a new pair of work trousers (down a size :p ) and if something is really on sale I might buy a more colorful blouse.

    Karen from NY
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did 45 minutes of a complete strength training DVD. I was surprised at how good it was. No idea what the plan for tomorrow will be since we'll be in FL (yeaaaaa!).

    I swear (jk) we're going to have one fit and trim cat. Loki so many times comes down and "helps" me exercise. When I do a plank he seems to think that I'm a pretty cool bridge (sigh).

    Gloria and everyone else who is raising granchildren...I tip my hat to you

    Carol/Peach - how I wish I liked peanut butter, even a little bit!

    Pole Penny - the only problem I find with using Amazon is that you have to get such large quantities. Like I really want to get these Special K in a bowl cereal. They're just nice to have when we go away. Good protion control and I don't have worry about them getting soggy. But the problem is that I'll have to get 96! I did have these Special K in a box cereal, but now that I'm just about finished, I can tell that they're getting somewhat stale. What am I going to do with 96???? Well, to be honest, I'll probably donate about 1/2 of them to the soup kitchen.

    Fiftyshades.... - welcome to the group. We usually don't post a chart, some people do keep a ticker at the end of their posts, tho. If that works for you, I say go for it!

    Karen - I hear you not being able to get the $500 orthotics. I was shocked when the MD office called a while ago and told me my orthotics would be over $300. We never even discussed orthotics!!!! That's when I bought some at WalMart for $8 to just put in my slippers which don't have any support.

    Gonna shut down the servers now. Post later.

    Michele in NC
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Penny ~ I got my PB2 at Walmart and they also have it at Sam's Club. It's kind of expensive but worth saving the fat calories.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Heather ~ Your grands are soooooo cute!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2016
    Re orthotics: DH has some that were custom made at steep price more than two decades ago. He says they were about $4,000 back then. Health insurance paid a portion of the cost & he thinks our cost was about $600 per foot. They still work well and he feels like he's gotten his money's worth. He broke both arches jumping out of a tree as a kid, so his issues warranted the expense. When you consider how long they've held up the price per wearing is low. Our daughter bought some over the counter last summer but I don't know what she paid or how well they work for her.

    I've been reading about grated parmesan cheese containing wood pulp. I haven't decided whether or not to be outraged but I won't be buying Walmart Brand.

    I had my first dose of fosamax for bone density this morning. I also take vitamin D3 which helps with this. So far, so good. That makes two important personal changes this week: stopping acid reflux medications that cause Alzheimers, and starting bone support. As my late mom used to say, getting older is not for cowards. :heart: I also started knitting a dish rag with the goal of gaining flexibility in my broken wrist. I'll keep at it, a few minutes at a time. It feels to me like it is loosening the wrist and helping the swelling come down a little.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone. It's another beautiful day here in Kansas. I cannot believe this is February! We hit 74 yesterday and promised 72 today. The kids are in shorts!!!

    I slept a little last night. I thought I did well, but the fitbit said I slept 3 hours total and restless or awake the rest of the time. But I don't remember it at all. The kids were in a good mood this morning and said their dad was happy last night. Hubby and I are going to drive my son and the kids to Fort Scott for the hand-off to the exwife for the weekend. We plan to have a long talk with him on the way home.

    One thing that you should understand is that our state has basically no grandparent's rights on the books. So, so far we are operating at the mercy of my son when it comes to access to the kids. He would be within his legal rights to keep them from us altogether. If child services take the kids from his home they may not choose our home to put them in. They could be split up and put in separate foster homes. We have been to several lawyers in the past under similar circumstances, and that is what we've been told. The best we could do is to petition the court for visitation, and it's unlikely that the judge would rule in our favor over the objections of the natural parent. So, somehow we have to convince him that it's better for the kids to stay with us. That's a hard sell because he's very selfish and pig headed. So we continue to walk a tightrope. It would be worse for the kids if we got tossed out of the picture all together. I'll be anxious to see what happens with child services, if they will do anything at all. I sort of hope just the threat of action will spur him to make changes. Fingers crossed.

    Today I have to finish some drafting, then I'm going to throw a plate on the wheel. A big plate! Or maybe a shallow bowl/serving dish. And then clean up a little in the studio. That'll make me feel better. It'll be a good day to do outside cleaning that I don't get to do when it's cold. Like drag my wheel parts outside and hose them down, and wash out buckets. Fun stuff!

    Have a great day everybody!!!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    edited February 2016
    I took a nap while DGD was having hers. I needed it! DH did Lego with DGS.
    I've been playing games with him on the tablet - an excellent children's BBC website. They went out to play football, but it's wet and miserable out there. Right now they are on adventures upstairs. <3 They love going in the windowless bathroom and shining torches.
    DS and DSIL have sent pics from Brighton. Basically DS's contract is temporary and ends at the end of March. However in the short time he has been with them he has done such great things for them that he thinks they would be crazy not to keep him on. He meets the board on March 7th and is hoping to be made permanent. :D Their house is up for sale now because of the baby deadline. Open day on Tuesday and on Monday night. They have 28 people lined up at the moment! ! It should fly!
    Brighton is a bit closer in travel time than their present home in North London. Driving will be 1 hr 40 mins. Train around 2 hours with changes. Currently we usually go by train to London and it takes nearly 3 hrs with 4 changes. I haven't driven on a motorway for years, but I could go a back way.

    Bringing up a great granddaughter! ! That brought a tear to my eye! <3 Ooouuuffff! :noway:

    Love to all, Heather UK

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Vicki, NE, sorry about your mom and sending healing thoughts. Congrats on the smaller swim suit. That is such a great NSV!!!!

    Beth, absolutely beautiful picture.

    Terri, you know better than to eat something (like chocolate) that you find when decluttering!!! Shame on you. I hope it was yummy!! Lol I could by pass the chocolate but not a cinnamon roll. We all have our weaknesses.

    Joyce, I hope you can clear up that drainage soon. I also hope she was mistaken about the heart murmur.

    Margaret, we love you, too. (((Hugs))) I hope you enjoy the movie!

    Terri, congrats on the great review. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you get a nice raise to go with it.

    Mary, Shep is such a handsome boy! Thanks for the pic.

    Lenora, why would you think that DFACS would think that Sylvia and her DH wouldn’t be suitable guardians for her grandchildren? I won’t say anything more than please think about how what you say could be received before you post things. I think Sylvia and her DH would be wonderful guardians and I feel for them and the kids with what they are all going through.

    Katla, that is sad that your friend won’t take anything to improve her bone situation. You are so right that we have to be proactive in our health care. (later) Good idea on the knitting. I have a friend that uses only knitted dish rags and they are pretty cool.

    Michele,NC, have a wonderful trip and stay safe. (((Hugs)))

    Heather, your grands are so stinkin’ cute!!!! You and DH enjoy your time together.

    Allie, good for you on calling Tom on being a negative Nellie.

    Sylvia, so glad your neighbor will start the ball rolling. Sending strength and prayers for you, DH and the kids. (((((Hugs)))))

    Penny, it’s not unusual for me to read something wrong, too. Sometimes it’s pretty funny. That is sad about the houses that are gone.

    Colleen, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Please tell us a little about yourself to help us get to know you. We ask that you sign each post with your name and a location, general or specific. Come often and join right in.

    Heather, I hope things work out for your son on the job and the house sale. Good idea to get rest when you can. Those little ones never run out of energy.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’m going to my friend’s house to cut her hair. When she was recovering from her hip surgery I cut it for her and did such a good job that she now wants me to cut it in between her professional haircuts. Guess if I get tired of doing it I’ll have to give her a bad cut? smiley-laughing015.gif Tomorrow is election day in SC for the Presidential primary. I don’t remember it ever being on a Saturday.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats-1X5X 95/105/115, 5X5X1 25
    Sumo squats-5X5X 115
    OHP-1X5X 45/50/55, 5X5X 60
    BP-1X5X 65/70/75, 5X5X 80
    BR-5X5X 85
    DL-1X5X 150

    I can feel myself getting stronger!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Katla - Thanks for the heads up about the acid reducing meds being linked to dementia and Alzheimers. I had not heard about this and hubby takes one every night. To me this is a big deal - my dear departed father-in-law suffered for years before he died from Alzheimers. Hubby is 62 and does many "brain" activities to try and ward off that terrible disease. The main reason he hasn't retired yet is he wants to keep that brain busy. I surely don't want him taking a pill that has a possibility of increasing his risk.

    Today is a beautiful, sunny day! I'm going out for a little walk on my lunch break. Maybe that will help my "dark mood" I've been in!

    Donna in Almost Heaven, West Virginia
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Mary from Minnesota - Was Shep sitting in the wind or does his right ear really tilt a little? He looks so cute sitting there.

    Mia in MI
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Penny- Jif now makes a powdered peanut butter
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    OK am I dumb as a stump? Yesterday I got on the scale at work and noticed that the scale was closer to the room corner than usual. Also the person who used it previously had left the thing set at around 275 pounds. So I adjusted it back to zero and got on. It was showing that I had gained, I dunno, 4 or 5 pounds--I stopped moving the darn thing after a while because I could not bear seeing the number go up! Spent the rest of the day in a funk-- not eating more than 1300 most days, upped the exercise, etc. etc. why oh why?

    Today I thought I would try one more time before figuring the scale might be busted and try another scale somewhere else. So I decided that I would move it a bit farther from the wall and had the bright idea to check the balance BEFORE I got on it! Lo and behold, it seemed off. So once I saw that the thing was reading balanced at zero I got on. Wouldn't you know it I was back down to where I had been in the fall and only 1 1/4 pounds off from my lowest in the fall.

    This is from livestrong about getting weighed on a balance scale:
    Step 1:Ensure that the scale is calibrated. When the large counter weight and the small sliding weight are both on zero, the rotating beam should come to a stop where it is completely horizontal and the needle on the far right end is in the center of the slot.

    So my mood is lifted and my faith in the scale and my efforts have been restored. But I don't know the other lady who thinks she is 275 pounds and is probably in the 260s!!!

    Thought you could use this laugh...

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    morning peeps -

    that's funny damnit - give a crappy haircut so they won't ask u again
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    I had my first dose of fosamax for bone density this morning. I also take vitamin D3 which helps with this. So far, so good. That makes two important personal changes this week: stopping acid reflux medications that cause Alzheimers, and starting bone support. As my late mom used to say, getting older is not for cowards. :heart: I also started knitting a dish rag with the goal of gaining flexibility in my broken wrist. I'll keep at it, a few minutes at a time. It feels to me like it is loosening the wrist and helping the swelling come down a little.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    There are so many people who grow older and take no steps to make changes that would help them....you have made important changes and, knowing you, I know that you will continue with them and add others. Being part of this thread provides inspiration to to me to take important steps....I've added Raloxifene and Vitamin D and strong lifts to improve my bone density....knitting a little at a time sounds like a great way to improve wrist flexibility and doing it in moderation will avoid making things worse with your wrist....I have a huge supply of dishrags that I knitted, enough to be able to change the dishrag every morning and have many in another place to give as gifts. When friends give me homemade jam for Jake, I return the jar with a knitted dishrag in it as a thank you.