

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited February 2016
    B) Sunny but still too cold for me to go outside. DH inside watching TV which means 'channel surfing. Cracker asleep in her bed from running and playing with the dogs next door. I really do not want to have to bathe her this weekend. Only way to do so is to get into the tub with her; then I have to take a shower so I don't smell 'doggie'. Maybe she can last a couple more days before the need of a bath! :D
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited February 2016
    Katla - Research has proved that learning a new language is one of the best stretches for the brain. :D
    You know you could always leave DH with his sister. I lived in Mexico City for a month with a family and absolutely loved it. Just a week would be wonderful. You could combine it with some language classes. :D
    Of course if you got as far as Spain I might be inclined to pop over to see you. :flowerforyou:
    Today I watched a French film I thought you horsey people would enjoy. It features an Arab stallion called Othello. It's called "En Equilibre". I rented it from Lovefilm/Amazon.

    Heather UK

    PS - I am rarely far from wifi when on holiday. There is wifi on my cruise ship in the library, though not utterly reliable. I don't use data abroad, though I could for £3 extra a day.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Had to chime in about my status. So I have no cell phone, (my choice), have no e-mail, no Facebook page (but I do have some out of state friends on my husbands page that I type to now and then), no traveling music thingy, but we do have a phone we can walk around with at home. The other phone is a rotary 1957 phone. Anyway, I'm not bragging just stating that dis-connecting to electronic devices can sometimes, (at least for me) re-connect you to the important things in life.
    Have a great holiday weekend! I shall be watching rugby with the husband today, as well as shopping.
    blessed in Oregon
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Holy Cow! Here it is 1pm and I am just hopping on! I got up and out and got my errands run early this morning. The roads are treacherous! We are sitting at a balmy 10 degrees; but I am not complaining. I saw Buffalo, NY was looking at -40 below temps this week. Insane! I am not sure I have enough layers to put on when it is THAT cold!

    Heather-got a giggle in regards to your story about the intern that you got chummy with then he ended up being the warm handed student doc! When I was in labor for my daughter, my regular ob was on vacation (it was over Christmas) so I got the intern. It is never a good sign when you are legs in position ready for delivery and the doctor walks in looks at you and refers to you by your maiden name. Great! He was the quarterback of my high school football team. :( He saw more of me than any other boy I went to school with. When I went into labor for my youngest son (another Christmas baby) my ob again on vacay and Mr./Dr. Quarterback was now the resident ob on duty. Yea! WE never dated and he got some intimate vagina time. Oh well, what are you going to do? Your trips just sound fabulous! I have decided to live vicariously through you, so keep it up and let us know about EVERYTHING!

    Sylvia- I love the comment from your DGS! It is funny how kids think. When my daughter was young she asked me if I remember when the world was in black and white (we had been watching an old movie). Thanks, kid, but No!

    Becca- Love Mel Brooks movies! My DYS and I go back and forth with lines from his movies. He is now, 22, so I don't worry so much about content. Skordalia is a greek potato dip. Sounds weird, but it is SO good. Potatoes, garlic, and almonds. Good stuff!

    Michele - Welcome back! Hope healing goes fast with your cheek and with your son!

    Mia- Hello Ann Arbor! Beautiful little town! I am from Grand Haven, west side of the state on the big lake.

    Janet OKC- You should have a cape, maybe a little logo on a T-shirt that says "SuperShopper"?! That is an awesome deal on a coat! Safe travels and hugs as you head to your nephews memorial service.

    Karen-It sounds like your DH and DD will be having a good time in India. The culture and food is so different from ours, it really is a place that you probably need to be an adventurous eater and traveler to enjoy everything. My DH is not a traveler. He does all right within the continental US, but even then, is finicky about the mode of transportation/hotels/rental cars, etc. He likes things to be like home, and to me, the point of traveling is to get away from home. LOL! We do not make good travel companions!

    Happy Saturday to you all! Have to get some house work done then I am off to "game night" with hubby's brothers and their wives. If it goes well, we will make it a monthly thing kind of doing a "round robin" hosting of the party. It should be a fun time. They are a good group of guys (all boys in the family, no sisters) but as my sisters-in-law and I have noted on many occasions, they weren't spanked enough as small children. I married the "baby of the family" so of course, he is the most spoiled and the most in need of a spanking.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hello to all: Hope your day is going well. Chores in the barn are done, horses happily munching hay. DH and DD have gone out for Valentine breakfast so I have the house to myself for a little while. I love the quiet.

    CSSJ - We acquired an English saddle that the former owners left here on the property and my DD wants to try it out and practice a bit as she is going to UK in April and she and her friend have booked a day ride in Wales. She has not ridden in an English saddle for a long time. Enjoy your lessons.

    Michele - Can your primary care doc recommend a counselor in your area? So glad you are back on here.

    Reading about many of you studying foreign languages makes me want to do something in that area. I took French in high school and college but would have to start over at this point I think. Spanish also appeals to me as so many people speak it around here. I will have to give this some thought.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    hi gals. I am still alive and kicking. Killing myself at work. Strange how much I didn't notice how much DH does around the house until I had to do it (he broke a rib if I didn't tell you). I have lost all motivation. But I keep thinking of being here and all my friends and I think my motivation will return soon. I hope anyway. take care all, Meg from chilly Omaha
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    EEK, 5.1 earthquake a couple of hours ago. Its just getting nuts.

    I had a big weight loss this morning, very pleased. Working on getting rid of the extra pounds from Christmas and the Arizona trip.

    I'm flying to Denver on Friday for my great nephew's memorial service. So sad. Much cooler here today than yesterday but next Friday we are supposed to get to 80 degrees which will break the record. Of course, I'll be on my way to Denver where it will be cooler, but it is supposed to be nice weather in Denver tho the whole time I'm there. I'm staying with my oldest daughter.

    My youngest daughter turned 40 today. Oh my how the time flies :)

    Janetr OKC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    well had a nice lunch with Tom, and am back up at the house with Faith~ stopped at family dollar and got her a valentines day card.. since I am the only family here right now.. so we will have a nice time tonight and tomorrow..
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KJLaMore - wrote "Janet OKC- You should have a cape, maybe a little logo on a T-shirt that says "SuperShopper"?! That is an awesome deal on a coat! Safe travels and hugs as you head to your nephews memorial service."

    I always tell everyone I have my "black belt" in shopping lol

    Thanks, not big on flying but do it more often then I like.

    Janetr OKC
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Katla - Research has proved that learning a new language is one of the best stretches for the brain. :D
    You know you could always leave DH with his sister. I lived in Mexico City for a month with a family and absolutely loved it. Just a week would be wonderful. You could combine it with some language classes. :D
    Of course if you got as far as Spain I might be inclined to pop over to see you. :flowerforyou:
    Today I watched a French film I thought you horsey people would enjoy. It features an Arab stallion called Othello. It's called "En Equilibre". I rented it from Lovefilm/Amazon.

    Heather UK

    PS - I am rarely far from wifi when on holiday. There is wifi on my cruise ship in the library, though not utterly reliable. I don't use data abroad, though I could for £3 extra a day.

    I'm intrigued by this idea of living with a family abroad. I'm recently divorced, travel deprived, and soon to be an empty nester. This could be very nice! How did you arrange it?

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited February 2016
    KJ - If your DH could actually get on a plane he could have a fabulous time in India. We were treated like royalty - picked up and chauffered everywhere in an air conditioned car and staying in palaces (literally). Western food is readily available with lavish breakfasts. At home we would never dream of affording such luxury. Wouldn't even set foot in those places. Service impeccable.

    Charging along with Duolingo. Sue - why don't you try it out? It's a free app :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    My BF gave me a beautiful full length, tweed coat that she had outgrown. It was a little too tight for me; so, I put it in my closet and forgot about it. Yesterday and the day before it was cold enough for a heavy coat. Went to my closet that has several coats and capes and pulled it out. Oh man, how surprised I was that I could actually button it and actually fit over my cloths. It's so warm! Went to her office to go to lunch and she remarked about it looking good on me. So toasty warm, too.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Well a monster, or at least a grump, has been unleashed. Got DH to sign up for MFP just to see what he might want to do as far as setting some goals to help with the knee and first he mistypes his email, then the font is too small, then I have to explain about how to add calories...he grumbled about apps and email lists and on and on.
    I had to explain to him that I did not need him to tell me what we could and could not eat now. Oh, gee. Wish me luck!!!
    It is finally above zero to one degree outside. Not my kind of weather. Does cold weather make arthritis worse? Looking for more ammunition to retire someplace warmer!
    Janetr, stay safe in that earthquake zone of yours!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    KJ ... Buffalo, NY is having -40 degree wind chills! The temperatures are more like -1 a -10 below zero. The winds are miserable and I am so very glad to be inside and in a warm house! Last night hubby and I got caught in a snow squall after delivering dinner to a friend recuperating from surgery. I was terrified as we were traveling steep terrain ... He was giddy sliding around in it. Men.

    Not doing well at all this month ... Too much comfort food. ( Meg ... I understand not being motivated! ) But not giving up!

    Foreign languages ... I absolutely have no ability for them ... Hearing loss is part of the problem ... But even before my loss, I struggled. Older son (with physical disabilities) ... We were told when he was two that he would probably never talk. He graduated from college with high honors in foreign languages of all things .... Speaks multiple languages. Didn't get that from his mama, that's for sure!

    Beth on a hill near Buffalo where it is very, very cold and windy!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    My BF gave me a beautiful full length, tweed coat that she had outgrown. It was a little too tight for me; so, I put it in my closet and forgot about it. Yesterday and the day before it was cold enough for a heavy coat. Went to my closet that has several coats and capes and pulled it out. Oh man, how surprised I was that I could actually button it and actually fit over my cloths. It's so warm! Went to her office to go to lunch and she remarked about it looking good on me. So toasty warm, too.


    That's great. Always makes you feel better when you feel good with what you are wearing especially when it did not fit before.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    edited February 2016
    stats for the day:
    jog- 25min, 5.1sp, 1/4mi @ .5incl, 1.4mi @ 1.0incl, 1/4mi @ 1.5incl, 1/4mi @2.0incl, then 5.2sp, repeat incl. increase, 2mi = 230c
    jump/skip/sidestep/scissors- 17min, = 340c
    physical therapy exercises at gym- 6 exercises, 2 sets of 15ea = 75c
    yard work- 2.5hours = 600c
    total cal 1245