

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)DJ, Welcome home, glad you had fun

    :)Lenore, congrats on your weight loss..I know your success will inspire you to keep doing the healthy things you've been doing

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Barbie
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Thanks to all that are my friends here - could not have ever done the weight loss without your encouragements here. Love this thread.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good Sunday morning/Valentine's Day to everyone! Game night last night was a lot of fun! Cocktail hour came first, I had a basil gin gimlet and that was it. Gave myself a plate of veggies without dip and a few nuts and called it good. Conversation ran the gamut, from silly stuff in the news to politics and religion. Everybody laughed, because my DH and I disagree on anything political. I don't think we have ever voted the same. He tells me he votes just to negate my vote! It was a fun night, though, I was up MUCH later than normal and bc I don't like to be "off schedule", I woke up at my normal time this morning. So I am feeling the "off schedule" hangover...blah.

    Beth- Oh! It's -40 wind chill! That makes all the difference! ;) Not! Cold is cold; my hat's off to you! I did some slipping and sliding around yesterday while I was out and about. I have to admit, sometimes it is fun! My dad taught me winter driving by doing doughnuts in a nearby parking lot, when I was young. Now, every time I slip and slide, I can hear my dad say "Get your foot off the brake! Steer with the car!"

    Pip - Yea for Kirby hitting the three mile mark! You both will rock this marathon!

    Lenora- That is an amazing weight loss! YOu should be very proud and should be enjoying every minute of your "new" clothing victories! Go girl!

    Janet- The hair joke! Omigod! How true is that?! The hairs that really bother me are those ones that seem to pop up overnight on your chin! WTH?! Where do those come from and how do they grow in so fast???

    Karen-My game plan to get my DH into traveling out of the country is to start him with countries that are more similar to ours. I hope to get him to England and Ireland soon. As our daughter spent so much time in France, I know he would like to visit. Being a "good CAtholic boy" he would probably do okay in Italy, also. I am the type of person that the more different a culture is than ours, the more I want to go and just BE in the middle of it. Blend in as well as a white american woman can and live like a local. I love the story about your sister's birthday card! How wonderful! Hmmm...the eye rubbing could be a problem. Covering her eye may protect it, but it is the habit of rubbing that needs to be broken. I was thinking of the "rubber band" therapy. Where you wear a rubber band on your wrist and whenever you notice yourself doing something that you don't want to do, you give it a little snap. But, if this is a habit she is not conscious of, the snap might not work. If she has a doc, maybe he can suggest something?

    DJ- Glad you are back! Can't wait to hear all about your cruise!

    -I feel for you and the next couple Saturdays of trainings to give! I do that to myself sometimes, too. Feels good sometimes to get home and get back into routine!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day Friends :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • coastal247
    coastal247 Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi all! I'm looking to set some realistic goals here... Looking to lose 30lbs total. What is a realistic and healthy end date goal? I'm thinking 10lbs a month , but that seems too simple. Realizing how difficult it will be!! I have been from 160-210 in the past 5 years, need to get back to the 160.
    I'm 41 with hypothyroidism, its a killer!!
    Please add me so we can keep each other motivated :smiley:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2016
    Heather: I downloaded the Duolingo app and am working on learning Spanish. So far I'm enjoying the process and making a little progress. It is as addictive as playing a game. I'm grateful for the tip. :bigsmile:

    Becca: I'm happy that you haven't disconnected from us. :flowerforyou:

    Sue: I took German in HS and College, and was a B student until the last quarter. (Not such good grades,) My teacher kept telling me I spoke German with a Swedish accent. I didn't like him and quit taking German. I married the person who distracted me from studying. We've been together ever since. :heart:

    Oceanmelody: My DH also is an MFP participant although he is not as diligent about recording his food as I am. He started shortly after I did and quit but I kept going. He's back at it now because he realized he needed to keep better track of his calories to help manage his diabetes. :smiley:

    Michele: Belly Dancing!!! :bigsmile: I wonder whether worrying about the credentials of Bryan's therapist is useful or wise. She has made huge gains with him if he is wiling to talk with you and work on things. Questioning his judgment and choice of therapists is unlikely to encourage him to keep trying to work things through. I think you need an emotional bodyguard, but I fear that you'll have to listen to a bunch of grievances to get through this. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    Pip: Congratulations to Kirby for running three miles! :bigsmile:

    DJ: Welcome back! :flowerforyou:

    Leonore: Congratulations on your weight loss success! :flowerforyou:

    Coastal247: Welcome to a great group! You have found a source of support and encouragement. I met my goals long ago but I'm still here because I need to keep up my good habits. I was never able to lose ten pounds in a single month unless I was sick, and then the weight came right back when I felt better. I let MFP set my calorie goals to try to lose 2 pounds a week. It averaged out fine over a month, but there were lots of weeks that I didn't see a loss even though I stuck with my plan. For this to work long term, it needs to become a healthy lifestyle. Quick fix diets have never worked for me. I hope you'll join the conversation and stick around. :flowerforyou:

    "CSSJ09: My lesson horse has a sweet jog, but his extended trot is bone pounding."

    Yesterday I spent most an hour at a bone-pounding trot and a little while at a more comfortable lope. I ended up with nasty saddle sores. Thank goodness my DH remembered the value of Anti-Monkey Butt Cream! This morning I can actually sit in my office chair without severe pain. I am wondering why I got saddles sores this time. Perhaps my bike shorts have lost their protective ability. Next week my teacher will be away so I get a week off to heal my poor, abused bum. Yikes! :grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    1. Find a place I can learn to fall without getting hurt once my doctor says it is ok to try.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited February 2016
    Coastal 247 - I started off setting my loss at 1 pound a week, but in the beginning it was more like 5 lbs a month. Then it slowed to 4 lbs a month. Then as I neared goal it was 2 lbs a month, if I was lucky. The good result of that 18 month journey to lose 57 lbs is that I developed such good habits that I have stayed at target weight for over 2 years with no difficulty. :D I intend to stay logging for the rest of my life, exercising my 600 calories a day and eating delicious food I cook from scratch. This is for ever, not just for a few months and then go back to the bad old ways. The important thing is to find a lifestyle you can sustain for the rest of your life and enjoy it. :flowerforyou:

    Katla - it is addictive isn't it! :bigsmile: I have made huge progress in Norwegian. I now know the word for a bear. I might need that in Svalbard. :laugh: And "Help!" I can say "We like wine and beer." That might be useful. :D
    Duolingo is my new Best Friend.

    Love Heather UK

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2016
    <3 Happy Valentines Day <3

    Mary from Minnesota
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    It was -14 below this morning ... Without wind chill KJ! That's cold enough! The sun is shining though, making it breathtakingly beautiful!

    I forgot we weren't exchanging cards and had a very nice Valentine for my husband this morning ... He's upset now because he didn't have one for me ... I told him he could make dinner and call it even. So he is!!

    :heart: Beth near Buffalo
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Beth - Now that's what I call a good exchange. Good goin :)

    DJ - We missed you, glad you had fun but am even happier you are back to keep us in line.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    From My Valentineajhvzr62a2fg.jpg
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    So my first valentine day by myself in several years trying to deal with that gracefully. Not doing a very good job of it. The recent ex gave me chocolates not sure how to take that. Not sure if he feels guilty or not ready to give up. We got together last night to finish cruise documents and stuff that was left to do. Went to dinner it was good. I know he is concerned because of recent huge weight loss 15 lbs. I was at my maintain weight when this all fell apart. I am 5'8" and now weight 113 lb not a good look.

    He says there is only one thing that is holding him back. That I made several comments about the way he drives his daughter on his snowmobile and in his race boat so he is concerned I could potentially have his daughter taken away from him. You would think I called child services on him. That is what he is concerned I would do. You would think he would be happy I care. He still wants to hug me kiss me spend time with me. Also sleep with me but I won't do that unless we are actually together. I just don't get it.

    Thanks again for letting me vent.

    I guess I am confused hurt and miserable. I am now using the app to make sure I am taking in enough calories to not lose more weight and maybe get back to a healthy weight again.

    I know that compared to the problems many of you are going through mine is nothing really. That I should be grateful for my health and the health of my family.

    Anne from Wisconsin
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited February 2016
    Thanks ... I am enjoying my weight loss; been expensive to alter clothes; and, tailor has told me not to do it again, until I get down to my goal; at least another 10lbs or so. Don't want to get too skinny; don't want to look 'gaunt'. Just need to get my BMI down a point or two to be considered 'normal' or whatever they judge it by. Asked GYN the last time I was in; and he said 'about your weight'? No, Sherlock, the fact that I did not scream hysterically during my exam? ... sure, my weight! "Looking very good, ... I told nurse how good ... interrupted; "you need to be telling your patient ... that's what she WANTS to hear!" MMmmmmmm ... wonder if he will take my advice? He is quick to tell you about your weight gain. HA! HA! HA! Men! But, at least DH is telling me every time I call with my weight each weigh-in day. When I get to my goal I will get a facial - free thanks to the CMWLP.

    Anne from Wisconsin - Maybe your 'ex' is afraid of commitment(s). Maybe he is afraid of another 'failed' marriage (if it was headed that way); and it seems like it was if you were intimate. I know my DH was not looking for another 'failed' marriage; not wanting another woman to take a child away from him. This, I did not find out until we'd been married for 2 years and I was wanting a baby of our own; then, when I got pregnant and had complications that necessitated ending it to save my life. We've now been married over 43 years. We, then, had to wait a year to try again and I had to take chemo because of it.

    Some men think, 'why get married, if I am getting what I want 'not needing to get married'. Maybe bringing that subject (marriage) up and discussing how each of you think about it; not that you are ready either. Not that you aren't pushing; or try not to push. Some men just aren't ready and if he does things with daughter that you feel are unsafe; tell him you are just concerned that she might get hurt and know he would feel terrible about it. IMHO. I don't know how old his daughter is; but, one of my DGD is quite the dare devil and DYS always gets on to her for going full throttle on her go cart. His FnL fixed it so it would not go nearly so fast (hoping she won't get the idea and change it back). He'll just have to re-adjust it if it gets loosened by riding over the gravel around their lake place.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    I guess I am confused hurt and miserable. I am now using the app to make sure I am taking in enough calories to not lose more weight and maybe get back to a healthy weight again.

    I know that compared to the problems many of you are going through mine is nothing really. That I should be grateful for my health and the health of my family.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    :) Sometimes the pain from a medium problem is as great as the pain from a huge one...have you been writing a daily gratitude list...that helps me to focus on the good things in my life and think less about what's wrong.

    :) The principle of logging your food for the day and sticking to the plan no matter what will work just as well for you trying to stay at a healthy weight as it does for others who are trying to lose weight to get to a healthy weight....treat your eating like a prescription from the doctor and eat your meals as regularly as if they were antibiotics or pain meds or anti seizure meds....or dialysis....your life depends on healthy eating.

    <3 Barbie

  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks ... I am enjoying my weight loss; been expensive to alter clothes; and, tailor has told me not to do it again, until I get down to my goal; at least another 10lbs or so. Don't want to get too skinny; don't want to look 'gaunt'. Just need to get my BMI down a point or two to be considered 'normal' or whatever they judge it by. Asked GYN the last time I was in; and he said 'about your weight'? No, Sherlock, the fact that I did not scream hysterically during my exam? ... sure, my weight! "Looking very good, ... I told nurse how good ... interrupted; "you need to be telling your patient ... that's what she WANTS to hear!" MMmmmmmm ... wonder if he will take my advice? He is quick to tell you about your weight gain. HA! HA! HA! Men! But, at least DH is telling me every time I call with my weight each weigh-in day. When I get to my goal I will get a facial - free thanks to the CMWLP.

    Anne from Wisconsin - Maybe your 'ex' is afraid of commitment(s). Maybe he is afraid of another 'failed' marriage (if it was headed that way); and it seems like it was if you were intimate. I know my DH was not looking for another 'failed' marriage; not wanting another woman to take a child away from him. This, I did not find out until we'd been married for 2 years and I was wanting a baby of our own; then, when I got pregnant and had complications that necessitated ending it to save my life. We've now been married over 43 years. We, then, had to wait a year to try again and I had to take chemo because of it.

    Some men think, 'why get married, if I am getting what I want 'not needing to get married'. Maybe bringing that subject (marriage) up and discussing how each of you think about it; not that you are ready either. Not that you aren't pushing; or try not to push. Some men just aren't ready and if he does things with daughter that you feel are unsafe; tell him you are just concerned that she might get hurt and know he would feel terrible about it. IMHO. I don't know how old his daughter is; but, one of my DGD is quite the dare devil and DYS always gets on to her for going full throttle on her go cart. His FnL fixed it so it would not go nearly so fast (hoping she won't get the idea and change it back). He'll just have to re-adjust it if it gets loosened by riding over the gravel around their lake place.


    His ex threatened to take away his daughter at one point in his divorce so that is where the issue started. No matter what I say he can not seem to get I was only concerned and would never call on him. He said he went to looking at me as a women to marry to one he is not sure he can trust. Don't know how to get trust back. I am the same women he thought about marrying to one he can not trust with his daughter apparently in 20 seconds. Don't know what to do now.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    edited February 2016
    Barbiecat have tried the gratitude journal did better with that with my divorce not working so well now. I live alone now my daughter is grown and out of the house so I spend most time alone and have nothing but time to think about my current situation. That does not help.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited February 2016
    Oooooohhhh, we had a bird (starling) in our chimney, fluttering about and making a racket. DH found it in the kitchen stove. I told him to close the internal doors and open the external one before he let it out. It flew out and kept banging itself against a window. DH guided it with a bowl to the back door. It eventually found the open door and flew out OK. DH is a bird lover, thank goodness. :D

    Dinner tonight was divine! As I was prepping today I put my music on loud, (DH was out walking) and kept bopping. Then I actually danced around the kitchen! My knee held up, though my feet were protesting. Happy me! I used to be a good and creative dancer, but my knee is a plague. Glad to have managed the 15 minutes. :D Gave me a bit more leeway for my meal so I have just come in under calories. Wow! :D I can now say "I love you" in Norwegian. <3 DH wrote me a poem. <3

    Love to all. Heather UK

    PS - Apparently my DGS thinks we ought to go and look for gold at the end of that rainbow I posted. :D<3