

  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Heather thanks for the movie tip.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member

    From one of the garden tours.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Happy Valentines Day Everyone.


    Elaine- is that one of your drawings? Beautiful.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Hello to all: Hope your day is going well. Chores in the barn are done, horses happily munching hay. DH and DD have gone out for Valentine breakfast so I have the house to myself for a little while. I love the quiet.

    CSSJ - We acquired an English saddle that the former owners left here on the property and my DD wants to try it out and practice a bit as she is going to UK in April and she and her friend have booked a day ride in Wales. She has not ridden in an English saddle for a long time. Enjoy your lessons.

    Michele - Can your primary care doc recommend a counselor in your area? So glad you are back on here.

    Reading about many of you studying foreign languages makes me want to do something in that area. I took French in high school and college but would have to start over at this point I think. Spanish also appeals to me as so many people speak it around here. I will have to give this some thought.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA

    Sue Good luck on the languages. You DD 's opportunity to ride in Wales sounds marvelous.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbie - What a romantic story for Valentine's Day. Love conquers all :) Thanks for sharing.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi gals,

    Heather - My weight is stagnant! And a bit frustrating… but I do believe that the listing for calorie burn on MFP for gardening is way way way off, as it is the same per hour if you are digging holes, pruning trees, or sitting on your bum pulling weeds

    I do think that the US lack of world travel makes us less aware of what it is really like to live somewhere else. I speak poor Spanish but while in Costa Rica I used it when I needed to, but traveled with a friend who was a native speaker. I even used my poor Spanish in Italy, with great results, they were THRILLED I was trying… A funny Spanish story though, the friend I traveled with learned Spanish in Puerto Rico, and some words are different – in Costa Rica they had these wonderful large guavas, so we went to a market and she asked for Guava using the Puerto Rican word, in Costa Rica that word was the word for vagina, there was a flurry of fast paced Spanish between her, the market person, and another customer who also spoke English and Spanish… she was so embarrassed to have asked for a large vagina….. we still laugh about it.

    I love the words you have learned in Norwegian… so if you put them together, you could say “Help the bear he likes beer and wine”

    Happy Valentines Day all – this is one holiday I don’t stress on… I consider it a card and candy corporate holiday….

    Pip and Kirby – awesome, amazing, brilliant!!!

    Coastal – welcome –

    Anne in WI – please please do not discount your pain, it is as real as anyone else’s – granted the circumstances are different but it is your pain, confusion, and hurt and it is real. I find it hard to believe that his driving and your reaction is the only thing going on…it seems like that could be talked about and worked out… but it may be what is an “easy” thing to blame. Anne are you retired? You mention being alone a lot, I live alone (with a dog) also but love it (most of the time) could you volunteer or find a meetup group?

    Sylvia – I know this is hard but the best thing in the world for those kids is you and DH –

    Michele – I love love love this idea “Maybe I should just ask her what we can do to help Bryan become the mature, compassionate, sensitive, mature adult that he deserves to be and that Diana deserves to have as a husband?”
    While I agree with most that this therapist is a nut job, I also have to agree that fussing about her credentials is not going to do any one any good. She and Bryan will get defensive and then no one will hear each other…

    My arm is so sore! I know so little about anatomy – but I googled muscles in upper arm and I think I have hurt either my bicep or triceps – it is fine for lots of things but other things are extremely painful, like pulling up my pants… I am sure it is overused or strained a bit… but I so rarely get hurt I forget what a drag it is. A warm heating pad seems to make it feel better – But Miriam if only you were closer --- I would have been knocking at your door with my swim suit and towel in hand as I know you have a hot tub!!!

    I am going to spend part of the day tomorrow with my nephew, so worked hard to get a bunch of sewing done and spent 3 hours in my own yard! On Tuesday there will be a committee meeting here from my garden club and I just could not bear the mess the yard was in.. will try to fit in a bit more work in the yard tomorrow and Tuesday am…

    Well want to take a shower before Downton in an hour!

    Kim from N. California
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Grits, this is the evil step mother in every sense of the word. She is an alcoholic, narcissistic, self absorbed, hateful individual. Supposedly she dried out and has stayed off the sauce, but I have my doubts. Since he's been in the hospital she has been alone with them, and I do NOT think she is treating them right. She lies to my son about all the horrible things the kids are doing to her. Supposedly she is agoraphobic and can't possibly leave the house for grocery shopping, but she can go to buy yarn. They say she stays in bed all the time and they have to make their own breakfast and dinner. Cereal in the morning and corn dogs in the microwave for dinner. They are 7, 9, and 11.

    For lunch today I made them egg sandwiches. They loved that. Tonight they ate dinner like they were starving, and really enjoyed it. They don't get cooking very often. I made the traditional Valentine's Day feast of heart shaped meatloaf and mashed potatoes, with applesauce. I made quinoa with pork for my own dinner (low salt), and they tried it but weren't enthusiastic. I made a chocolate cake from scratch and it turned out pretty well. It has heart shaped sprinkles. After dinner we played Carroms, then started bath times.

    We can't quite figure out what to do with Molly. She can't be locked in her crate all the time, but she's not happy about having them here. Spot has been a little nippy, too, especially with the little guy. Spot doesn't like it when Ian moves too quickly. So, we have some things to work out. We only have one guest bed, so one gets to sleep in the big guest bed and the other two are camping out on the sofas. Eventually we will get their bunk beds over here.

    Tonight I called the hospital and my son sounded better. He said he was sorry for how he acted and told them that he loves them very much. He said his oxygen is better regulated now and it was making him cranky. Yeah, right. Anyway he asked me to bring them up tomorrow for a visit. We will see how it goes, but I will not take them back to that apartment unless there are some serious changes.

    Good night everyone.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Goodness Pip~ you went to town with the chainsaw huh?
    supposed to snow from about 3pm-6 tonight ,I get out of work at 5 and have to come up and feed Faith.. and then hopefully go home, waiting on Jean to call and see if her flight will be delayed from Florida and that would mean I need to stay over for a 5th night.. I love Faith and Jean dearly but I want to be in my own bed...
    Sylvia~ I am so sorry you are going through all this, but I conquer with everyone that they are in the best place possible right now, I know that when my youngest grandaughter was living in Ct. and actually the ones from Wisconsin too when they were younger.. our home was the place of normalcy...
    Take it all a day at a time Sylvia and thank goodness they have a grandma and grandpa like you and your husband..
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Pip- What kind of tree/bush did you have to get rid of? That is some hard/sweaty work! We have had to get rid of a few trees due to birch bores and we had a peach tree that had to go because of a fungus of some kind. Kills me to have to get rid of trees. We have a few different pines/spruce on our property though. Nothing seems to kill/hinder their growth except overgrowth, and then they just seem to grow taller to get to the sunlight first...

    Anne- so glad you friended me! Thinking of you this week! Stay calm and just relax and enjoy the time for YOU. Maybe focus on just you on this trip...if he doesn't want to do something or experience something that you do; you just go ahead and do it yourself. I think you will find, that you will not be "alone", and that there will always be people who will be interested in you and pull you into their lives. I have found this happens especially when I am on vacation and/or traveling alone. Others just seem more relaxed and open at these times also. Enjoy the time for YOU!

    As you say your prayers or send out your good thoughts today, please send an extra good thought to my sister. She begins her chemo and radiation today. She is scared. We watched our mom go through this time and time again and saw the toll it took on her physically and emotionally. Changes have been made in treating cancer in the twenty plus years since mom passed, but chemo and radiation are still AWFUL.

    Have a Happy Monday, ladies! Your friendship and adventures are much appreciated!
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Can't sleep so I thought I would type the list floating in my head to see if that helps organize my thoughts. This year is really busy for our family, all good things, so I wish i could chill out about it. I really want to be that Mom that has it all together...maybe its more about knowing when to ask for help? or maybe I look like I have it together but eat because it comforts me? I'll have to give that more thought.

    This month has been tax returns and college financial aid paperwork. This needs to be complete in 2 weeks and I'm plugging along. None of it is difficult just puts me in a fowl mood. DD and DS have this week off from high school so I've scheduled Dr appt for DD, Passport appoint for DS as he will need it for his Germany trip this summer, and 1st driving lesson for DS that passed his Permit test last week. Teaching him to drive over the next 6 months so he can drive to school next year. Juniors and Seniors in my area drive themselves; not Mom and Dad any more :o

    Next month DS is having a German exchange student stay with us through the Friendship Connection for 4 weeks, including the high school's spring break and Easter. He has thought of some great sight seeing ideas for the 2 of them to do. The boys will go to school together each day except for spring recess. My DD has a award cermony with our local Congressman for doing so well in school. Went last year with my DS and it was very nice. I am blessed with hard working kids that are active in the community. All those scout meetings and PTA positions, plus volunteer work I was active with for so many years really has shown them what was expected. Also, my DS in college has spring break and will leave to go back to college the day before the German student comes. I have to get that all sorted :D So I Bought an inexpensive shelf unit for the garage and some plastic bins to put DS things in after he leaves to go back to college and make room for the exchange student. My DD will start to receive more offers from colleges and she will have to make a decision. So far she's heard from a college in NYC.

    In April we will say goodbye to our new friend until DS goes to Germany to stay with his family for 4 weeks over the summer and same DS will make his Confirmation at the end of April. He's my last one, shwoooooooe!!!! I've told them all through their complaining that they had to stay at church till their confirmation then it's up to them. My DH stop going long ago which isn't the best situation for me but that's life so just have to deal with it. More offers hopefully rolling in for DD college selections.

    May brings decision day (May 1st) for DD with colleges, if not decided sooner, the end of DS collge freshman year so fly east pack him up, decide on storage items to stay behind for next year and bring him home, prom for DD and her 18th birthday. June is DD high school graduation- Yahoo! packing and sending DS to Germany. That's as far ahead as my brain can think though I'll be packing and sending off 2 to college in August while trying to register DS for his high school junior year.

    Wow, I feel better. It's doable just no time for slacking off! No Vegas trip this year for dance competition as we have decided to not incur that expense this year. And for me, my reward, is a trip with my sister to Italy in September if all goes well.

    Feeling sleepy now. Thank you ladies, I'd be lost with out you all. Welcome to all the newbies. Wishing you all peace in your day.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Rosie, it's no wonder you stayed awake to list all that is going on! How very exciting that your children are growing up so wonderfully in no small part to following your example. I only have one child, it sure keeps me crazy busy with all these getting ready to "leave the nest" opportunities, can't imagine times 3!!! :#
    My DD hosted german student and is taking the opportunity to visit Germany for 2 weeks in March, absolutely thrilled to be a part of that experence. Our big milestone moment is when DD asked to go to a beach house for prom weekend---we were gobsmacked :| but after speaking with all parents involved, we agreed with some limitations. It is very hard for DH to accept that this 17 year old wants to become independent, yet that is what we've been raising her to be all along....His biggest wall is letting her drive with other teens, I get it, but honestly, I try to get him to loosen up a little, it is very hard for him to let go in that area. Also for Valentines Day she received quite a few flowers, from boys we all know, but still, he looked like somebody hit him over the head with a frying pan, that his little one, was the object of romance!!!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    <3 Karen from NY have a great week everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Another happy early morning walk with dogs :)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Getting better. DH still has a bad cough...and I think he is milking the "I still feel like crap" thing. My theory is - if you are coughing all night you should take something to help stop so you can get some sleep and not be grouchy all next day!! Men!!

    Yesterday we went over to the lake and checked out the kids new ice shack. Got there just in time to have fried fish!! The weather was very nice... sorry everyone in the midst of the polar vortex that is invading the east.

    Went for walk when we got back... first walk outside in 10 days!! and hopefully another walk today.

    Later all

    Lillian in west Central Saskatchewan
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning again~
    I am finally at home~ It feels great.. I enjoyed staying with Faith but nothing feels like home...
    I woke up at 5 so I did some cleaning, I picked up Jean and Seans bedroom, didnt move alot of stuff, but I dusted and swept the floor, dusted the living room and dining room, and cleaned up the kitchen.. Faith does nothing.. except lie in bed and color,and read literally.. the only movement she gets is going from her bed to the bathroom. her Dr wants her to get her up and moving but she is stubborn as the day is long and wont budge... and only once in awhile now does she get dressed , Jean gets her in the shower once a week .but I am not going to force her to do anything as it is not my job.. my job was to get her meds and food and liquids into her and that I did
    Tom actually got be a beautiful Valentines card, didnt sign it with anything except XOXO which I guess is good.
    I do have to go back up after work to get her meds and dinner into her before Jean comes home, just hoping her flight isnt delayed.
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Kim I still work thanks to my divorce I will never be able to retire. I just spend all my off time alone. My friends do ask me to hang out but always at the bar and don't think right now that is the best place for me to be. Am looking in to a meditation workshop maybe it could help.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Anne~ I have been in your shoes.. right now trying to work things through with my husband Tom.. meditation is great, also what I have found is you need to do what you need to for yourself.. it is about You!!! what makes you Happy.. if you need to see a therapist, if you need antidepressants.. start on those .but try and enjoy what you can on the cruise.. there are all sorts of wonderful things to do... check out the Spa.. the adult only deck.. take some great stuff to read.. soak up the sun... if you have an mp3 player.. download some of your favorites, even a free app called Calm ,it is a meditation app that I use and it is wonderful...
    Best wishes as you figure out how to work through your situation..