

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    DH, bless his heart, got me a huge heart shaped box of candy. Banging my head against a wall.

    Sometimes men just need a keeper. Bless them all. This man that is a part of my lay servant ministries team, sweet as can be, country as a turnip green, great wife who is also my friend, we've been texting off and on about lay servant business since we left him in charge here at home while we were in Nashville, so our last text was apparently at the top of his list, accidentally sent me a text meant for his wife about being his soul mate and the love of his life. I sent him a funny text back about having no idea he cared. LOL! I thought it was hilarious. I hope his wife saw the humor in it. Why in the world would you text your spouse anyway? I guess he forgot to get her a card.

    Anne from Wisconsin, I'm so sorry you are going through relationship issues. I guess I can see where he's coming from given the stuff with his ex-wife, but you also need to feel safe in speaking your mind when you have concerns. Maybe it's just trust issues, maybe it's communication, maybe you can work it out if it's meant to be.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Sylvia-prayers for you and your family! Sickness takes it's toll on every one; not just the person who is sick. Love and hugs to you and your grandkids!

    Allie- I always see ads for all inclusive vacations and cruises for the Mexico/Caribbean area. They are pretty inexpensive, too! Have fun planning!

    Anne- Relationships are so hard! I always say, I would raise ten more kids before I would EVER get married again. This marriage, truly is the hardest thing I have ever worked at. Praying for clarity in your decisions and peace with the decisions made for you.

    Well, I am a grandma! Kind of! LOL! No grandkids, but I have a new grandpuppy! He is a rescue dog that my newlywed daughter and her hubby adopted. He is about 1 1/2 year old lab and possibly pitbull mix. Gentle as a lamb. They have had him for a full day now. He has been exploring the house and yard. They are setting a routine for him of walks at certain times, play time at certain times and he seems to be crate trained, but not adverse to trying to "con" his way out and into "mama and daddy's" room at night. (I guess he gives them a look and whines and talks to them for about an hour before he goes to sleep). Daughter called me tonight to tell me all about him and I got to "talk" to him. I did my best "arrr-rrrr-roooor-rrraaar" doggie conversation starter and he answered me! I am sure he was saying "Hi Grandma! Come and see me!" His name is Chappie. I will post pics as soon as DD shares some with me!

    Good night all of you Valentines! :*<3
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Sylvia, somehow I missed your post the first time. I am so incredibly sorry. Love and hugs to you.
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Sylvia so sorry to see how things are for you right now. Sending my thought and prayers for you and your family. Hugs

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Sylvia: Blasting out energy to you and DH. Day at a time. :) Never forget how STRONG you are.

    DH and I don't celebrate VDay. We are trying to show love and appreciation for each other every day, and I am very happy to get that consideration consistently throughout the year. <3 That said, I did make blueberry pancakes for breakfast. That happens about 3 times a year.

    Last night we went bowling with my niece and her honey. What fun! We were all exceptionally awful at bowling, but had alot of laughs. :p I have to say I thought I'd feel it in my right arm and hand this AM, but didn't have any painful aftereffects. I attribute to having done strength training for over 2 years now. B)

    Time to get up, get in some more steps and then make Chinese Chicken salad for our dinner.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Happy Valentine Day all my sisters! Love you all! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Gloria - thanks. Love you too. Hope the unpacking is progressing well.

    Janetr OKC
  • mbrown862015
    mbrown862015 Posts: 9 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :) We had a great thing happen for us for Valentine's Day.....our good friend who is our age and has been unmarried for many years and had many unsatisfactory selfish men friends, finally met someone who dotes on her and treasures her and treats her with respect, and today she brought him to meet us. He has already proposed and bought her a lovely ring. Jake and I both liked him and are so happy for both of them. :)

    :'(Sylvia, your poor grandchildren to have to go through that emotional abuse....they are so fortunate to have you and your husband and dogs to love them and care for them :)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Sylvia ... Will be praying for you and your husband ... Document this time .... You may be soon seeking custody ... Hugs!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, I am so sorry for what is happening to everyone right now. Everyone is right, you and DH are what those kids need right now. But they also desperately need to know that their Dad loves them more than anything. Is there a social worker at the hospital you could discuss this with? I would also suggest making sure their school system knows the situation. Also pray and pray until your eyes are so cried out and then pray some more.

    Allison, my daughter went to an all inclusive for their honeymoon. I was exactly what they said it would be except that the food wasn't that good and they had to go off resort to eat and the taxis were very expensive. Also the resort was quite distance from the airport with an expensive taxi.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    CAROL share what you want or don't want. No need to say sorry. We all have our boundaries. I think I share more about my current issue because everyone here is so supportive in every area not just weight calories etc.

    BARBIECAT thanks for the advice. I am going to try and live in the moment on the trip. Feel like it will be the make it or break it for my relationship with him though. Hence the excitement and the dreading the trip. I always said I would not get back into a relationship after my divorce but did it again. Kicking myself now for allowing someone else in again.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    Anne Please don't kick yourself. As human beings, we crave and need connections. In fact, it has been shown that people who do not have good connections to others, whether married, partners, or living apart but friends, have a reduced quality of life. They also have a reduced quality of health. I am so glad that you found your way to our group. As E.M.Forster said in Howards End, only connect.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    CSSJ09: Congratulations on the riding lesson! I gave myself bursitis in my left knee during a riding lesson several years ago. It was the trigger that gave me the determination to lose weight. Shortly after, I found MFP and this wonderful group of women. My knee will never be as strong as before and I typically do not post. I sit the trot. My lesson horse has a sweet jog, but his extended trot is bone pounding. My advice is to take it one lesson at a time and protect your knee. :heart:

    Rori: I hoped you'd enjoy the pillow. The girl who made it did wonderful work. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I'm happy that your son had better color and no fever following surgery. You are a miracle in the lives of your grandkids. :heart: World War 1! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Michele: We'll all be rooting for you during the next Skype event. In my case, I hope you'll be able to protect your own heart from more hurts. :heart:

    Heather: My primary goal in learning Spanish is to stretch my brain. There are many Spanish-speaking people in our area. DH does not like to travel, so needing a second language for practical use is not very likely for the foreseeable future. If I were planning a trip I'd have better motivation. :flowerforyou:

    Anne: When I travel I record all of my food on my MFP cell phone app. When I return to "civilization" the information is all there and is shared with the site. I've never missed a day. Heather travels more frequently than I do and to farther destinations. She would know more about it than I do. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Good luck with the run. Let us know how it goes. :smiley:

    Riding lesson today! Yay! I've decided to wear my brace to yoga for a while, and will also wear it to my riding lesson today. If It gets in my way I can always take it off. The bone is healed but there is still swelling and discomfort in the soft tissue. My "homework" assignment was to watch barrel racing this week. The high level competition was useless to me, but I found a couple of things that showed kids practicing, and a professional barrel racer had a teaching video out there. We will see if any of that translates into improvement on my part.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison



    Katla Thank you for the encouragement and information on bursitis. More reason to stretch and strengthen my legs. I hope your barrel racing goes well. I rode western as a child but made the switch to English as an adult. I definitely don't have the guts to try barrel racing. I would like to find a Paso to ride. Great ponies.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Another half pound weight loss at my weightwatchers meeting this morning. I struggle all the time but I will definitely get to my 10stone goal. Wishing everyone on this site all the best for moving towards their dreams also. Will catch up on all your posts shortly.

    Elaine Such nice and steady progress. Congratulations.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Michelle ~ I Googled Island of Reunion and it looks like paradise.

    My son is 40 yrs old and we still have chats about his childhood. I think most of us have had times
    where we felt that our parents negatively influenced the adults we have become. I just listen to him and
    sometimes say I'm sorry that this or that happened. I think that once he understands that you are
    listening to what he says, things will get better. We all have to grow up at some point and realize that
    we should live in the "now" and not the "past." Unfortunately, I still have to tell myself to quit reflecting
    on the past.

    Sylvia ~ You certainly have a right to be exhausted. You are a blessing to your grand children and son.

    Rorie ~ That pillow is so cute and you must love seeing it as a part of the work you do.

    I am sorry that I do not say much about my life, but, it is so quiet compared to you who have such busy (at least to me) lives. It is very hard for me to share my feelings and be open. That is a result of my childhood. I was not abused in any way, but, there was a lot of abuse going on between my parents.


    Carol, Please don't feel that you have to apologize. We are all made differently. You always have such wonderful things to say to everyone else. My guess is that you are a deep thinker. That is a profound way to live and does not need busyness.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I overslept so I only did 1/2 hr of an Intermediate pilates DVD. then Jess and I went to Lowe's foods and then to the mall. I found a pair of pants for $6 for me! And I got my glasses adjusted.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do the last segment of the Tummy Toner DVD that I have, hold my plank and then do an extremeweights DVD.

    Jess made these chocolate covered strawberries to take back with her to Colby. I wish there were some way she could leave today. Not that I don't love having her, because I do. It's just that weather.com is calling for lots of snow. But she has an appointment to get her timing belt adjusted. Bad thing is that she has a manual and neither Vince nor I know how to drive a manual (not that I could even if I knew how to). She could take my car back to Reston and we could take care of her car. But that's not to be.

    pip - yea for Kirby!!!

    Lenora - doing a happy dance for you

    DJ - so glad you had such a wonderful time on your cruise.

    Vince just got sick (physically). I do hope that he gets better soon because I don't want Jess to feel that she has to be here to take care of us. I wish he would eat yogurt, it has such a calming effect on my somach.

    Karen - that is just amazing that your sister got that card -- and on her birthday no less!

    katla - you bring up a very good point, maybe I shouldn't concern myself with Bryan's therapist. But then again, he IS my son and I do worry, what if she isn't not what she seems to be? Was the only reason he even Skyped with me because she could give him credence to his feelings (or so he feels?) Maybe I should just ask her what we can do to help Bryan becaome the mature, compassionate, sensitive, mature adult that he deserves to be and that Diana deserveds to have as a husband?

    Just got back from the ER. After Jess and I went out, when we got home Vince was feeling like he was going to throw up. Well, he did and he had diahhrrhea. I know he was concerned because about 12 or 13 years ago he had an intestinal blockage. He kept asking me to listen to his stomach (I didn't hear anything). He had Jess call the ambulance. What a PITA since I can't drive. Thank goodness Jess is here! He came home, tomorrow we need to go get an anti-nausia prescription filled for him. Boy, he sure knows how to make a valentine's day interesting!!!!

    KJ - welcome to the "grand" family!

    I have a feeling that Vince won't want to go bowling tomorrow. And since I can't drive, I won't be there either.

    barbie - so happy for your friend!

    Michele in NC
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Katla - Research has proved that learning a new language is one of the best stretches for the brain. :D
    You know you could always leave DH with his sister. I lived in Mexico City for a month with a family and absolutely loved it. Just a week would be wonderful. You could combine it with some language classes. :D
    Of course if you got as far as Spain I might be inclined to pop over to see you. :flowerforyou:
    Today I watched a French film I thought you horsey people would enjoy. It features an Arab stallion called Othello. It's called "En Equilibre". I rented it from Lovefilm/Amazon.

    Heather UK

    PS - I am rarely far from wifi when on holiday. There is wifi on my cruise ship in the library, though not utterly reliable. I don't use data abroad, though I could for £3 extra a day.

    I'm intrigued by this idea of living with a family abroad. I'm recently divorced, travel deprived, and soon to be an empty nester. This could be very nice! How did you arrange it?


    If you want to experience/try out travel abroad with a family without leaving home, check at your local colleges and see if host families are needed. Overseas students often want to experience our culture or practice English. I have been a host parent and ended up planning a wedding and standing in for a mother who could not travel here; taking other students to see voting for the first time; mourning with a student who lost a friend in a bombing in her country; shared lots of laughs and touring in area; and lots of shared meals. I have been invited to visit them when they go back home and have done so. I get emails and text messages to "my American mum" from all over the world. You may also want to contact Council for International Visitors in your area.