

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather - I'd love to be a mouse in the corner and watch you dance in the kitchen. :) That is the sweetest thing that your DH wrote you a poem. How thoughtful of him. Your grandkids are just at the right age to be full of curiosity and lots of energy, they are so cute. Not long now before the new one arrives.

    Janetr OKC
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    KJLaMore -
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Mia- Hello Ann Arbor! Beautiful little town! I am from Grand Haven, west side of the state on the big lake.

    Alas, I have only seen pictures of Grand Haven. It looks like a lovely part of our state and I hope to visit there one of these days.

    Mia in MI
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    "Liker øl og vin og elsker deg" may get you farther than you want to go, Heather. :D I've been taking mental inventory of what birds might be here in early June and how easy it would be to find them in a short space of time. Not specifically for your husband's sake, though I admit that's a factor. We've got some rather exotic species up here ;) (He didn't write you a poem in Norwegian did he?)

    In Norway, today is both Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. We celebrated with a candlelight dinner of duck breast in orange sauce. Great food (and a great wine with it) but I'll have to clean duck fat off several surfaces tomorrow. Duck skin really spits when you sear it in a frying pan! Tomorrow, sadly, my husband is off to "the South" (meaning Tromsø and Oslo) and won't be back for over a week! :'( I'll try to look on the bright side and use his absence to be just as obsessive-compulsive about my food as I darn well please.

    But I'll miss him...
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    I took a little nap ;)
    I made Faith an early dinner and she absolutely raved about it,she said it was the best meal she ever had ( yea ok so she has alzheimer's but felt nice.. got back to the bedroom and had missed 2 calls from Tom, I called him back said he was worried and was dressed and was about to come up.
    well me thinks he cares for me more than he says...
    Jean will be home tomorrow night and I will go down in the morning and bring my stuff home and take care of the puppies, and make dinner..
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Anne - He sounds like he has 'control issues', too; maybe, it's best that he not be the one you marry (again). You need to make time to do things you like to do yourself; and, not be dependent on someone else making those plans. Take a course at a community college; learn a new language, begin or start back doing a hobby. Sounds like he only liked things that were things that he liked, not necessarily doing anything you like (or did not want you to even do them without you). My DH likes to hunt and fish; I really don't want to do either (unless he plans on taking me out and putting me up in a stand on a day that the wind is not blowing 4 ways to Hell and back; and not up in one with a very talkative 6-year-old boy who flung his legs over the side of a piece of plywood that was up about 50' and nailed to 4 small pine trees, that swayed to and fro the entire day. Watching and listening to youngest son so that he would not fall off. I like to draw and paint and will do it while watching TV and I like to hit the 'junk stores' and 'antique shops' and visit with friends. He does his thing and I do mine; and then we do things that we both enjoy and/or go out to eat.

    Good luck! He's probably not going to change, except for the worse.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day!! Gloomy and rainy here today but in the 50s. I do not miss SD winter weather. DH bought me See's candy for a gift. I will ration it out, a little per day so I can work it into my calories. It will take the place of my usual dark chocolate treat.

    Lenora - Congrats on getting so close to normal BMI. Wish I could say the same.

    Heather - I think I may try Duolingo. It sounds like fun.

    DJ - Welcome back. Hope you had an awesome time.

    Katla - Yikes! Saddlesores. I don't believe I have ever had one. The saddle you are using may fit the horse but does it fit you? A friend and I used to have a ball racing our horses as fast as they could trot without breaking to a lope. The trick is to keep your heels down and absorb the shock through your legs not your seat. Take care of your sore bum.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congrats to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited February 2016
    Penny - :laugh: Sounds about right to me! :D>:)

    Janetr - Can't wait for Thursday! The biscuit cutters are trembling in anticipation. <3

    Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue: I'm wondering if I should shorten the stirrups a notch. I've been riding this horse using this saddle for two years. Why would I get saddle sores now? I was clearly doing something wrong on Saturday. Maybe I was too far back in the saddle. I felt the cantle with each sit, and that is the exact spot that has sores. Luckily I have an extra week off to recover. My teacher is off to an event next weekend & I hope she has fun while I heal. :ohwell: :bigsmile:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Anne ... "Problems" are relative ... You vent all you want! I would agree that your weight sounds low for your height ... Barbie had good suggestions.

    Allie ... Absence does make the heart grow fonder ... You obviously need to make yourself less available more often ...
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    any of you ladies ever been to an all inclusive? I am looking for one for 5 day -4 night.. going with a girlfriend foe my birthday.. Tom doesnt know it yet... give me some idea's want an adult only...
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    I have been to Mexico and The Dominican Republic both were great. There are quite a few adults only that are great.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I think Charlie and I will just write this day off. Neither one of us slept well last night, my legs and head are killing me, his voice just reverberates through my ears. It snowed last night which I love to watch and see but we have all curtains closed. I think I am going to consider myself a choir practice member only. I have made 3 of them in the months of January and February. I didn't like todays song at all, maybe that had some bearing on me turning the alarm off and staying in bed. It was a mainly unison with a chorus of the upper D which kills my throat and my head to try to get. Charlie is down in the dumps over how many times he soiled his diaper yesterday.

    DJ, so glad you are back. Some of us were concerned about weather on your cruise as there was one cruise ship had some bad weather but then some one else reminded us that you cruise didn't originate from the other place. Glad you and your boot is back although i have a poor appetite right now.

    My Michelle came over last night and spent about 1/2 hour plucking my chin. She thinks a heavy upper level of hair was just covering up a lower level of hair. The ones right on my chin were pretty tender to pull out!

    Love all the talk about traveling. I usually google wherever you are going and check it out and compare it to where you say you are.

    We are watching our usual PGA tour. exciting day!!!! I finally figured out about why I couldn't get into my Free Tax USA. i knew the two cities I lived in as the security question and it kept saying the answers were wrong. I found out I needed to take the question literally. It said city and I was putting in city and state. I changed it and now I can have access to last years taxes, they just automatically put in all the info for me and also know the correct questions to ask me. I don't worry about rushing to do them as we get nothing back from Federal and pay state. Michelle recently had to borrow $750 from us for her car and that is exactly what she gets back from Federal. She knows it isn't necessary but when she has a debt from us she wants to pay it off as quick as she can. That is not her sister's attitude. She knows her Dad will forget about it and she counts on that.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Happy Valentines Day Ya'll!! I left my husband a syrupy card by where he places his glasses before he hops in the shower. It also said to wake me up BEFORE he hopped in, so I could start making him some blueberry muffins. They were from the Betty Crocker Cook book, and turned out to be not as sweet as I would like them. My frozen blueberries were good and made up for the blandness... This afternoon I made another batch, and added some honey, and a handful of rolled oats, then put the rest of my granola on top of them. Then because the frozen blueberries are so HUGE I put them in the mixing bowl, with some sugar and coated them with the the batter that was around the sides of the bowl and put some on each muffin. I love cooking off the cuff like that....more like a scientist just adding this and that! The muffins came out sooo good.

    My husband bought me three orange roses in a nice vase' on Friday. I'm thinking of just stopping the watering and let them dry. It was sweet of him though.

    This morning we started watching rugby at 9am. Its 2:30 and he just ended his second game. We aren't really sports fanatics, but we do like rugby, and then of course we watch Navy trounce Army every year in football.

    Be good all, no dipping into the chocolate now!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sorry guys, I just have a minute to write quickly. Today the you-know-what hit the fan with my son. He says the kids are being mean to Julie, the "wife", and she told him that the kids want him to die. He is on heavy duty meds and not thinking clearly, he's violent and mean. He says he has a serious blood infection and that they told him he will be in the hospital for at least two weeks. The kids said she was screaming at them and throwing things. She says they were doing that to her. All 3 kids told the same story, within reason, when asked separately, so I tend to believe them. He believes her. He says he doesn't want to see their faces ever again. Hopefully when he calms down he will feel differently. Hubby and I said we would take them home with us for a couple of days, but Steve and Julie told the kids to take everything they would need for two weeks.

    So we now have three kids and three dogs. We will see how this goes.

    More later.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia, being with you is the best possible situation for those sweet grandkids. I suspect it will be tiring but you are their Guardian Angel. Your DH is your Guardian Angel. I'm sending prayers for all of you.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Sylvia - sorry you are going through all this. How old are the children? Would there be a way to get a 'voice activated' recorder inside their house; not that it'd be legal; but, might help if you took it to the DFACS people. They both sound as if they are abusive to the kids. Kids don't normally 'make up' stuff; especially if you are getting basically the same story from them. Is the 'wife' the mother of them. I thought they were separated already and a custody battle was in the making. Has that changed? I'm sorry that you ad D are having to go through all this. I know the kids have to be confused. Will keep you in our prayers.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    stat for the day:
    more yard work - 190min = 1089c
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Sorry guys, I just have a minute to write quickly. Today the you-know-what hit the fan with my son. He says the kids are being mean to Julie, the "wife", and she told him that the kids want him to die. He is on heavy duty meds and not thinking clearly, he's violent and mean. He says he has a serious blood infection and that they told him he will be in the hospital for at least two weeks. The kids said she was screaming at them and throwing things. She says they were doing that to her. All 3 kids told the same story, within reason, when asked separately, so I tend to believe them. He believes her. He says he doesn't want to see their faces ever again. Hopefully when he calms down he will feel differently. Hubby and I said we would take them home with us for a couple of days, but Steve and Julie told the kids to take everything they would need for two weeks.

    So we now have three kids and three dogs. We will see how this goes.

    More later.


    Sylvia you are the best thing for those kids right now in there young lives. Take care of yourself too along the way.

    Cheri NE oHIo