

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Rosie xoxoxox- so sorry to hear..
    I just looked at the obits this morning and there right in my face.. was a dear friend of mine.. dead at 60 he was tethered to oxygen for COPD.. but wow, just a slap in the face.. we used to pal around when we were younger, and he was always the life of the party.. he has been sober for 17 yrs and everytime I saw him,he told me how many days he had been sober.. bless his heart. He was a true blue friend
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
    joeyventer wrote: »
    In the last two years I have made health goals, and I'm really sticking to my goals.

    My goals started 1 April 2014:
    2014 - To lose 33 pounds the first year. (Reached my goal and maintain)
    2015 - To lose another 33 pounds the second year. (Reached my goal and maintain thus far)
    2016 - To start with exercise this year.
    - Staying with my 1200 calories a day.

    It not an easy thing to do but with "My Fitness Pal" I am now committed and logging everything I put in my mouth.
    "Nothing feels as good as losing weight and feeling good".

    way to go!
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Sylvia I just love that tray. Please show us after it's finished.
    Lisa Sugar is evil. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with it too. And good for you for logging it. I usually can't face looking at something like that in my food journal. At least, you are aware and owning it. If you weren't, that would be more disturbing.

    I haven't thought about my day yet. I've been having Vega One smoothies for breakfast so that I don't have to think about what to eat first thing. I do like this powder very much. It's darn expensive, though.

    Ok...now that I've checked in I've got to put a plan in place for the day. First thing -- a fire in the woodstove. Way too cold today.

    Kimses in MA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Bonnie Happy Birthday :flowerforyou:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited January 2016
    Rosie, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend.

    Alison, I'm sorry about your friend, too.

    Heather, yes, it was freehand. It wasn't supposed to be any particular fish, but my studio buddy, Kurt, said it looked just like a trout. Hubby thought it was definitely a bass. Funny. I'd have to google them to see, but I really don't care that much. As long as it looked a little like a fish, I'm happy.

    I woke up early, about 5:20, and got out of bed. My phone rang at 5:30. It was a robocall from the kids school district saying that classes are cancelled today due to slick road conditions. Before that call even finished, hubby's phone started ringing. It was the university saying that their classes are being delayed till 10:00 because of road conditions. Before that call had ended, my phone was ringing again. It was my son saying that he had just gotten a call saying school was cancelled. And then I got a "notification" on my iPad saying my workout buddy was not going to the Y today. I thought I might go back to bed, but now I'm too wide awake. I turned off hubby's alarm so he can sleep late.

    I do not drive well on ice, so I'm probably staying home today. There's nothing out there that's worth the risk of sliding into a ditch or into another car. I think I'll clean out my bathroom drawers and the vanity top. That'll be fun.

    I hope you all are having a wonderful day!


  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Sylvia - Love the tray, you are so talented!

    Rosie & Allison - So sorry for the loss of your friends.....life is so short. The older I get, the more I realize it's true. It's but a vapor.

    Lisa - I totally understand what you mean about being away from your hubby. I hate it when I have to be away, especially at night. :)

    We are supposed to get a bad winter storm here in wild, wonderful West Virginia. I hope not. Hubby works for a major electric utility and he is getting too old to work those storms.

    Besides that, I don't want to have to walk the puppy out in the horrible weather. Lacey (puppy) does enjoy a little skiff of snow, but I don't think she is big enough to walk in a foot of snow!

    Here she is playing with her big red dog, Clifford.


    Hope everybody has a great day!

    Donna in WV
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    So sorry to hear about your terrible month. End of Jan. hurry hurry.
    Feb. will be a much better month.

    Grandmaille can't remember your name i've been missing so long. But sorry for your loss.
    I always say I check the orbits and drive by funeral homes don't want to miss my own funeral.
    That's one day I want to be late for.

    For those who remember me fine. Those who don't or who find i'm new I'm Linda from Northern Ontario.

    Well yes i've been missing and in denial for some time. But took a big step forward on Monday seen my diabetic nurse and explained to her. I can't do it on my own. I tried for three years getting no where. B/S high can't control them. So she upped my pills. And said she look into something for me. And she did. She called that night to say there was an opening in the Live well for diabetic clinic. I have to wait for Feb.10th for that but that's not far. I feel like there taking an interest in me and not throwing me to the curb. Of course she didn't like my low carbing but I'm doing it. Need to get a handle on this weight problem.

    My goals are to get my 3,000 steps in every day more on active days. But hard to get active when it's -30 out don't even feel like going outside let alone walk.

    So on to a good day. Going to go and check for a good low carb strawberry smoothie.

    See you all lighter.
    LInda from the great white North.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Rosie So so sorry for your loss of a dear friend.

    Lisa When you take stock, are you sure that you are eating enough food, good filling food so that you don't feel the craving for sweets, do you like roasted sweet potatoes or beets? Don't know about you, but the substitution works for me and then I am so full with protein and veg I can walk away. The struggle continues for all of us, cold turkey isn't really an option, we still have to eat food but we have to deal with our triggers, I guess.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited January 2016
    well I logged lunch and it is about 700 calories, dont know if I will eat it all.. It is butternut squash papperadelle so I boiled it and drizzled with EVOO and some chopped walnuts..
    My cold is kicking my butt,but got what I needed to get done.
    Lin~ my name is Alison, Allie for short lol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Linda, I'm happy to see you posting again...one of my mottoes is "never, never, never give up" and it sounds like that's how you are--coming back again and again and finally asking for help from the diabetic nurse.

    :)Sylvia, I love your fish...you are very talented

    :)Donna, your puppy is so sweet and she does look like walking in a foot of snow would be too much for her.

    :) I am counting my blessings again today-- health, husband, pets, house, electricity, running water, damce c;lass this morning, mild enough weather for walking---who could ask for anything more.

    <3 Barbie
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Linda - Welcome back!

    Barbie - I like to count my blessing everyday too! Glad your weather is good enough for walking today. Ours is a little too freezy for my liking.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member

    My goals are to get my 3,000 steps in every day more on active days. But hard to get active when it's -30 out don't even feel like going outside let alone walk.


    LOL! Holy Cow! 30 below! And here I am pissing and moaning about 8 degree walks in the morning! Hats off to you, friend in the great white north!

    Thank you to everyone who put their two cents worth in regards to my sister and her "snack nazis". I think they all feel that if she eats healthier that she will be around longer. I understand her kids feeling this way; but to get opposition on this from my siblings in crazy, because we went through chemo/radiation issues with my mom. She lost so much weight during those treatments. I guess I just needed some verbal reinforcement, before I go and buy sis what she wants and have to tell every one else to stick a carrot up their backside! LOL. I wouldn't actually tell them that.
  • operalover58
    operalover58 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Janice. I'm new to this comment thing but would like to participate and track my food. I am 60 and have very high cholesterol and am borderline diabetic and would like to lose about 14 lbs which isn't that much in the scheme of things. I think if I track I'll be in good shape. Anyway-hello.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Rosie and Alison ... So sorry to hear of your losses ... Hugs. Life and it's disappointments always seem harder in January ...

    Lisa ... I have that problem with sugar ... Being alone ... Etc. Tsking stock of the situation is a good idea.

    Linda ... Hello again! Good to see you back!

    Sylvia ... Love the tray! Stay inside with the icy roads! If the schools cancel with their big buses, we have no business being on the roads either!

    Laughing at the comment made by someone who mentioned their necessities for the approaching east coast storm were "bread, liquor and toilet paper." Near Buffalo it's always "bread and milk" .., which I never go and get, but you should see the grocery shelves when "lake effect storm" is mentioned!

    I'm not feeling well today ... Emotionally or physically. Mistreated my body horribly yesterday with a sugar binge way over 700 calories Lisa! Carb binge. Cheese binge! Blech!

    I know what triggered this ... Sons both not well. DH is struggling with health issues. Worrying. Stressing. Spinning in circles. Having leftover junk food in house. I need to get a grip!

    Barbie is right though, it's not failure unless we give up. I never give up. Never.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Beth - sending calming thoughts your way. :flowerforyou:

    Good job I looked at the train's website for tomorrow. The trains coming back in the evening are all in a state - they must be doing work on the line, so we are coming back to our local station earlier than we wanted to and, even so, we have to change trains. 18 min wait in the cold. Brrrrrrr! :'( Never mind, it'll be worth it to see the grandchildren. :D We won't be able to have a meal with DDIL though. I'm so glad I remembered to check. :ohwell:

    Just made the Spinach and Feta Pie. We're going to have it with roasted Brussels Sprouts with roasted cherry tomatoes. I'm going to freeze the third we won't be eating and keep it to cut up for canapés on Monday before the haggis. Won't do a proper starter as haggis, neeps and tatties are very filling, especially with whisky sauce. :laugh: But I do want to have a few homemade nibbles for our guests. I have got some dinky little cocktail sticks with hearts on. Orange liqueur sorbet with Langues de Chat biscuits for dessert. DH has bought two new Single Malt whiskies and we have several other ones from previous Burns Nights. You have to toast the haggis with whisky, along with saluting it with a poem, piping it in the room with bagpipes and slashing it with a dagger. It all is very entertaining! I have a tartan table runner, red napkins and I may get the men to wear "Hello Jimmy" hats! :laugh: It's one of my favourite nights of the year.

    DH so disliked the music I was playing while I was cooking that he went out to wash and polish the car. It looks marvellous! I was dancing round the kitchen to Bhangra. Another tune I downloaded recently is Shakira - Waka Waka. :D<3 It has some very inspiring lyrics and was the anthem for the 2010 World Cup in Africa. "When you get down, get up!" is one line. I find it motivating when I'm feeling a bit lacking in energy.

    Going to watch a Place in the Sun and then have a bath and wash my hair ready for tomorrow. And, yes, I DID do my writing this morning. :drinker:

    Heather UK
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Wishful Wednesday everyone!

    Cheri NE Ohio awaiting some snow
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2016
    Miriam: I'm in the same dance situation as you. Put me in a darkened auditorium with the Grateful Dead and a light show and I can move to the music as well as anybody, but actuall dance steps? No way. It is a shame, really, but nobody is good at everything. The last time I tried square dancing I got dizzy and motion sick. :ohwell:

    Kim from N. California – where tomorrow is supposed to be dry! Isn't this a nice change from a year ago! I wasn't sure whether they'd allow you to water your dog last year. :smiley:

    Lisa: Hugs. :flowerforyou:

    JoeyVenter: Congratulations on all your success and hard work. :flowerforyou:

    Rosie in So Cal: So sorry about the loss of your friend. :broken_heart:

    Alison: Sorry to hear about your friend, too. :sad:

    Linda in N Ontario: WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Barbie: Counting blessings is a very good thing to do. I'm counting mine, too. :flowerforyou:

    Janice: AKA operalover: Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    Beth near Buffalo: (((Hugs))) "Never give up" is the exact right thing. :flowerforyou:

    Yoga today! Yay! After that I'll be going with DH to his eye doctor appointment in Portland. She recommended cataract surgery but I don't think he's ready for that yet, physically or emotionally.

    I have a new mission once my wrist heals. I plan to learn how to fall. I've seen youtube videos that are quite informative, but falling will take practice. I'll start by asking my doctor for recommendations and move on to asking the senior center, and a local martial arts trainer. I have broken both wrists falling on ice in the last few years and don't want to break either of them again. I also want to feel free to go out for a walk in the winter whether or not it is cold and snowy.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm feel I'm lurking too, Cherie. I'm just not with it right now, and definitely not up to responding individually, probably due to stress over all the darn deadlines that are creeping up on me. Online course that needs to be checked for dead links and incorrect dates, 108-page annual report that needs editing (and it looks as though it will end up being more like 124 pages this year), bills to be paid and bills to be sent out... And to add insult to injury, we've got choir rehearsals EVERY EVENING from today up to our big concert on Saturday.

    Still, in the midst of it all, I often take a breather by reading what's going on in your lives, dear ones :heart:
    Thanks for being there!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Donna, Lacey is such a little doll! My Bruno used to have a stuffed animal that was his favorite, but one day we came home and it's face was missing. That's when he discovered the joys of destuffing toys, and life has never been the same. He always goes for the face first for some reason.

    When Molly was a puppy we got tired of her killing her stuffed toys to get the squeaker so we got her one that had no stuffing. Instead it had an empty water bottle inside, which made a krinkley noise, and a little velcro tab on the bottom so we could replace the bottle. Well, she apparently didn't read the instructions because the first thing she did was rip it's head off to get to the bottle. Another 10 bucks down the drain. So now, I make a lot of their toys out of scraps of old denim. Spot and Bruno love to play tug of war with those. My poor dogs have to play with rags.

    I made it to the studio after all. Hubby was coming into town for his noon class so he dropped me off. I didn't think the roads we drove on were as bad as all that, and my sidewalk wasn't even icy. But a lot of the smaller roads looked like an ice rink. So, I'm in my toasty little office doing some paperwork before the work area warms up a little bit.

    Gotta go. Have a great day!

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    I am delighted to announce that I was over my allotment of calories by 2 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups yesterday. On the one hand I was over (boo hiss) but on the other hand this is as close as I have come to being on track for 2 months now (not bad) and I walked twice at work which is more than I have done for 2 months (yay!) so I'm counting yesterday as a step in the right direction. Today's goal is to do better than I did yesterday.

    Baby steps. Keep moving forward.

    Mia in MI