

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Morning peeps-
    thank - miakoda40- my rocky was my first dog, he's in doggy heaven now :0(, yogi, the black lab is the new one of the bunch.

    thanks katla and cityjanelondon, it's fun to ride.

    Janetr - loolol cute pic

    thanks godmomkim and katla - not having internet at work just messed everything up !

    great going sweetsouthernsass!

    happyyyy bdayyy kimses2!

    Type to u later
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning everyone! I had a rough night sleeping but that's normal. I will be doing my exercise this morning and I am following a new program called Become a Fat Burning Machine. I like the concept of it. For each meal you have one 4-6oz protein, one Low carb vegetable, One fat option usually oil for cooking or dressings and yes you can have butter and mayonnaise and nuts, and one Limited serving size carbohydrate mostly with very little added sugar this would be your bread cereal crackers, or a low sugar fruit. Then you have three snacks one midmorning one mid afternoon and one evening. The snacks can be vegetables with dip low in sugar, 1 to 3 ounces of protein, hard-boiled egg, nuts, or serving of low sugar fruit. You are supposed to do your exercise in the morning within one hour of waking and prior to eating breakfast. Exercise 30 minutes to one hour. More like HIIT. However, any exercise even 5 to 10 minutes helps to get your fat burning machine going. Breakfast should be within one hour after your exercise. I will be doing this through out the BLC. I also get one day off where I can eat whatever I want as long as I stick to the exercise and try to get the four groups in every meal. It is a 12 week program. With this program you have approximately 40% fat, 30% protein and 30% carbohydrate. You're not supposed to count calories either. However, I am going to log my food. I am starting this on Sunday. I need to go shopping and prep my house for success.

    Chris - thanks! Yes those are the wood floors that we put in. We still have the two bedrooms and kitchen area to finish. We took a break because of the holidays.

    Pip - I love your car! Beautiful color and a convertible!

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • logjavannah
    logjavannah Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, would love to be a part of your group. I am 64 and live in Tn. My main resolutions for the year are to eat healthier, lower my cholesterol and BP and hopefully lose 20-25 lbs. So far so good. I would love to be friends with any of you that want to exchange motivation and tips. Looking forward to a great year.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Welcome logjavannah. Where in TN are you? I was born in Memphis, spent the first 8 years of my life in Nashville. Lovely country. I debated moving back a few years ago, but could not give up my house here in Iowa.g1cr992buaan.jpg
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Hidee Ho peoples!
    I am back. I feel bad but didnt go feed DFIL .. did go over to Walmart and bought myself new scrubs, a new alarm clock, it was on the shelf and marked 12.97, but it rang up at 26.97, said no I dont want it, well the manager went and looked sure enough someone had stocked it wrong so I got it at that price..it is backlit,has,temp, time,day even moon phases, all digital... and even has a port to charge the phone... so happy with that.. and did get 2 bra's ,of course I have to buy the expensive playtex ones so only got 2...but boy do they make a difference...
    dishwasher is all set up and running.. so technically the kitchen is done!! only took 7 months
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Milwaukee is NOT in one of the states that had a PowerBall winner, so I’m back to work today (don’t think I would just up and quit anyway, but it’s fun the dream). I matched 1 number on each of 2 tickets, but no powerball match. This is just not where I usually have luck, but it’s fun to dream (and I only buy 1 or 2 tickets at a time, so it doesn’t cause financial difficulty).

    Tawny – I have an iPhone6, and I can read, log, and type, but I don’t know how to type in a different screen to copy/paste; I do that from the laptop or desktop. What I do is send my other e-mail address a note (in case I lose it or hit a wrong button), type the message, then copy/paste into the reply box at the bottom. I hope this helps a little.

    Lenora – I have heard the same about divorce “you never really know a person until you divorce that person”. My Mom’s family is just hurting themselves. I’m not sad that I don’t have to buy an expensive gift this summer when my cousin gets married since I’m not invited. I’m too busy with bowling and baseball anyway, so one less Hotel room to purchase.

    Pip – Keep taking care of yourself and Kirby. You will be back to us when the time is right. Hugs ! ! !

    Mary – thanks for teaching me that dogs' ears don’t automatically stand up; I had no idea. He looks so lovable !

    Janetr – funny picture. How exciting that you could technically hide behind that post. I hope to be that thin some day (yes, I [we] can do this ) ! ! !

    Sharon – Welcome back; I’ve missed you. Hugs and Prayers for all the struggles with your family.

    Allison – Hooray for your brother. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers that he is able to release the grip that alcohol has on him.

    So sorry that I missed the posts about Birthdays. Happy Birthday to everyone with a Birthday nearby ! ! !

    Sweetnsouth – Congrats on your loss ! ! !

    Peach – Congrats on your quiet life. I hope it stays exactly the way you like it!

    Kimses – I agree about the planks. My son works with a personal trainer. He started with gravity/body weight lifts, and is now doing more difficult of that and has added free weights. Major things changed about his planks; Not only does he lift 1 arm and 1 leg on opposite sides of the body off the floor, but he also does them on the same side of the body (this one is called Superman Plank). He also now does his pushups with his feet on either the third step or on the couch, and those he does with his hands in 3 different positions (wider than shoulder, at shoulder distance, and hands touching each other).

    Miriam – I started my planks on knees and elbows, and graduated to 60 seconds. Now I do my planks on elbows and toes (when my arthritis is not flaring in my feet). I had another Physical Therapist teach me something he called “turtle”. You either lay on your back or sit in a chair, and raise your feet off the floor, and push gently against your knees while pushing your bellybutton toward your spine, and graduate up to holding that for 60 seconds, then gradually put more resistance against your knees. Sometimes I do this at work, and no one even knows. Yes, a strong core (tummy) helps make a healthier back.

    Today has officially been 1 year since my cycle. Hooray ! ! ! I was done using that organ anyway.

    Today I was able to add a sticker to the calendar, but my co-worker who is doing it with me is being too hard on herself. She wants to go COMPLETELY carb/suger free, so if she puts even a cracker into something, she feels like she doesn't deserve a sticker. I told her this is supposed to encourage success instead of failure, but she insists that eating anything that is not part of this crazy diet she is reading about means she doesn't deserve a sticker. My theory is: we work, and we sometimes work hard and/or long hours, and she is a single mom. Sometimes in our lives we need to eat a piece of pizza, but only having 1 piece is a success, not a failure. I guess I'm on my own as far as the stickers are concerned, but I know I have all of you for support, too.

    Today we are expecting a high of 36 and the sun is shining, so the attitude around here is looking up.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janetr....you are completely hidden by that narrow post, but we can see your skinny shadow. Love that smile, you look really happy.

    Chris in MA

    Thanks so much for your kind words. Jack is my third husband, never thot I'd be in this situation, but he is the absolute love of my life and I AM happy. Thanks, again.

    Janetr okc
  • Navagatress
    Navagatress Posts: 3 Member
    LOVE the plank posting!!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2016
    Katla - thanks :)

    Heather - hooray for you, glad you got it done so painlessly. Hopefully all will be made right now.

    Pip/Terri - thanks guys. I certainly don't think of myself as "thin". I just bought a 2X hooded sweatshirt, my husband said what were you thinking? Hard to see myself differently. I have to take others shopping with me most of the time.

    Janetr okc
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Alison ~ Please post some pics of your finished kitchen. It sounds like y'all did a complete makeover.

    Miriam ~ Your house is so colorful and cute.

    Terri ~ Congrats on earning your sticker. If I could quit the after dinner mindless eating, I would be so proud of myself.

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone! I had a rough night sleeping but that's normal. I will be doing my exercise this morning and I am following a new program called Become a Fat Burning Machine. I like the concept of it. For each meal you have one 4-6oz protein, one Low carb vegetable, One fat option usually oil for cooking or dressings and yes you can have butter and mayonnaise and nuts, and one Limited serving size carbohydrate mostly with very little added sugar this would be your bread cereal crackers, or a low sugar fruit. Then you have three snacks one midmorning one mid afternoon and one evening. The snacks can be vegetables with dip low in sugar, 1 to 3 ounces of protein, hard-boiled egg, nuts, or serving of low sugar fruit. You are supposed to do your exercise in the morning within one hour of waking and prior to eating breakfast. Exercise 30 minutes to one hour. More like HIIT. However, any exercise even 5 to 10 minutes helps to get your fat burning machine going. Breakfast should be within one hour after your exercise. I will be doing this through out the BLC. I also get one day off where I can eat whatever I want as long as I stick to the exercise and try to get the four groups in every meal. It is a 12 week program. With this program you have approximately 40% fat, 30% protein and 30% carbohydrate. You're not supposed to count calories either. However, I am going to log my food. I am starting this on Sunday. I need to go shopping and prep my house for success.

    Mary from Minnesota

    Looking at this diet it appears that this is what I have been doing since July and didn't know it was a specific diet. Weekdays I use the elliptical as soon as I get up, have a handful of almonds on the way to work, have protein with every meal and snack. My daily macros are very similar to wht they suggest. I've been very successful when I follow this plan. I do weight training in the evenings because I am not awake enough to do it in the morning. Extra sugar lately has been my downfall. Good luck with this, you should do very well because you are so committed.

    Chris in MA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Thx terrimom on the plank front, can't do any cuz of the shoulder, byt I plan an getting back to them
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Just popped in to say hi to everyone. Soo many posts to read. As soon as I can I will catch up on everything thst has been written. It was my neighbours funeral on Tuesday, he died of multiple irgan failure. Such a great person, a sad loss. Life is precious, don't forget to let the people who mean so much to you know how much you love them.
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Mary - Your pup, Shep, is adorable!

    terrimom - I would love to start planks. I did try them at one time, but I shook and the sweat rolled! Guess I'm lazy.....

    pip - Love the new car!

    miriam - Your house is very cute - love the color scheme!

    southernsass - Congrats on the loss! Looks like you are moving on with your goal!

    Everybody out there in MFP land, have a great day!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited January 2016
    On the planks - when I first started yoga I couldn't even get off the floor! :laugh:

    Just been watching "Trust Me, I'm a Doctor". Results were: eating within a shorter time window has good results on body fat, sugar levels and chloresterol. We eat at around 6 pm, so that's good, but we do have fruit and yoghurt at 8.30 pm. Still makes for eleven and a half hours without any food. :D

    Saccharine is very bad for about half the population. It causes a change in gut bacteria and a rise in blood sugar. Stevia was fine.

    Air fresheners, spray cleaners, polishes and scented candles are very bad for you. The perfume in them turns into formaldehyde. :noway: Luckily I hardly use the stuff at all. House plants can help.

    Just posted a card to my cancer friend without a stamp! Whoops! I sent an email apologising. :embarassed:

    Love to all, Heather UK

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Terri, my PT has me doing turtles too, but he never called them that, and never have done them sitting up. I will have to try that. Some days the hips or spine won't let me do them.

    I just sanded and primed 6 drawers for an underbed dresser for my youngest. They were dark wood, will be white for a little girl. Or maybe pale green... I have some green that I can add to some white. It is too bright as it is- a good accent color but I painted a cedar chest with it and have to repaint it. It hurts my eyes! LOL But the single shelf looks good.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Happy Birthday Rori and Kimses! My birthday is the 17th Sunday! Yeah January birthdays!

    Cheri NE Ohio
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Well going to try and import kitchen pictures