

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Carol - How sad about the kitty. Rather funny at the same time. They could have just left a note asking for prayers. They didn't have to leave the body. I've said a little prayer for the kitty's soul.

    I've got a bad case of the blues. I just want to crawl into bed and cry. Nothing specific going on so I'm guessing it's just SAD rearing its ugly head.

    Mia in MI
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Allison ~ I bleed profusely with the slightest scratch and if I hit anything end up with the under-the-skin bleeding. I don't take any medication that would cause this. Just think I have very thin sun damaged skin.

    I found Richard Simmons on Youtube and am trying his Dancing to the Golden Oldies. I'm so out of shape that I could only follow along for a short time but will keep trying to do a bit more each day. The only problem with these is that you can tell that they were old and don't come through clearly without skipping.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited January 2016
    NCCarol - I keep hearing "Holy cats, Batman!" in my head. I'm probably going to H-E-double toothpicks. On a handcart and in a handbasket.

    Sylvia - you're not selfish, you and your time deserve more respect than that.

    Mia in MI - Come visit me in Texas, girl - 72 degrees and sunny today!

    Kimses - hope the interview went well.

    Allie - Hope you get Tom to the doc.

    Been reading everyone's posts - but picked up some freelance writing for blogs (blogmutt.com, if anyone's interested) and really enjoying it. Writing more than 1200 words a day makes it hard to want to write anywhere else!

    Lisa in West Texas

    We did get four inches of snow the other day, all gone now... Here's the DH and Daisy the Dog playing in it.


  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Carol - How sad about the kitty. Rather funny at the same time. They could have just left a note asking for prayers. They didn't have to leave the body. I've said a little prayer for the kitty's soul.

    I've got a bad case of the blues. I just want to crawl into bed and cry. Nothing specific going on so I'm guessing it's just SAD rearing its ugly head.

    Mia in MI
    Mia, hang in there and don't let the blues keep you down! Hugs!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    CarolNC .... Never a dull moment ...

    Alison ... Excessive bleeding and bruising is not normal.

    Sylvia ... You know better than to believe you're selfish ... Knock off the negative talk and remember just how generous you are to your son, your family and your community!

    Joyce ... What's up???

    I'm back to eating right, cough won't let me exercise yet.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats-1X5X 65/75/85/95/105, 5X5X 115
    Sumo squats-5X5X105
    0HP-2X5X 45, 1X5X 50, 5X5X 55
    DL-1X5X 140


    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Dr Katie - FUNNY! I have Dawn at home and didn't even think about it!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    My son has a little red collapsible shopping basket that has recently bit the dust. I tried fixing it but it was just a bandaid repair. I had been looking at those shopping baskets online, including one at Amazon that looked very good. It was heavy duty and could hold 150 pounds, which is a lot of oxygen bottles. But, it was $79, so I didn't order one. Then Monday I got an e-mail from Amazon saying that item's price was currently $32! And it had free shipping. So, my little fingers found the one-click ordering button. Well, today (Friday) it arrived. I thought that was very quick. I went home and got the box off the porch and spent a few minutes putting it together (the instructions were hilarious). Then dropped it off at their place. I'm really happy with it. It's much sturdier and bigger, too. It's hard for him to carry groceries and things up to his apartment, so a rolling cart is a necessity.

    Tonight the kids are coming over after school and staying for dinner. It's such a beautiful day, they can ride their bikes and play outside. So, I'm going to the store before picking them up.

    Have a great afternoon!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh, and has anybody ever used a ceramic yarn bowl? I've seen them but never used one, and never successfully made one either. I'm just wondering if you have one, do you like it? Do you use it? What features do you find useful?

  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Dear All,
    I have been following along for the last few days since the last time I tried to post (very long with lots of replies) the whole thing got wiped out. Anyway, please know that I wish I could answer each individually but I am not sure I can keep up. What an active group.

    Carol- I can't even imagine the shock of finding a cat wrapped up on the doorstep. The note's handwriting looks like it was written by a child. I may be a hopeless softie but, I think that this was a very loved furry sibling and that the child wants a blessing for it as for any other family member. Many of us have lost pet family members and we know just how hard it is on us ( Allie-my thoughts are of you and Woody) and for children, this may be their first experience with death.
    Kimses Good luck on the interviews. I am sure your experience more than makes up for any temporary enthusiasm that a younger person may have.
    DJ- I am really impressed by all the little moving flowers, faces and animals.
    Mindy- I laughed about the undies. Do talk to your lender. I think that you might be surprised at the numbers of solutions that the mortgage company may have.
    Katla- I am so jealous about the riding. I haven't ridden much in the last few years because I felt that I was too fat. In addition to the wonderful things that horses do for my disposition, the exercise is great. I can finally fit ( who am I kidding- squeeze ) into my winter riding tights. Stretch fabric is a wonderful invention. So signing up for riding at one of the local stables (with indoor ring) is on the list for the next week. I would love to take a riding vacation in Ireland or England. I have a lot of practicing to do and weight to lose before I can even think of that.

    Substitutes for spinach and cheese In the Balkans, the filo dough is really just a plain, no fat container for the goodies inside. Note that American commercial puff pastry such as Pepperidge Farm has butter or oil in it. You really do need to get the real filo dough. Instead of spinach, you can use any vegetable that tastes good wilted. Chard, turnip greens, scallions and beet tops come to mind. In Europe we buy plain spinach pies without cheese in the frozen food section of the grocery store. I imagine that you can find frozen pies in any international food store that has Greek, Eastern European, or Turkish food. Instead of making large flat pans of vegetable and cheese pastry, you can cut up the dough and make little baskets for any kind of vegetable and sautéed onion mix taking care to wilt or steam the vegetable before mixing. Crushed walnuts added to the vegetable and onion mix add a bit of texture to the filling. You also can layer the veggie and onion mix on top of several sheets, roll the entire thing up and cut into pieces before baking. I did this with the last of my garden's Brussels sprouts and the leaves from the stalks just the other day. Use olive oil instead of butter to coat the dough for added flavor, fewer calories and fat. If you do not want to use Greek feta cheese, you can use Bulgarian Sirene (brined goat or sheep cheese), or kashkaval, a hard sheep or cow cheese. It is also made in Turkey (Kaşar). Be sure to get the kinds made with vegetable rennet. American alternatives to these cheeses include Farmer's or cottage cheese. If you do use a brined cheese, do not add salt to the vegetable mixture.

    I love the animal pictures. I took Bullwinkle's hint last night and decided that it was time for bed.


  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Sylvia - I have a giant ceramic coffee cup I use for a yarn bowl, just wind the yarn through the handle. And when I say giant, I mean larger than my biggest mixing bowl. It's original intent was to be a planter, I think. I use it maybe half the time. Everybody's different.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mia, hang in there and USE YOUR LIGHTS! And exercise! I know how you feel but this too shall pass. Spring is just around the corner and the days are already getting longer!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi gals,

    Alison – I know it is not the “marriage” you want – but it has been awhile since you have said Tom has had a screaming hissy fit, and called you names, I wonder if this is not him thinking about his behavior more… ** his health - Tom is an adult, other than encourage, and tell him you are worried, I’m not sure if there is much you can do.

    Sylvia – if this was a client and not your son would you feel selfish? NO – so don’t feel selfish now, he’s not thinking about how his behavior affects others… Next time tell him what time works for you. And he can take it or leave it.

    Katla – thank you!!!! I have not run across cornflour, but of course have not been looking for it…. I have a place near me that caries a lot of Bob’s items….

    Mindy – I don’t like to be a negative Nellie, but I got myself in the place you are in a couple of years ago and my lender (Chase) would not accept a partial payment, would not work with me, was barely civil – I ended up in tears. But I did send in a partial payment and that helped the late fees not be so much as they are a percentage of what is late. So While I 100% agree you should call, and try to work with them, just a reminder that all lenders are not created equal – and some are just mean.

    Carol – I can’t wait to hear what the pastor says…. And a blog or article for an out of the area paper (Lisa’s? LOL) what a great idea! After the cat is blessed, I bet animal control or a local vet could help with disposal (is there a vet in your congregation?

    Well my private client cancelled 30 minutes before, while she has not done this before, she is a bit of a prima dona…. So I charged her for ½ of the time. And I have filled the time with embroidery so getting ahead of some other things. All of that is good, but I must admit to being a bit pissy (inside my head) when I got the call, I would have loved to sleep in a bit, but had gotten up early to have everything ready just to be cancelled on. Oh well – I will carry on!!!

    Kim from N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Oh that cat story! :laugh:

    My ear seems to be improving after the wax avalanche. I will use the drops again tonight and hope that's it. :ohwell:

    Katla - I couldn't go to a class with music. Thank goodness my teacher doesn't use it. :)

    I've been sorting out my phone and, so far, so good. I had to manually type in all the stuff I had on my old phone's notebook. One of them is a list, with dates, of all the butterflies we saw in 2012. <3 A few small things to iron out, but it's not causing me grief so far. No one has texted me or rung me, but that's normal.

    Kim - I don't know if cornstarch is the same as our cornflour, but I suspect it might be. Does Google have anything to say on the subject?

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions for the spinach and feta substitutes! I Googled low calorie quiche recipes and found some I think I would like that were low in calorie. Sometimes it seems like I forget about certain foods or combination of foods that I like and that are good for me. I need to start reading recipe books again!!

    So, the cat story...The pastor came in (luckily, because I had forgotten he was headed up to DeeDee's neck of the woods this morning) to pick up his traveling communion kit. I interrupted his quick exit by telling him that someone had left a package for him at the back door. I'm sure he was thinking all sorts of unpleasant things about me because I had seen a package for him and didn't bother to bring it in. He took off for the back door saying, "I'll go pick up that package before I go." My smart mouth went off and said, "I don't think you'll be picking it up." He shot me a dirty look and asked if I was just being facetious. *snort* He got to the door, read the note, and exclaimed, "What the hell?!" Then he made the mistake of opening the door just bit and got the poor kitty's paw stuck in it so that he ended up having to go outside and slide the body over to the side so the door could be closed. We discussed the absurdity of the situation as we also felt bad for the person who left us the body (he didn't know her either). I called Animal Control and they said they would pick up the body. It was still there when I left but gone when the pastor got back. Now we need to find someone to pressure wash the porch. Oh, and when he called back to the office, he did remember to say, "Bless Christmas!"

    Between the burglary last week, the abuse crisis with police involvement yesterday, and the dead cat this morning, I feel like I've had my share of drama for a while!!

    Although, I do feel bad for the poor kitty's human, I had to look at the humor of the whole situation. That's the only way I get through life. I am also incredibly grateful that it was not a baby as I first feared!

    Alison - Tom's situation is not normal at his age!

    Miriam - I concur with the others--talk to your mortgage holder. They may be helpful.

    Sylvia - You are not being selfish!

    I can't remember what else I was going to say. :frowning:

    Hoping for a drama-free week-end...

    Carol in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mia: Vitamin D3 helps me banish the winter blues. It might work for you, too. Exercise is also a great help as are very bright lights throughout the house. I do everything I can to stay away from day length depression. :heart:

    CJ: Good luck with your riding. Riding lessons actually triggered my decision to lose weight. I gave myself bursitis in my left knee while posting in the same direction for way too long. It made me furious that I couldn't enjoy the thing I wanted to do most, and that provided enough determination to do what it takes to get rid of the excess weight. Shortly afterward I found MFP and after I lost the weight I found a new riding teacher. The old teacher was lovely and I adored the horse, but it was more than an hour drive to get there and another hour to get home. I wanted someplace closer to home. I found the right teacher and now ride close to home. My left knee still bothers me, but less than it did. I usually choose to sit the trot rather than post. The horse I ride has two versions of trot. The slow jog is very comfortable to sit. The fast trot is a cement mixer. I either three point it, or turn him in tight circles until he slows down. :ohwell:

    I enjoyed yoga today. This was one of my favorite instructors and the class was quite full. I suspect some of the new students are New Years Resolution people and wonder how long they'll be around. I started there last January because my health insurance company offered to pay for the membership and that offer kicked in at the beginning of the year. I was already addicted to yoga classes then, but my original teacher had to get a real job so she could support her family and stopped teaching yoga. I counted myself lucky when the gym membership became available AND they offered yoga several times a week. Most of my classmates are 50+, and there are men and women who attend regularly.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    evening friends~
    well Faith is fed and meds taken, I am in my jammies and on the computer...called Tom to check in and he said it was a boys night they were gonna sit around in there underwear and drink beer.. it is him and the 2 dogs lol.
    Kim~ no It is not the marriage I want, but he doesnt yell much anymore and we seem to be getting along ok..
    I left him a note before I left for work today,said I am not trying to nag or be a haunt but the bleeding you are having is NOT normal please consider calling the Dr and getting some bloodwork done..
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    I've crossed one headache off my list. Now there are only 12½ left. I happened to stumble across this little slide show of scenes from my neck of the woods.
    Hope the link works. Enjoy!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lillian – I spent 6 hours working on my kitchen, purging and clean (washed down the cabinet (that was aa job); and, I probably have 4 more hours of it (just washing cabinets, mopping floor after I vacuum it; but, already feels good. I’ve decided from here on out; I am going to plan my meals for the week and shop on Wednesdays and use coupons and store specials. I threw out way to much that was out of date because it was hidden. Now that we are getting a little older we need to be a lot more conservative about what we spend. Next, I’ll hit the freezer. I think my DYS did a pretty good number on it at Thanksgiving. When they come in the Spring it will feel good for me to NOT have him go through cabinets and freezer and find that I have beat him to it. LOL!

    Sylvia – It seems pretty apparent that you son is not considerate of YOUR time; I’d make my plans and tell him when he calls that it isn’t convenient for you at that particular moment because you have changed YOUR plans to ‘accommodate’ him; just to continually be ‘stood up’. YOUR TIME is probably more important than his. Do things for yourself and ‘if’ he thinks you are a ‘selfish b****; then, tell him ‘’probably so’ and then don’t go into any detail. He’s using whatever his illness is to ‘manipulate you’ and you don’t deserve that. You already do enough for him with regard to his children. Unless he is confined to a wheelchair – then HE needs to take care of them (with you only helping for the things that he physically can’t do). IMHO I’ve heard that if you use the wrong kind of stuff on your hair and it makes it too limp; wash it in liquid dish detergent and then wash it a 2nd time to get your hair back to its normal state. If you used shampoo as a body wash – you probably did feel fluffy because of the thickening make-up of it. I once washed my hair with my DH’s body shampoo; and, when I went to dry it, it was brownish – the body wash was brown, my hair is predominantly gray. Not a pretty sight.

    Teri – I feel like I’m drinking a lot more water and going to the bathroom 3 times an hour. Trot there, do a little purging of my over-stuffed cabinets and then I will tackle my closet and drawers. Worked in my computer/utility room as well as most of the kitchen. Move some things around and DH said, ‘now I will have to re-learn where you have put things’. This is the 1st time I’ve done that in this house. I think I have more room now. Cups are closer to the coffee pot on the bottom shelf. The turn style will be for cans only. The two shelves above the cups will be for ‘boxed’ food. I might even more the stuff that is on the top of the refrigerator. That’ll mess him up. Maybe moving those Oreos won’t be such a temptation to me.

    Carol – I never thought to find Richard Simmons on YouTube. Now I will have an exercise that I ‘like’ and ‘look forward to doing’. Walking on a treadmill is ‘b-o-r-i-n-g’.

    Kim, my DDnL#2 is a cosmetologist and one of her clients put herself on the appointment books for an 8:30AM Saturday appointment. She has not worked on Saturdays (other than for a wedding party) since she and my DYS got married in May. She was staying in town because of child visitation for the weekend; but, it really upset her. She told her to never do that again. The only reason she even saw it was because she had a Sunday wedding party to do.

    Ncarolb – Maybe the kitty wasn’t really dead; maybe he was just frozen. How else could the paw get stuck in the door. That’s hysterical.

    Denise – When my boys were a lot younger; I did not make several meals at dinner to appease their wants; they learned to eat what we were having, or go to bed hungry. After supper, the kitchen was cleansed; and they could not go in there and make a mess. They could get a piece of fruit; but, that was about all. Now-a-days they plan their meals around the things they like and what they have brought their girls up to like. They either ‘help’ with the meal by helping prepare it, or they clean up. I bought 2 Smart bottle of water; so that I have 64 ounces that I know I have to drink sometime during the day. That does not include the coffee or the Sparkling ICE Lemonade that I like. A lot of people don’t like it because it is carbonated; but, to me, it has a lot better taste than Zero Vitamin Lemon Flavored Water.

    Carol – The cat story is funny and sad all at the same time

  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Well, here it is Friday night already. I have so many things that I would like to do, but it seems like there is just not enough time to do them all! Went to the grocery right after work, came home, unloaded all the stuff and put it away, walked the puppy outside for about 10 minutes so she could do her "business", cleaned up the kitchen since I didn't have time this morning, put some clothes in to wash, and then made myself a cup of chai tea so I could take a short break.

    My youngest son got married in November and moved some of his things to the apartment. But.....there's not enough room there for all of it, so we are the storage unit. My daughter, who still lives at home is going to move into DYS's old room cause it's much larger. My middle son broke up with his gf and moved back home 2 weeks ago, so there goes our almost empty nest! He will be moving into DD's bedroom. For now, there is too much STUFF in the vacant room for anyone to move in! I gotta get rid of some stuff!!!!

    Meanwhile, all of this stress is getting to my waist and my food plan. I do well all day then come home to the nest and see the mess and well, you get it I'm sure.

    And, yes, the kids are helping me with the work. I just feel like I have to be here for them to do it!

    So, here goes to a busy busy weekend!

    Donna in the piles of stuff in WV