

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My heavens ladies! There were 5 new pages since last night!!!!!! I skimmed a little bit and read some. Many new people again. I look forward to 'meeting' you all.

    Bonnie, I am so sorry for your son's illness. My Mom had cancer and my sister and I were going to be her caregivers in her apartment. I have MS and she has fibromyalgia so we knew it was going to be challenging. I thank the good Lord that while she was in rehab she had a fine nurse that had worked in our Visiting Nurse inpatient hospice. She recomended Mom go there for pain control and then go home. As soon as Mom got into the inpatient unit, I think her body knew it was time to give up and go be with her husband in heaven. So we were spared being her caregivers although we would have and had our husbands blessings. Hugs to you and your husband.

    Miriam, I forgot to say last night how lovely your daughter's room is. The colors remind me so much of my grand daughter's. They love the pink and purple. And I love the underbed drawers you made. that beautiful shade of green just blends in so well. How in the world do you stay so exact in your painting.

    Pip, congrats on selling the car and all the parts!

    Charlie has his annual physical tomorrow. I have so many things we need to talk about. His appetite is the pits again, loosing weight, diarrhea increasing, he feels he has got the C Diff infection back. We talked to the GI doctor office today and if family doctor doesn't order some things, we are to call them and they will see what can be done. Night time is his absolute worse times as far as diarrhea. He is finally done with it at about 9 AM and can get about 3 hours of continuous sleep. Well Friday morning he has a stress test at 8:30. I hope his colon will cooperate with it. I know he will be exhausted not only from the stress test but from the lack of good quality sleep. I hope they can do the kind of stress test where he doesn't have to be on the treadmill.

    It is frigid here. Not as bad as a lot of you have, like Meg but to cold for us. I called doctor's office this afternoon to get something for this sinus infection but never went to pick it up just because it was to cold and when Charlie has his physical he might get some new medicine ordered. Yes, I know I am a bad girl.

    Nite, nite, Joyce, Indiana
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Sylvia I agree that finding slimming pants and shirt for working out improves my workout and eating! Funny but it just works for me. My sweats and sweatshirt from college :# are used for the truly messy days of cleanup in the basement only.

    Miriamwithcats wow that paint work on gd's furniture is truly fantastic, special.

    I am helping my oldest sister who has cerebral palsy renovate her tiny bathroom apartment in Philadelphia. She is reluctant to change a thing but it is simply not safe to age in place in that apt. Anyway, it is baby steps and slow going. I'm arranging for estimates and trying to keep her from backing out. I have a week off in February and intend to stay in Philadelphia to make a dent in the apt as well, not a hoarder or a shopper by any stretch but she does not keep up with the simplest of cleaning routines and it can get messy in there, hasn't had the walls painted in 20 years. I am shoring myself up to be a help, and reminding myself that every little thing can be helpful, she is just reluctant to make a change in any direction but is thankful for my help, so she says. My plan to stay healthy is to stay in a hotel, exercise and eat right, then go over and clean out a cabinet or two as well as help her shop for a few lamps....she tends to sit in the dark! Baby steps, I won't overreach but she is slowly realizing that she needs help and has asked for mine, time for me to step up. I also realize that could backfire on me, so I have no grand plans of being successful, my expectations are to take it slow and steady with this.

    I hear we may get a whopper of a snow storm this weekend and I am already dreading it!! :# Ah well, let it go, let it snow, is that how that saying goes? :D

    Karen from NY
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    morning ladies~
    Congrats Pip, i grew up riding in the bug, there is a story when I have time I will tell about that lol.
    woke up late so rushing around have to be up at SIL house at 8 to help the caregiver with Faith today and tomorrow and then working at 9 , the schedule is super crazy, so wont have much of a break.. did take time to meditate today.. trying to keep a sense of calm .
    It is frigid here in Ct and we could get a whopper snowstorm over the weekend, of course this is my weekend to work, and I am supposed to go to the dinner theater on sat night, but that will probably get postponed.. Oh well
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Karen - your plans for helping your sister sound great :flowerforyou: Being prepared to take baby steps and looking after yourself sounds excellent. <3

    Heather UK
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning all....
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I agree that wearing my skinny jeans and yoga pants helps keeps me from overeating. Been getting back on my treadmill, too. Weather here is very cold; with hard freeze for next few day; then warming up some and rain. Either way - pretty miserable weather. I'm glad I don't have anywhere I have to be today.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • lynnsyoung164
    lynnsyoung164 Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2016
    Karen That is very sweet for you to spend your time helping your sister. I cringe when someone wants to help me. I don't know why but it makes me feel worse about myself and it's awkward even when it's my own mother. I can deal with whatever it is and live with it better than someone helping me with it. I wish I was not this way. It's worse if they just dig right in and just clean or fix whatever without talking much. I deal better when there is more discussion. Like when I was sick my mom came over and ask me if I needed dark or light clothes cleaned first and then she brought the clean clothes to my bed and put them in my reach so I could help while she was talking about something completely different. Even talking about all this gives me some anxiety. I can feel for your sister saying just leave it the way it is. You sound like a great sister to have and she is very lucky! :)

    Lynn in Denver NC
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    My girls are back in school today after the three day weekend. I am on my way out to the hot tub to do my workout/ soothe my achy joints. Just wanted to say Hi to everyone first, and respond to a few. Know that I think about all of you and love you all even though I don't respond to everyone.

    Michelle, let us know how the Skype session goes with your son. As someone who worked in mental health, living in a state that does not have enough well trained counselors, I am interested in tele- counseling and how it feels to the participants. And I am cheering for resolution for you. Remember, I am in the same boat with my youngest son but he refuses to even talk to me.

    Sylvia, I had a pipe under my bathroom that froze twice. I just crammed a fluffy old towel around it and that was all the insulation it needed. Has never frozen since. I didn't want to deal with the scratchy insulation.

    Barbie, I am so glad you kept only the colors that bring you joy! We each have such different tastes! My sister sent those green drapes for my daughter because she is moving to a bigger/ better house and hated giving them away because she LOVED the color- they were her favorites. She was a bit miffed that I did not adore them too. I reminded her that she had not liked the fabric that I had chosen to make a day bed cover, either. That helped get her over her little snit.

    Kim, I totally identify with the stubborn dog resisting grooming. I have to put a leash on mine and hold on to it to do anything with mine. She is finally getting a bit better about trimming her nails, but it is still a struggle. So hers are WAY too long.

    Janet. I am longing for 75 degree weather...

    McGowen, I am an hour from the Iowa/ Illinois border. What river city is closest to you? Muscatine is due east of me.

    Joyce. How I paint so precisely is a struggle. I paint with a damp cloth in the other hand and wipe off mistakes until I get it right! I also use artist brushes for the fine details and edges. I have a bit of OCD so I often am overly critical of how it looks and have to remind myself that others won't be looking as closely at it as I do.

    Karen, helping your sister with CP get her apartment safer to age in place is a great idea. You probably already know that CP is one of the disorders that really suck energy from a person, so it is hard to keep up with cleaning. (Those super tight muscles use a lot of energy- why you rarely see someone with CP who is overweight!) I am someone that finds it really hard to ask for help, and yet I am unable to keep up with all I need/ want to do, so I am trying to learn how to accept help when offered, and to ask for help. It is really hard for someone who has valued their strong independence. (and who doesn't trust people much) Things I have learned about myself are, 1) control. I have to feel like I am in control of what is tossed and what isn't, and also have a say in how/ where things are put away. More importantly, 2) my brain/ energy can only take so many decisions until it just shuts down. So frequent breaks are really important. Keep in mind ease of cleaning, so using semi-gloss paint instead of flat is helpful since it washes up so much more easily. Putting "pretties" behind glass is another way to cut down on cleaning. I leave my vacuum in a corner, already plugged in, so I don't waste energy dragging it out and plugging it in to use it. It is "hidden" between two pieces of furniture so no one notices it. Same with my two dust busters. Hide cleaning supplies near where they are used; windex and a cloth in an ottomon, bathroom cleaners in the bathroom. There are all sorts of storage options to make it easier. And it is okay to have duplicates so she doesn't have to go get something from another room. I have windex in four different places (I have a lot of windows and the cats/dog sneeze on them, smear nose prints, etc.). Anyway, hope my thoughts help. It is a hard situation for both of you.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Morning peeps and new peep squeaks
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Karen - have fun helping your sister with her apartment! It is so nice of you to do that.

    Allison - can't wait for you to share your story on the VW!

    Joyce - I hope Charlie's appointment goes well for you tomorrow. Stay warm!

    Kim - my puppy doesn't like to get brushed either! All he wants to do is bite the bristles.

    Janetr - I wish it was warm here like you have it! Thanks for sharing your Arizona trip with us!

    Good morning ladies! It is freezing here. 16° below zero! For the BLC we have a 1000 step increase to what you normally do. At this time of year I only do around 2000 steps which is a mile outside. I did do 2000 more yesterday just because of the challenge. I can't wait until it is warm enough to walk outside.

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    smiley-sleep012.gif I slept late this morning so dog walking will be more in light than darkness. My appointment with the neurologist is this morning and I am trying to stay in the moment and not think about it until I get there,

    <3 Barbie
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Terrific Tuesday morning ladies! smiley-talk004.gif

    Cheri NE Ohio awaiting the snow!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    miriam - Oh thank goodness I don't have to trim Levi's nails, we do 3 miles on pavement most days, so that takes care of his nails "naturally" -- another gratitude item!

    Karen - good of you to help, and to keep the idea of success as baby steps!

    I too had found it hard to accept help, but I love to help, so I have learned to swap it around and understand that I would want to help - so I accept that others want to help too, and just am better at directing it... so for example at christmas this year, I wanted the decorations up, but was lost for time - so had a friend put up the "house" decorations and I did the tree, that is the part that I am more picky on. And interesting she put things places I would not have thought of ---but loved.

    So on Tuesdays I hike with the hiking club so always get up early (5:30) and right out the door for 1 mile with Levi then breakfast, then hike. Well it is pouring out, so full rain gear, and off Levi and I go, get home I check to online to verify where we are meeting for our hike, and it's cancelled! Whimps!!!! So I'm working - might as well get an early start.

    smiles Kim in rainy (yeah!!!!) n. california
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    Hi Ladies, I am on vacation so just checking in briefly so say hello to the newbies and tell Miriam I love her furniture and tell Michele I am crossing my fingers for the Skype session to go well. I Skyped three times in the past month with DD2 and I am just trying to be upbeat and not ask anything probing. So far it is going okay. Just expect that you might have mixed emotions afterwards and take good care of yourself!!!
    Went over my calories yesterday and it is too cold for a walk. Wish me luck with all these upcoming restaurant meals!
  • m1cbry
    m1cbry Posts: 9 Member
    Annr and Katla49: Thank you so much for the encouragement. Annr: I have been thinking a lot about emotional responses and processes lately....it's been an eye opening journey, but exhausting...there are days when I literally think, "Just pass me the Twinkies for cryin' out loud." Probably because it's easier.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Kay, that is fantastic that you found that class with the trainer. I’d love something like that. Of course I doubt I’m going to find it at home and decided against joining a gym for the time being. Elastic waist pants may be the devil and I wore them for many, many years. diablo.gif

    Janetr, keep telling us about your beautiful, warm weather. We can all live vicariously through you this week.

    Michele, glad you are getting to be involved in your son’s therapy session. I hope all goes well and it is helpful.

    Joyce, I just pray that Charlie will see some improvement in his condition. The last stress test that I had where the dr. ordered it without the treadmill, they still had me do a short jog on the treadmill. That was the first time they had done that. I was wearing sandals since I didn’t expect it. Things constantly change??

    Karen, I hope you are successful in helping your sister with her apartment. It’s good that you aren’t setting yourself up for disappointment if she backs out on the plan.

    Barbie, I hope your doctor’s appointment goes well. It would be nice if they would find a solution to your problems.

    I’m still doing 15 minutes of fast movement each morning while watching the news. Some days that is all the exercise I get in. Today is line dancing so that will help for today. The temperature won’t get out of the 30’s which is cold for us, plus the wind will blow all day. Burrrrrrr I know many of you are in the real deepfreeze and expecting a lot of snow so I hope you all stay safe and warm.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC