

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    Barbie, Joyce and Charlie - thinking of you and your appointments. <3

    Kim - see how tough you are! :flowerforyou:

    Still decluttering! Sorted out a couple of small kitchen drawers. Found some freezer stickers that had belonged to DH's partner who died of breast cancer in 2000. Almost used up so I threw it away. :D
    Also tore up a few more credit card statements.

    Made yoghurt, strained off the rhubarb vodka we had made last March :embarassed: and made a curry with the cooked lamb from goodness knows when that had been lurking in the freezer. Want to defrost the freezer very soon - the ice is climbing out of it! :'(

    The bad news is that I can feel my dodgy tooth again. :sad: Will have to see how it is tomorrow. It will be an expensive and invasive business to sort it out, unfortunately. At least I'm not in the south of France this time.

    Yoga was such fun this morning - we laughed all the time. I told them I had been meditating all week, deciding whether my "stuff" sparked joy, or not. :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Brrrrrrrrrrr! Baby, it's cold outside!

    Donna in cold, frozen WV
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    edited January 2016

    We had another break in at work last night so I'm sitting in a room that the intruder seems to not have touched while CSI does their thing. Of course , my office was the focal point of the "robbery." We don't keep cash on the premises so they made an enormous mess and caused damage for nothing. Not a happy start!!

    BTW, the file cabinet on the left was NOT locked.

    Hope everyone else has a fabulous day!


    Carol in NC
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Carol, at first I thought the pictures were your "before" decluttering! LOL Then I saw the broken glass and lock on the door and realized what it was. Hope the rest of your day goes better!
  • m1cbry
    m1cbry Posts: 9 Member
    Carol, you said, "another." How many have there been?
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Carol - Oh my goodness! Some people are just plain mean! Sorry about the mess.

    Miriam - I thought the same thing about the decluttering! lol

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,649 Member
    Oh Carol!!! My first thought was it was your home office, glad it was work... you work in a church, someone (s) must think churches are loaded... Hope that it is just a mess and that nothing was stolen. So sad.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    edited January 2016
    Oh for pity's sake! I stopped on page 53. Then I took the long weekend off from reading here as well as from work (work for a bank so get bank holidays off) and I come back today to 59 pages. Well, I will pick up on page 59 and go back as much as I am able. Work is busy for a change so I cannot read as much as before. If anyone thinks I missed something vital send me a message. Otherwise know I think of everyone here often even when I don't post. Love and hugs to all.
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Carol - Same thought here - thinking to myself that you must really hate filing to yank those drawers hard enough to bend them like that! Glad all the people are safe!

    Had a quiet weekend away with DH's family, but eating on plan was tough because it was either B&B Breakfast food, fast food, or restaurants all weekend. I can "find" something acceptable no matter where we go, but DH's family is genetically incapable of make a freaking decision about where to go before everyone is starving and "hangry" and arguing. I was more stressed about food this weekend than I have been in a very long time. What makes me even madder, is that I KNOW this is how they are, but I don't want to rock the boat by asking them to plan ahead. Next time, I'm taking care of myself and the rest of them can hang!

    Next challenge on the horizon - apparently a snowpocalyse is on the way to the mid-atlantic in a few days. Must check Bread, Liquor, and Toilet paper supply levels before the store shelves are emptied!
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Ooo! Ooo! (picture Horshack wildly waving his hand in the air to get Mr. Kotter's attention) I see {b]ginadaye[/b] broke a plateau. AWESOME!!!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,771 Member
    Carol ... I thought you were decluttering at first too! Lol! What a mess they've left you...

    Accepting help. Here's what someone once told me: when someone offers to help, consider that this might be the Holy Spirit's (or whatever you believe motivates people to do good) leading. Maybe the first time they've responded to a force outside themselves. Do I want to stand in the way of God (or karma or whatever you believe in) working in THEIR lives? By accepting their help, I could actually be helping them. I know ... Still doesn't make it easy to accept help ... Just something to think about.

    Barbie ... Hope your appointment goes well.

    Michele ... Good luck with the skype!

    Beth near Buffalo ... Trying to stay away from candy/snacks that are leftover from my DH's meeting last night.

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    This thread is too busy to keep up with ...which is a good thing.
    Yesterday was good and on track.
    Today I took on the BLC for the week and tried a new workout which was a 44 min turbo jam online video. That was a good challenge.
    So...exercise done.
    Food on track and logged.
    Weight is not cooperating.
    Two out of three - not bad.

    Tomorrow interview round 3 (with 5 people). The only thing I'm worried about is traffic. Other than that, it's an adventure.

    Kimses in MA
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Carol - Sorry to see you have such a miserable start to your week. Glad no one was there when it happened.

    celtikgirl -
    celtikgirl wrote: »
    What makes me even madder, is that I KNOW this is how they are, but I don't want to rock the boat by asking them to plan ahead. Next time, I'm taking care of myself and the rest of them can hang!

    Good for you! Remember this and stick to your guns the next time you visit. Packing protein bars or some other kind of healthy snack to munch on while they decide is one option.

    I'll admit I would never have the nerve to do the following to family, but...

    I once had a friend who couldn't make a decision or get moving to go out to eat. So one time I stood up, informed the room that I had to have food NOW, declared where I was going, informed the room that no one was obligated to join me there and asked for a show of hands as to who would meet me so I could save a table for the ones who did want to go there. Then I picked up my purse and walked out of the house. I had an appetizer while I waited for folks to show up and was eventually joined by everyone.

    I did end up apologizing to my friend later and explaining in detail that I was beyond mildly hungry and what getting too hungry does to me. Having a hissy fit was probably not the most diplomatic way of dealing, but that particular group of friends always made a quick decision and departure after that incident.

    Mia in MI

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    106 comments since I last posted! Holy moley, Batman! No way I can respond to all of that. I'll do what I can.

    Colleen & all newbies: Welcome. You've found a great group. Where are you from? We're a mix of losers and maintainers. I'm a maintainer & here every day to be sure I don't fall back into bad patterns. Plus I love these women. Welcome.

    Gloria: Good luck with the move. It will be grand to hear from you more often.

    Becca: I love your advice to the newbies. Perfect! "Irish yoga" has little real resemblance to yoga. :wink:

    Bonnie: Prayers for your family. Welcome to a great group. I recommend going to a yoga class rather than attempting a DVD unless you are already skilled in yoga. It is too easy to misinterpret instructions and make moves that will strain muscles that don't need to be strained. Anything that is fun and causes you to move more is a great idea. I started with a bike set up on a trainer in my garage. If I sinned at the table I could go right out there and burn off the calories. It gave me a sense of control. Good luck to you. I am a person whose life was changed by yoga, and it was due to great teachers who knew how to keep me from hurting myself.

    Pip: Busy day! Congrats on selling the car and parts.

    jmok01: I'm happy that my thoughts on motivation were helpful & that reviewing your health situation gave you encouragement that you are doing many things right. :flowerforyou:

    Miriam: I love your color choices. :heart:

    Michelle: Good news that you have an appointment to Skype with Bryan & his therapist. :heart

    I must have had a computer glitch, because a number of my comments didn't get copied into this response. I'm sorry for those that I lost. I'm feeling better today after 24 hours of sick. I think it was food poisoning but DH is sure that we had a virus. Since he cooked, I won't push it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Drkatiebug – You should be proud. Any motion is good, then to be better than last time is wonderful. I can’t go 40 minutes on the treadmill, so you are my hero (along with everyone else who keeps moving, you go gurls) !

    – So sorry about your frozen pipes. That is both an inconvenience and an expense. I hope things move along for you quickly and without too much expense. Your grandkids eating the eggs just cracks me up. What wonderful memories you are making for them.

    Gina – Congrats on breaking your plateau ! ! !

    DJ – Thanks for rubbing it in. 6 years ago, when DH had a bunch of interviews, one of them was in Florida, and I didn’t push that one as hard as I now think I should have. Although I am also glad that I lived in this area so I was more available for my Mom and Sister, so I guess the bad weather was worth this part of my life. Definitely hope to retire to someplace warmer. // congrats on your outfit being WAAAY too big !

    Barbie – I just can’t part with my yarn yet. If someone asks me to teach them something, I will happily give them everything they need. I’m just not ready to flat-out give it away yet, and don’t know if I ever will be. I buy more yarn before I’m done with the previous stash. I have had several groups donate to me numerous times, including the facility that makes LLBean, and I just can’t imagine parting with any of it, until it is a completed project. Kudos to you ! ! ! I did, however, part with some Avon boxes and old brochures yesterday, thanks to everyone talking about de-clutter and straighten (and my DH yelling about the mess, but mostly all you supportive ladies). Baby steps. I will keep your wise words in mind for when I am finally ready.

    Bonnie – I’m with you regarding fiber arts. I am doing everything in my power to drag out the inevitable “claw” hands that many people with RA end up having, and crochet or loom knitting is THAT important to me. I want my fingers flexible and strong, and regardless of the pain, there is always something I can do to keep my hands moving. I may give up crochet for a few weeks, but then I start back on my loom knitting until the pain and stiffness moves to a different set of joints again.

    Karen – It sounds like you have a very insightful plan. Keep trying to help your sister, and be supportive, and be flexible when she “pushes back”. It’s hard to be sisters and friends, so I certainly hope you will be successful. Taking care of yourself is the smartest thing you could do. Hugs and Prayers ! ! ! (keep the snow, I don’t want it back just yet)

    Betty – Good luck with the restaurant meals. You Can Do This ! ! !

    Michele – Hugs and Prayers during your Skype session ! ! !

    Hugs and Prayers for everybody with soon-upcoming appointments. I hope you feel our warmth and peace !

    Carol – So sorry about the invasion of your work and privacy (and the mess that needs attention). I hope CSI can catch the culprits sooner rather than later.

    Beth – I love your thought about accepting help. Thank you for sharing such wisdom.

    No sticker today. :'( I went back for seconds of the pizza >:) . I am in charge of my food consumption ! So, late lunch today has me currently snacking on 4 oz of sugar snap pea pods, and many are full of flavor, yay ! My new scale arrived today from WeightGurus. Someone on this site saw it on GMA, and it was a great price, so I bought it. I can’t wait to get it set up. The scale I have now had been located in front of DH’s deep fryer, so it is gunky inside, and I just don’t know how accurate it is these days.

    I got DS dropped off at school early today, so I was able to ride the bike for 20 minutes. It was hard, because the heat is still not fixed, so I wore my gloves.

    No news yet about DS's stolen iPhone. I guess we better take my old smartphone to Verizon, so at least he has something for safety purposes.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (+14 and sunshine, yay B) )
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    edited January 2016
    So sorry, Carol, for the burglary. What a pain and botheration! :flowerforyou:

    Didn't do my writing today. :'( Yoga got in the way. OK , tomorrow I will do some. Promise.

    Celtikgirl - I cannot hang around waiting for food as I get horribly hypo. Knee trembles, everything. I try very hard to avoid groups as I hate that kind of indecision. It drives me nuts. :grumble: I always take protein bars in my bag and a small container of nuts. I have been known to do a miakoda, even with family, and just make my excuses and leave the party to their own devices. We never go on holiday with other people for that very reason and prefer to make our own arrangements. If it is unavoidable, like an important birthday do, it is important to protect yourself by taking healthy snacks with you. Most people are familiar with my "funny ways" and I often warn them before hand. One problem for me is that I like to eat a small amount at regular intervals, but when the others sit down they usually stuff themselves stupid and then are not hungry for some time. Too long for me! Also, they often bring out crisps and dips to fill the gap, whereas I would prefer to have a healthy meal at a regular time.
    I guess I'm just antisocial! :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Ladies, thank you so much for insight and support concerning my sister's renovation. It will be a long saga, hopefully with some happy results to report back, but slow and steady wins the race on this one. Many many thanks, I have already copied your comments to reflect back on in the weeks ahead as we plan and inch our way along. Change is not easy, so I respect that the smallest improvements are the ones to focus on right now.

    Proud of myself for walking past (twice) the large tray of homemade cookies in the office today. But I really didn't feel hungry or "Hangry" so I kept walkin'

    Karen from NY
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Beth, you hit the nail on the head about helping. That is why the Peer Support movement among mental health clients has been so helpful (until it gets taken over by the professionals that ruin it, I should say). Both parties learn from each other, and helping others helps oneself. The key word to remember, which was focused on in my Rehabilitation Counseling classes, is INTERdependence. We do not go through this life either entirely dependent on others, or entirely independent. Even someone as independent as I am rely on others to provide electricity, gas service, trash pickup, etc. So helping someone like me realize that they do accept, and can accept more, help is important as is helping them to realize what they give to others. Even if it is "only" a well tended yard (think property taxes) or paying their taxes to provide schools for other people's kids).

    Mia, I laughed at your description! And that they all toe the line now! I have been known to do the same sort of thing- just take the decision in my own hands after listening to others debate over and over again (committee work is one place!). Some people just don't like making decisions, and others don't want to hurt anyone else's feelings, so decisions often don't happen.

    Heather, I am with you about indecision. I sometimes use my celiac as an excuse. Well, I can't find anything safe on the menu there, so we have to go here. But, I am not one to go out to eat very often. And I always have something safe to eat in my purse. So sometimes I let others make the decision and just pull out my own food and have coffee with the others.

    Terri, I have cut back so much on the amount of needle work I do as well as other tasks using my hands. I found that working to finish the stocking I made last, made my hands ache so much that i avoided doing anything for a long time. But you are right, we need to use them or lose them. Some days even typing on the computer is painful. You are inspiring me to pull out some projects!

    Was having trouble getting motivated this morning after my hot tub workout. But just finished doing a sink FULL of dishes (I didn't do any while the girls were home for a three day weekend), and started a load of laundry. So I pulled some motivation out of thin air. It seems that the weekends, especially if they are long, just wipe me out. In the summer I am pooped too. Kids at this age and with my disabilities are HARD WORK. But well worth it, for sure.