

  • GetMeTo125
    GetMeTo125 Posts: 20 Member
    I am new to this group and am struggling with weight gain and consistency in my tracking my food and working out. I am inspired by the will and motivation in this community and thank you for a great start to my day ! Chloe
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Happy April, all, no fooling! :)

    Yes, that is me peeking out from behind it... :)

    Love your quilt! Beautiful work.

  • walk2health4me
    walk2health4me Posts: 30 Member
    Hi I am new to the group too I am a diabetic with hashimotos and am logging in my food for my new Endo Dr apt April ll I work out to yoga tai chi I walk with a three wheel walker and knee braces I love gardening and am trying to substitute healthy food choices for carbs lettuce wraps for bread pecan half's for chips cauliflower for potatoes yes i crave carbs the curse of being a army brat stationed overseas and eating European bread omg my body gets cranky when i cut out the sugars but it will have to learn how to adjust to a lower carb intake the only rice i let myself eat is a new 5 grain quinoa type and thats only l day a week..looking for support and people to talk to my age who are wanting to be healthy and will not take a senior citizen slow down lifestyle even if i use a cane or a walker i still love to dance and move..
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele – You must have a virtual library of exercise DVDs. I think you do a ‘different’ one every day. After I took about 75% of my wardrobe to the consignment shop; I might find I will never buy anything ‘new’ again. I did not have much time to waste, so I did not get to look. Many of the things I took were really nice. Even took the dress I wore to DYS’s wedding back in May – never wore it but once; and, then I started losing weight. I went on a day that they normally don’t take in clothes (Wednesday); but I think when I told them that I lived out of town, they made an exception. The girl looked at me when I brought in about 25 things hanging on a hanger; then 2 bags of shorts and other things. I told her that I had lost 25lbs and decided it was time to get rid of all the things that did not fit me. There was a lady leaving the store that they did not take her clothes and told her to bring them back the next day. I’m hoping that everything I took will be put out to sell. I think I even took a pair of dress slacks to Goodwill because the little thing you hold on to was broken. I always had to put in a really small pin in it to pull it up and down. She told me they’d go through everything to make sure they were not ‘stained, torn, or out-of-season’ and would put them out for 120 days and ‘if’ not sold, they’d donate them to The Salvation Army and I’d get a ticket of donation to take off on my taxes. What’s the beaded banner for?

    HAHAHAHA – They just showed a video on The Today Show of Taylor Swift running on a treadmill to music and then suddenly she ‘face-planted’ it and rolled off the back. I’ve done the same thing but I ‘butt-planted’ off it. I felt bad for her; but, it was like 'in a cartoon' moment.

    Katla – Growing up they used to have a May Day ceremony that was put on by the All Women’s College in town. They always had a Renaissance Festival at the same time and I can remember them dancing around the flag pole and covering it in ribbon.

    Here comes the rain, will probably last until tomorrow evening. Means that DH will be home soon. I hope he brings home some decent movies. Last week he only brought home 2 out of 5 that were worth watching. I don’t do ‘scary’ movies (and he KNOWS it; but, keeps getting them). Occasionally he will bring home a ‘chick flick’.

    KJL – I don’t think I could ‘keep kids’. Don’t get me wrong – I loved my 2 sons; was lucky that they had a Mother’s Morning Out where I could leave them at the college in Macon for women who wanted to become teachers. They taught them things and you could either leave them there for 4 hours (morning or afternoon). I’d take them about 10:00am and pick them up about 2:00pm. That way I could do my errands, or go to a MD’s appointment, go grocery shopping, or just come home and ‘chill’ for a while. It was nice. Especially since I was pregnant while we lived there. They did not take children under the age of 2; but, having to only go somewhere with 1 child was easier than with 2.

    Joyce – I can remember when my oldest sister had breast cancer and immediate reconstruction, they had 4 tubs running out of her chest and back which he husband had to drain several times a day. I think my middle sister must have had things running out of her; but, she could not have immediate reconstruction due to problems during surgery and she got an infection, too. They had to put in a port so they could give her massive amounts of antibiotics. After being ‘in the hospital’ for another week afterwards. She decided to have the blow-up (I guess they were implants) removed and has not had any reconstruction to date. Last summer she had a facelift. I’m not sure she will have reconstruction at this point. My oldest sister had problems the first time they did her reconstruction through a ‘rotation flap’ which meant that they’d pull muscle tissue up and twist it around to make a breast; they could not close her up; and, she ended up with an ‘implant’ and a hole in her chest large enough to drop a pencil through it (top to bottom). The implant started leaking and before they were scheduled to take it out and replace it, they found cancer in the other breast. This time she just went for the implants; but, she still had to have inserts placed under her chest skin to stretch it for the implants for several weeks (maybe months).

    Grandmallie – I’ve had the same thing happen to me. I disable my touchpad on my laptop because I use a mouse. Have to do it manually every time I open up the computer. Sometimes it just ‘goes away’; other times you can go to the bottom (where your ‘task bar’ is located and run you pointer over the MFP icon there and sometimes it will show back up. There’ll be two pages side-by-side and you can find it there. SOMETIMES. I always open up a word processing program which I type my responses into, so if I miss several days, I can still answer those posts on previous days. The icon up in the upper right-hand side will have a ‘blow up’ icon with a 2nd one behind it which shows you have more than one program open at the same time. That helps keep it from going away entirely most of the time.

    Lhannon … - My DGD#4 asked me to brush her hair, because she knew I did not get to do that because of having only boys. It was so much fun and she seemed to enjoy it, too. Told me that she did not have a tender head, so I could brush hard. All 4 of my DGDs have very thick, long hair.

    My BF told me the other day that she is going to ‘church’ (probably for the first time since becoming an adult). Said she had gotten a flyer put on her car and thought the message of the sermon sounded like it would be good. She could not remember the subject matter. I rode by the church and the Marquette read: “Is Jesus the Only Way into Heaven?” Now, that would be ‘interesting’ to someone who purportedly has ‘no faith’. I’ve talked to her ‘on a few occasions’ but, never push it. I’ve never believed that you can ‘preach’ anybody into ‘salvation’. When they are ‘ready’ they will be ‘open to it’ and not before.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    welcome april peeps -

    thanks as usual barbiecat!
    lhannon - cool quilt even tho i've never seen harry potter.

    well, it's gonna b a beautiful day, not riding tho :0(. have to drive cuz I got pt today, but I do get to put the top down on my convertible for the first time on the way home :0)
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello, everybody!

    Thanks Barbiecat - for starting out April for us!

    I can't believe three months of this year is already passed by! I've been so busy.....not hardly any time to post or read. I left the March thread about 2-3 weeks ago. My mom - she is critically ill, in the last part of stage 5 renal failure. It's so hard watching her go down hill. I'm having a hard time letting her go. :'( I've been busy trying to work my job and take care of her. Thank God mom has a large family. I have 2 siblings that are good about helping, but one of them is getting ready to have a stress test this week coming up. Some of the grandkids and greats have stepped up and are helping.

    During all of this, I've hardly had time to go to the grocery, much less plan meals and snacks. According to the scales, I am down a couple of pounds. Hmm.....

    I'll check back when I get a chance! Hope everyone is well!

    Donna in Wild, Wonderful West Virginia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janet OKC: Congratulations on all of your successes with your health and weight. I like your April resolutions. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: You are rich in family. I'm happy that your daughter and family are coming and hope you and Charlie enjoy the visit and get enough rest. :smiley:

    Lisa: I love the Harry Potter quilt. I've read every book but cheated on the last one and skipped to the end. :embarassed: Your grandchildren are adorable. :heart:

    Margaret: I read through your goals with awe. You are a wise woman and have set your goals with thought and care. (((HUGS)))

    Walktohealth4me: Welcome! :smiley:

    Happy April 1! Don't let the tricksters steal your smiles today. :devil: The weather forecast for today is mostly cloudy, and right now that means fog. Foggy mornings make me feel warm & cozy inside my house. I'm doing laundry right now, and plan to go to yoga this morning. One of my favorite teachers is on today's schedule. :heart:

    Is anyone else having issues with the bold function here on MFP? I seem to be getting double bold cues & have gone back and painstakingly removed the extras. :grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi all,
    Lisa - delicious grands! <3
    Quick post. Went shopping for lunch stuff this morning as we were running out of food. The Turkish bread shop is deeeeevine! Also bought the best cottage cheese in the whole world. The kids were eating lots of cherry tomatoes and strawberries, so that's good. :D
    After lunch I asked DDIL if I could help with the laundry as it was getting out of hand. I folded up a mountain of clean and dry stuff and put more in the machine. She can't really manage the heavy stuff yet.
    The Midwife visited and another person to estimate for removals. I had a nap and played a toddler computer game.
    Now just building Lego houses.
    We leave after the bath this evening.
    Love to all. Heather UK

    Captain Broccoli and the pirates.


  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Whoo hoo! I got here before it was off page one! A miracle!

    Yesterday I ran for 25 minutes and then did 45 minutes of workout with my trainer. Then we went to the symphony. A lovely concerto for 4 horns and then a Rachmaninofff piece that they did well but wow... I was feeling all the back work I'd done that afternoon. The seats in the concert hall are not meant for those that work out I guess.

    This morning I did an hour of cardio with a live feed video. Always fun but today was a sweater.... I'm seriously putting out the liquid today. And so are our skies... it is raining so I doubt I will go out and run.

    Doing pottery today, more glazing. This afternoon we have to start getting the pool ready for opening tomorrow for our grandson's 10th birthday. Just how the heck did he get to be 10 years old? I'M NOT OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE A 10 YEAR OLD GRANDSON! lol

    Loving the grandkid pictures everyone.

    April resolutions (I too like the difference between goals and resolutions)
    • Log faithfully each day
    • Either lose 5# OR 5 inches this month. I'm happy either way.
    • Improve my time for the half-marathon, running one April 24th
    • Run 80 miles for April
    • Strength training 3x weekly for the month
    • Encourage my husband by working out with him in the morning at least once a week
    • Get my flower beds cleaned out and mulched (we are talking about 30 yds of mulch, not a small task!)
    • Cut down the vine that has taken over the back yard fence (75 ft. of vine covered fence, and it's not my vine! but it's destroying my fence)

    Have a great day everyone.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Marcelyn, we want photos of the flower beds!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    welcome.gif to everyone who is new here today, the most important thing is to keep coming back and reading.....you will get ideas and inspiration so that you can take your next steps whatever that might be....many of us have found that staying connected with others has made is easier to stay on track with our other resolutions.

    :) Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    oh and my april goals? I have no goals :0/
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Wow! I can't believe I found this group...what an amazing bunch of women you are! I am Karen, and I turned 50 last year. I homeschooled our two boys for the last 14 years and they will leave for college this summer. I love to quilt, but when I do, I sit there for hours at my sewing machine, usually drinking a few beers (worthless calories), and no exercise! My resolutions are:
    Strength Train 2 times per week
    Long Bike rides 2 times per week
    Walk 30 min every day (dog loves it)
    Wash all windows
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    Thanks to Barbie for the new link!
    Well I did manage to weight less than in the beginning of the month till Easter came around. Will try again with new goal of weighing less by the end of the month of April...have been getting more exercise in, which is good.
    Welcome new people--this is a great group!
    Was hoping to get some gardening in soon but it looks like old man winter might be settling in for his last hurrah for a bit...who invited that guy anyway?
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Happy April, Lovely Ladies! I officially completed my first month on MFP with an unbroken streak.
    My resolution for April is to keep that up. :smiley:

    1. Logging every meal, every day.
    My pool is closed for the next two weeks, so for fitness I will add:
    2. walking every morning until the pool reopens; swimming four days a week after
    3. kettlebell swings in the afternoon on non-lifting days
    (I don't need a goal around lifting; I'm already hooked :smile: )
    4. finish cleaning up my garden and get the early summer veggie seeds started
    5. Eat all--not waste any--of the overwintered vegetables ready to eat this month. :smile:

    Larisa in Seattle

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Whoops! It's April now. Copying the post I made to March.

    DJ – You are welcome for the information on a stone. Yes, it is so easy to look thigs up with Google at our fingertips but some days you don’t want to get sucked into that time trap. At least I don’t. All too often when I go to look something up in Google I get distracted by some little item and go look it up as well only to find something else. Suddenly the quick 2 minute search becomes 2 hours of time lost in the ether. I am amused by the facts that get stuck in my brain (like a stone is 14 lbs.) while the important stuff (like when is my wedding anniversary) gets completely lost. Once upon a time a Red Hatter (NOT a member of my chapter) told me rather disdainfully that I had a head full of trivia. When I joined the Red Hats I gleefully took the title of “Tzarina of Trivia” as my Red Hat name.

    Carol in NC – Hooray for a clean mammogram!!! I'm so happy for you.

    Mia in MI
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks, everyone!

    Thanks, Barbie, for being so diligent and setting up the new thread for April!

    Pictures of the grandbabies and the quilt were beautiful!

    Today is my short day at work and my son is in Charlotte for the weekend, so I am going to go home and just "be" this afternoon. Since I have to be very careful of my eye, I'm limited on what I can accomplish at home and with exercise, so I'm just going to enjoy the break.

    Hope everyone else has an awesome Friday!

    Carol in NC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hidey Ho Neighbors!! I know we all live worlds apart, and miles and miles separate us, but to me you are all next door.... If you hear me a knocking don't freak!

    April Goals

    -to log in EVERY day 000000000000000000000000000000
    -to exercise 4 times a week aqua-aerobic water exercises.
    week 1 0000
    week 2 0000
    week 3 0000
    week 4 0000

    -to write in my journal once a week 0000

    OK all those zeros are my check off places... lol
    Everyone lets really get serious now... OK OK you all know I don't have a serious bone in my body. Well maybe the one on my elbow. Hey I know that's the funny bone, but heck, it HURTS when I bang it!


    good news I measured myself the other night, and well my bust and waist stayed the same, but I lost 2 1/2 inches on my hips! Woot!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Red Hat ladies - not a member of the local chapter either. My red hat is a ball cap that has a button on it which reads: "I Damn Near Survived Everything." And a flamingo pin. Used to have a 'purple dress'; but, gone a long time ago.

    I bought a small kettlebell (10lb - thought I'd start off light first). Have also bought a back brace to keep my back straight(er). Might do it today, since it is raining now and expected to go on all during the night.

    Hello to all the 'newbies' ... come often, post often

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited April 2016

    I bought a small kettlebell (10lb - thought I'd start off light first). Have also bought a back brace to keep my back straight(er). Might do it today, since it is raining now and expected to go on all during the night.

    Lenora Please, please don't do kettlebells swings in a back brace! Kettlebell swings are intended to stress and strengthen your back. Instead, please follow the video instructions for doing deadlifts to build up your back strength until you can start doing swings.

    I just checked with my professional trainer, and he is also concerned that you could hurt yourself at worst, and not benefit from the exercise at best. I could not stand it if something happened to you from this.

    *worries :worried:
    Larisa who doesn't want anyone to get hurt