overin2015 Member


  • I am dealing with this right now 2 weeks before. My ovulation time tends to be bigger gains, painful cramps and increased appetite not start of period as much. I just posted this morning an article I read about the same thing. Apparently your appetite does increase with PMS for specific reasons and there are things you can…
  • I so see the Sandra Bullock thing now that you said that. I love that picture. The outfit is so cute and flattering.
  • I so see the Sandra Bullock thing now that you said that. I love that picture. The outfit is so cute and flattering.
  • Love your strong legs! I bet that was so exciting to watch yourself work hard and transform. Congrats on a well deserved victory!
  • Great advice! Congrats on your amazing transformation through your goal setting. I wonder if hormones play a part in our body images. Most days I am feeling really good about my continued weight loss. My stomach is shrinking fast which is awesome even at the small amount I have lost but then one day everywhere I looked I…
  • What a cute suit and the cut and fit are perfect on your newly hard worked for body. Be proud and have a great time knowing you will look great!
  • Great accomplishment! Congrats and what beautiful scenery.
  • I believe in this. Was told by a nutritionist that she thought I may have it as I show many of the clinical symptoms for it. Haven't been tested other than shown to be severely low in Glutathion, Vit D and magnesium. I have reduced my stress levels tremendously over the last year with God's help. Work to be grateful for…
  • I would wonder if this is more determined by where you lose it. After 5ish pounds I am out of 16s and into 14 off the racks but I think its because I lost so much of it in my stomach. I would think that would vary maybe per person. I am hoping for the 10lbs per size as I progress but I am thinking that maybe you might go…
  • What did the doctor say was wrong with you? Our bodies don't just do things randomly I wouldn't think. If you gained that much water do you know what it was?
  • Isn't a marathon 26.1 miles? I thought it was funny that your weight loss was that and your goal is running. Congrats on your "mini marathon" of the 26.1 pounds and good luck on your 5K walk/runs! Thanks for posting. You took adversity and kicked it in the teeth - sorry Georgia!
  • I weight daily too first thing in the morning. I am actually working to combat my mind in weight loss so I do it to show my body is functioning just like it is supposed to. Sorry guys on this one - but tracked during my cycle and it really made me feel better that although I gained 2 lbs at the beginning by the end…
  • Curious then if when you run the reports the sodium is high and potassium is low if you would need to supplement or add potassium rich foods. Is it a problem if these aren't balanced daily. Hope this didn't hijack the thread but just added to the conversation.
    in Sodium Comment by overin2015 April 2015
  • This is weird because I have only lost 5 - 6 pounds from my highest weight and I am losing it slowly at 1lb average a week but my nails are super white, growing fast and stronger. It makes you think about what crazy energy and resources our bodies were using just to digest the extra food. Also no indigestion like people…
  • Where ever you decide to land is what I meant to say. Also just saw the breastfeeding issue. Watch how small you get because if you want to continue to breastfeed you will want to make sure you have enough fat to sustain it. There is something I remember reading about that.
  • I would think that if you are questioning your weight loss maybe its time to stop and maintain this weight for a few weeks. Give yourself time for your mind to adjust to the new weight and see if it is difficult to maintain - how is your mental health? Is it fun shopping for clothes in this size? Do you see yourself as…
  • Thanks for this encouraging post. I see a lot of people worried about this and it has entered my mind. Really appreciate the time you took to post it.
  • Congrats on beating that self-sabotaging demon in your head! :-) I sweep him out daily.
  • Congrats and good luck on the new job!
  • "Don't "start over" .....just continue" I love this and live by it now. It is so much more relaxing than the all or nothing attitude.
  • I agree with above. Why not take a picture of the meal before you eat it to help you identify it. We are having a buffet of sorts on Easter and I am thinking I will fast till lunch then make my plate with all I want, take a picture and log when I get home. Dinner will depend on whether I can exercise or if I have any more…
  • OK I have to get in on the praise to you for your unbelievable accomplishment! You look healthy and curvy and I am SO proud of you! You have done it in a way that is going to make people really reach for the balance of health and enjoyment that you have found. Again congratulations for sticking it out for the long haul and…
  • Great job! Looks like you were loved at both weights so congratulations for that too!
  • I tend to binge eat sweets and so I do this to keep from doing that. It doesn't take very many days of it to see that it really does help with this aspect of my eating. Lately I have been eating in a 16 hour window but I am not hard set in that. I can't tell you whether it leads to greater weight loss but I am having an…
  • I may be a little off on my science but about the stretch marks not turning a little lighter yet - our bodies replace all cells in a 3-6 month cycle I think. I would assume that to see the difference in skin texture and the color would take longer than the weight loss because you aren't pulling on the skin but it still…
  • Hope someone didn't say this but google Biggest Loser Pork Tenderloin. This is the BEST recipe. Very low cal - all in the spices and amazing. Also any Tortilla soup would be easy - I used rotisserie chicken, rotel, can of corn, black beans and some chicken stock add some cumin, paprika, salt, pepper, garlic salt and onion…
  • When that happens to me I will have a hard time not walking around the house with just a normal towel wrapped around me. That will be a BIG NSV! Congrats OP - great example of how hard work pays off!
  • Thanks for sharing everyone. This info is so helpful for all of us starting out and trying to find goals.
  • OK so I set myself for 1 lb a week and loving it. Calories at 1500 eating exercise calories if I want them and I only do exercise I really like. Lost 2 pounds in 9 days. I have lost more/faster on fads but this is sustainable so I am THRILLED to death. Doesn't feel like anything except paying attention - enjoying what I…
  • I love that we are on a website where so many people are losing like crazy and you all say eat cake! You guys are inspiring and awesome and I couldn't agree more. FREEDOM! (Say this in a William Wallace voice.)