JJS1979 Member


  • This ^^^ if your maintenance level is about 1650 calories. Best advice if you wanted to do a weekly cheat day is to slightly reduce your daily intake and save those calories up for your cheat day. But word of caution, DO NOT starve yourself. Don't go from 1640 to 1000 so you can have one massive cheat day each week, that…
  • While there should be a little discomfort when dieting due to the calorie restricting, if you are really so hungry that you can't sleep, you probably are either eating too few of calories during they day, exercising excessively or a combination. Use a TDEE calculator to figure out approximately what your caloric burn is…
  • First off, that is incredible that you have been so successful thus far, so well done. I agree, this is totally normal but you should continue to monitor and make slight adjustments if necessary. Goodluck and keep up the good work!
  • Congrats! Like cmriverside I lost my weight about 4 years ago but still track. Great job again and best of luck!
  • Hi - I did OMAD for a while. I enjoyed it and was successful on it however after a while I started to just get really bloated before bed and did not like having that feeling. I have since switched to IF 16:8 and it is much better for me. I also ate my meal at night between generally 630-730. When i did the OMAD it was all…
  • There are a few reasons I suggested 40% protein. The first one you mentioned, appetite control. Protein generally keeps you feeling fuller longer. The second is that in terms of volume, eating say 300 calories worth of protein will provide a lot more food than 300 calories of carbs or fat, which when you are dieting the…
    in Carbs Comment by JJS1979 February 2020
  • You have to change your mindset and make working out and eating right a priority. I am sure there are days you wake up not wanting to go to work but you go because if you just stop going to work the consequence is you will probably get fired, so that is a priority. The same thing has to be done with this part of your life.…
    in Why Comment by JJS1979 February 2020
  • I think each person is different however if you are looking to lose weight you should have 40% of your calories come from protein and you can fill in the rest of carbs/fat based on your preference. For example, if you are looking to consume 1800 calories a day, you could do something like: 175 Protein/150 carbs/60 fat…
    in Carbs Comment by JJS1979 February 2020
  • I think this is pretty common for most people that during the day they are busy and don't feel the hunger as much. However, at night you may not be as busy as you were during the day, you begin to get hungry.You mention you eat healthy foods during the day and its just at night you have some cravings. You could research…
  • How far in advance do you know your schedule? With something like this you will need to plan every week differently based on your schedule but that is how I would handle it. Whenever you get your new schedule for the week or month, plan around that particular schedule.
  • The 647 Bread is good. About 40 calories per slice, 13g of carbs and 7 grams of fiber. Agreed on the mission carb balance, those are great.
  • I would first recommend doing a TDEE calculator to see how many calories you are burning. I use https://tdeecalculator.net/ A quick calculation shows about 1650 calories with little to no exercise. Assuming you don't want to lose more than 1-1.5lbs per week, you would need to create a plan that allows for around 1250-1350…
  • Agreed, once I got a food scale I started to realize how easy it was to overestimate how much you are eating. Measure EVERYTHING, every little bit adds up
  • As others have said, most are actually garbage. Protein is good to hit your goals, I take MV, Fish oil, Vitamin D. Sometimes if I am feeling sluggish prior to a workout I will pop 50mg of a caffeine pill. Much cheaper than a pre-workout and will help you all the same. The only one I don't take that h1udd mentioned is…
  • Agreed, I would not immediately drop to under 50 carbs, start at about 100 see how you feel and adjust down from there.
  • What is your macro breakdown? If you are going low carb AND low fat, you will probably be very sluggish.
  • usually for me, during the day is not that bad, it is when i am home at night or before bed when i am the hungriest. I will usually save most of my carbs for night time so that I am not starving when I go to bed, this seems to help the cravings a lot.
  • I agree with this. Unless you are competing, being 100% exact with your macros will not really make a difference to the average lifter. That being said, to get to that point you need to be comfortable in understanding portions and the caloric density of food. If you don't have a good grasp on that you can easily overeat.…
  • I would recommend finding your maintenance level (bunch of calculators online to determine this) and subtract 15-20% to determine calories. Keep protein high and fats moderate but not too low, maybe a 50/30/20 P/C/F breakdown and see how you feel. Monitor your weight loss and adjust. Finally, if your goal is to lose a…
  • I would say squats and lunges are probably the best thing to help build strength and muscle in that area. In general i think you want to lift weights and try to build your strength. While cardio seems to be the focus on most peoples workout routine, if you are looking to build muscle, I would not do as much cardio and…
  • Good for you in getting started, that is always the first step! I think, at least for me, i needed to change my mindset. This has to be a long-term lifestyle for you, not just until you lose weight. I also thought i was addicted to food but once you start eating healthier you will notice those cravings will go away. And by…
  • This^^^ Get a trainer. Try to find someone online as they will be cheaper and will provide workout and meal plans. I did this when I first started as I was just like you, too much information and I had no idea what to do with it all. Goodluck!
  • Welcome to MFP!
  • That is great you are becoming conscious of these issues now, it took me until mid 30's to realize what you do now and I wish i started in my 20's. The key is to do something that you enjoy and can do for the long-term. Maybe that is strength training, maybe it is swimming, maybe running. The idea is that whatever you do…
  • Really great attitude, I wish you the best of luck getting back to your goal!
  • As long as you get back to your normal routine when you get back, you will be fine. Try not to binge but enjoy yourself. Last year i went away for a week and for most of my meals i just ordered what I wanted and drank what I wanted. As soon as I got home I went back into my routine and within 3-4 days I was the same weight…
  • Don't feel bad, I am in the same boat. Typically the abdominal fat is the last to go and unfortunately it is just a matter of losing more body fat for it to look toned. While you can't spot remove fat, strengthening your core, besides all the other benefits, will allow those muscles to show once you have lost the…
  • I would say just track it based on whether it was weighed raw or cooked. Truth is that it is probably not relevant to your overall success. The fact you are even weighing your food is far more proactive than most people so I definitely would not stress too much about it. My guess is if someone has gained a lot of weight it…