shadowfax_c11 Member


  • peach tumeric when I can get it is a favorite. I also really enjoy Turkeytail mushroom tea. I harvest this myself when I am out hiking if I find a nice fresh fruiting. I also like Chrysanthemum tea and almost anything rooibos. I get my teas from Blue Monkey tea company.
  • Understand that some days will be good and some won't. And don't let the bad ones stop you from trying again. Failure is just a part of learning. Note it learn from it and go forward.
  • If the exercise is new you are probably just replacing fat with muscle. How are your clothes fitting? You should start seeing the scale move in another week or two.
  • Big glass of water with some Metamucil (psyllium powder) will make you feel full. But please be sure your calorie goal is realistic and healthy.
  • Well... at 50 it's about time. :p Thank you. I think it helps to redefine success. Yesterday I went well over my calories but it was a conscious choice. I rewarded myself for doing a chore I dislike. But I feel good for having done it. Ate the yummy food logged it and went to bed feeling good about myself. I think it all…
  • I got really tired of eating the same thing every day for a week with batch cooking. Cooking for 1 is a pain sometimes and there are things I would rather be doing than cooking and cleaning. like taking longer hikes in the park. I don't cook much myself anymore. Last spring I discovered Freshly and I order 6 meals a week…
  • Sigh. Me too. I was doing really well 4 years ago. Life beat me down again and I gave up. I have finally got life back on a better track so now I have to start over again. I think I learned from it though. So maybe this time will be different.
  • I am on Garmin as well. I onl have a couple of friends. We don't do challanges though because they can't keep up with me. I get in 10k+ a day most days. Usually in the top 5 in the 85k challange. Last week I won. I get extra steps walking in the park with my dog and a friend on the weekends. I do like the Garmin more than…
  • I do a lot of walking in my day to day work. I average 11k steps most days just at work , so adding more walking seemed like it would not really do much and it was hard to find motivation to walk more after work. I was mistaken. This summer I started going with a friend to a local park once a week ,on my day off, to walk.…
  • I waqs 270 about a week agol. Now 267. Getting back on track after a long break.
  • It is okay to get take out. Try not to get more than a reasonable amount. Thinking you will have leftovers for another meal. Trust me. Just get the small or if you can get by the slice. Enjoy it, log it aqnd move on. Congrats on the loss. Thgat is a great begining.
  • So sorry to see this. I went through somehting similar in 1999, when my hisband died. He as 36 and I was just 29. It was a horrible year and I gained a lot of weight. I was well over 300 pounds and didn't care. It took me 10 years to start to pull my life back together. Grief counseling is really important. Having some…
  • Yep me too! I took up a martial art specifically looking for improvement in my riding. While I do have a job that burns a lot of calories I also get great exercise with just doing things that I enjoy. Riding my horse, martial arts and more recently taking a weekly hike in the park with a friend and her dog. My dogs are…
  • OUch! I broke mine last year when I dropped a draft horse on it. No fun at all.
  • Pizza is probably my biggest high cal issue. I have trouble moderating it so I go ahead and enjoy it and log it. What I have found though is that if I make myself log it I will think more carefully about whether or not I really want it. Looking at calories and how things will fit into my day is often enough to make me…
  • Ummm no. Having money means I can afford better quality food. Since my income has improved greatly I have been eating a lot more fruits and veggies. It isn't having money. It is how you chose to spend it. You are entering the world of being an adult. You are accountable for your own choices.
  • Why say no when you can just plan for a certain number of calories to be enjoyed in the form of something sweet after dinner? Nothing wrong with "junk" food in moderation. Also don't keep the really high cal treats in your house in large amounts. I love cheesecake but when I want some I go out and buy one slice instead of…
  • Join a club or take a class that involves physical activity. Doing something with other people helps a lot. Especially if it is something you really enjoy.
  • So true. I go to the dojo for evening classes 3 days a week and it is always after a long day at work. My job is physically demanding 10k+steps plus lots of bending and lifting. I am usually very tired when I get home and sometimes I really don't feel like turning around and going back out 2 hours later for a 2 hour…
  • I have been training in aikido for about 8.5 years or so. It took 6 years to test for shodan but that was delayed a year by some upheaval in organization politics. When I started I was 39 years old and 290 pounds. I have knee problems and asthma and had never done anything like martial arts in my life. I was scared to…
  • I drink mostly tea and coffee and water with the sugar free enhancers added. I almost never drink plain water. It all counts. Just be sure to log any calories they might have. AS someone else said go by urine color.
  • I am typically lighter in the afternoon than in the morning. But I sweat a lot at work and lose quite a bit of water.
  • I went through Menopause while working at a physical job where I was wearing full PPE nose to toes. In an environment that is maintained at 50% humidity and 75 degrees. No moving air. No AC. Sweating is something you can get accustomed to. Just do it.
  • When I went to Bar Harbor I had Lazy mans Lobster and blueberry cobbler. But that was a very long time ago. Need to get back there some day.
  • Hawaiian Pizza. Seriously that stuff is truly super. Especially if it has canadian bacon. And eating it in moderation. (Most of the time)
  • Best remedy for soreness is more of what made you sore. When I first started martial arts I would be in agony for two days after each class. After a few months that eased up as I got in better shape. I did find that it helps to take some ibuprofen an hour or two BEFORE the workout.
  • I don't rely on motivation. I just do it lie I do all of the other chores I have to do that I don't always feel motivated to do.
  • I am a black belt in Aikido. :)
  • In a hole in the ground....
  • For a low cal sweet treat I like Twizzlers. 4 pieces is only 100 calories. I also like cottage cheese as a snack. Sometimes with a little fruit or some carrot and celery sticks.