Slight struggle staying on track

Lately, I've had the hardest time motivating to eat right or even go to the gym. My mood has been fine. I'm not depressed or beating myself up for falling off track. I just can't seem to get motivated to keep moving forward with everything. I don't understand what the deal is! Thoughts? Remedies?


  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    What does your "eating right" consist of? You can eat what you like as long as it's within your goals.

    Remembering why your started is a good motivator sometimes. But ultimately, inner motivation does have to come from you. However, motivation is fleeting, make your changes a habit, and you won't need motivation.

    Make sure you are doing something you like at the gym, and you'll be going for the enjoyment, and you won't have the "I have to do this" thoughts.

    Good luck!
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    I think we all go through this in some phase or another... I was a psycho path when I first started this new Healthy Lifestyle change of mine. First 6 months, I was kicking *kitten* and taking names. Working out, eating right, stayed strong through the holidays... Wooo I got this!!! Yeah baby... I lost 65lbs in 6.5 months... I still have another 24-28lbs to go and while I am still eating right and working out like I did the first 6 months I just feel like sometimes I find myself trying to make excuses to miss a workout. I will literally come up with a million excuses and justifications during the work day on why I am NOT going to do my workout. While I haven't missed one yet, the lack of motivation is seriously playing tricks with me and its a push to get myself to do what needs to be done. I truly enjoy this new lifestyle and how I feel now that I am focused more on eating and exercising so I circled back to the why I started in the first place and made some adjustments. I lowered my weekly weight loss to a .5lb a week. I am going to add some strength training to my mostly cardio workout routines and do my best not to be so hard on myself because of the lack of motivation...Hell I am still doing it even though i don't want to that has to count for something right?? I think sometimes we just need a breather, sometimes we put so much energy into being perfect all the time that we revert back to old habits out of comfort. The good thing is you are aware of it and looking for the support to get through it... that is half the battle right there. Try changing up your routine a bit and see if that helps. Worse comes to worse you take a short break to regroup and then come back it. I am looking forward to seeing the other comments and how people get through these lows myself... Good luck!
  • HermanLily
    HermanLily Posts: 217 Member
    Why do you want to eat right and workout? There is your answer.
  • 02bridget
    02bridget Posts: 5 Member
    My taekwondo instructor has said we work out because of discipline rather than motivation. If all we had to rely on was motivation, we'd all be in trouble :) Many days that I don't feel like going I remember the discipline part and get myself moving. Finding something you love really helps. Knowing my friends will be training and "expecting" me also gives me a push.
  • JJS1979
    JJS1979 Posts: 177 Member
    Unfortunately motivation and discipline often come from a place of passion. If you truly do not enjoy living a healthy lifestyle and working out consistently, there is a very low chance for long-term success. Why we decided to start this journey is of the most importance.

    For those who go in with the mindset of just wanting to lose X amount of weight in a certain amount of time will have a more difficult time being consistent (especially after the goal has been met) then those who go in with the mindset there is no time line for me to reach my goals and the nutrition and exercise I am making a life long commitment to.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    When I get up in the morning and don't feel like going to the gym, I put on my workout clothes and fill my water bottle. Then I look around and realize I'm going to feel silly if I don't get out the door. Then I grab my keys and get in the car and drive to the gym. I really do sometimes have to break this all down into small, incremental steps. It's discipline and I congratulate myself for just showing up, even if I have a lackluster workout.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    My martial arts instructor used to say that there are two times you should work out, when you feel like working out, and when you don't feel like working out. I have held that to heart for many years and do my workout right after I wake up and before work. Do I feel like it? No! I just know my mind and body will be better off. If they're better off, then my eating choices will be healthier. For me, exercise usually triggers better portion control, not the other way around.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    fiddletime wrote: »
    My martial arts instructor used to say that there are two times you should work out, when you feel like working out, and when you don't feel like working out. I have held that to heart for many years and do my workout right after I wake up and before work. Do I feel like it? No! I just know my mind and body will be better off. If they're better off, then my eating choices will be healthier. For me, exercise usually triggers better portion control, not the other way around.

    So true. I go to the dojo for evening classes 3 days a week and it is always after a long day at work. My job is physically demanding 10k+steps plus lots of bending and lifting. I am usually very tired when I get home and sometimes I really don't feel like turning around and going back out 2 hours later for a 2 hour workout. But I do it anyway because it is my habit to do so. And those are sometimes the best classes. I never regret it.

    OP it sounds like you are on a plateau. Usually they are more important in your progress than you realise. Just keep on going eve if you don't feel motivated. OTOH it is also fine to take a short break. There is a really nice article on the benefits of diet breaks. YOu can find the link on the discussion in the general discussion section of this forum. :)