ManiacalLaugh Member


  • Sometimes dietary and activity changes can throw us off. I know I had a few irregular periods when I first started seeing the pounds come off. If you're concerned, call your doctor, by all means, but I wouldn't get too worried based on one month.
  • As a teenager I tried to make instant Jell-O from a box for my mom (who had the flu). I never got it to gel, even though I heated the water and refrigerated it like I was supposed to. To this day, I still can't figure out how I managed to screw up instant Jell-O...
  • So... On day 2 you can have a potato... but if you eat it on days 1 or 3 YOU'LL BLOW THE DIET. NO BANANAS on days 1-3, but on day 4 EAT ALL THE BANANAS. I'm just... wow.
  • Okay, that's what I thought, but the screencap was making me doubt my understanding. Thanks!
  • I would add loose/saggy skin under number 4. Of course, this depends on your individual genetic giftings as well as age, but a slower loss tends to allow time for your skin to catch up with your weight loss a little better than it would if you were to suddenly deflate.
  • I would agree with this unless you're exceptionally short (under 5').
  • @CyberTone - Does the green check mark automatically (and always) equal a USDA entry? I'm trying to tighten up my logging but have been confined to the phone app at home, making it difficult to cross check.
  • You're right to be skeptical about starvation mode, as it's a myth. In honesty, 1200 calories might be too low, but that would not stall your weight loss. If this is the first time you've been on a calorie restriction in a while, and if you have a decent amount of weight to lose (more than 50lbs), you might be experiencing…
  • At my office, we had a parent bring in a 12 year-old to our office gym. The parent did not stay in the gym to supervise her. I raised a bit of a complaint only because our equipment is old and she hasn't been trained on how to use it properly. If she gets hurt, who knows how the insurance company would react to an…
  • "A study conducted by Appetite Magazine..." The very source of this information is dubious, at best. I'd like to see the actual paper on the study, including the methods they used, the research and control group, the length of time they utilized for the study, and what kind of results led them to their conclusion. And…
  • Adding more protein isn't really going to give you faster weight loss success, but for health, it would definitely be a good idea. Whenever we eat at a deficit, it becomes very difficult to hang on to Lean Body Mass (LBM), and some of the weight you lose might even come from a loss of LBM if you've been eating on a deficit…
  • It's just about the deficit. Those two options are just two different preferences on how to achieve the deficit. 1 - People who feel overly-dependent on sweets, have diabetes, PCOS, or other health problems go LCHF because they say it helps them level out their blood glucose and eliminate cravings for sweet things. 2 -…
  • It does actually cause a reduction in inches - because it reduces bloating and water weight. Unfortunately, as you already suspect, the inches and the weight come back pretty shortly. The temporary results are probably enough of a reason for some people to buy into the idea. Personally, I see that as an invitation to…
  • Came here to make this point. I have, and always will have, fairly severe exercise-induced asthma. Walking is a completely legitimate cardio exercise, but at some point, you're going to need to get fast enough or walk on a high enough incline so that your lungs are having to work a little hard. Otherwise, you're going to…
  • I love sparkling water and drink it often. One thing to watch out for, however, are any brands that have additives for flavor. Occasionally, some brands will add sodium or sugar. Just be sure to read the label beforehand, and you'll be good.
  • I will occasionally up my weekend intake, but not enough to completely derail me, just enough to allow me to be sociable and eat out with family. It usually ends up being 200-300 calories though, which I can make up during the following week easily in small increments (or just accept I've been slowed down a tiny bit). My…
  • I gain 3-5 lbs the days before and the first day or two during. Then, I whoosh. If I'm having a good month, I'll actually end up whooshing to the point where I come out of it lighter than I was going in. I will say this question gets posted here quite often. Although there is a majority that follows what I've described,…
  • But CICO isn't the description of a "method", it's the description of a "process." CI>CO = weight gain; CI<CO = weight loss; CI=CO = maintenance. This doesn't change, regardless of what medication you may be on or what medical things you're going through. This doesn't change if you're a starving child or a fat aristocrat.…
  • Sadly, I heard this one from an MFP poster just a few days ago...
  • Seconding the advice not to beat yourself up about it. But also - don't let it ruin the rest of your day by making bad decisions because "the day is already screwed up anyway; might as well". This is usually my mistake. Just eat reasonably for the rest of your day. Don't starve. Don't binge. Tomorrow is a new start. I ate…
  • I have had a few trainers. The one I have now is amazing and I feel like I couldn't do it without her sometimes (she asserts differently, but still...). If you feel you want help with your exercise, trainers can be awesome. Just remember to ask them about their credentials and experience. Some of them are degreed from…
  • Holy cow - I sat here and read the entire thread thinking "why is everyone saying 'this again?!' and I've never heard of this before"... then I noticed the banned user icons... and the dates. Most random necro'ing of a thread I've seen in a long time.
  • I actually can't find "Garcinia Canine" anywhere on Google. If you meant Garcinia Cambogia, here is a CNN article on Dr. Oz's senate hearings, which discuss long term studies that have conclusively proven the supplement to be 100% bunk. No, unfortunately, this isn't…
  • I had a woman I worked with, barely spoke to, and was not exactly on the best terms with, give me a lecture about a Diet Dr. Pepper I was drinking. "You'll gain weight if you keep drinking that! Aren't you trying to lose weight?!" A: I've lost 85 lbs drinking the occasional diet B: This was the first pop I'd had in a…
  • Was that Penny and her "I can tell how many calories is in a food just by looking at it" line? (Said as she ate over 1,000 calories in fried meat?) I want to make that a gif. I mean her no ill-will, but that was the only time I've lol'ed at that show.
  • Did you recently drop a pound or two? MFP will readjust your calorie goal if you lose weight, since being lighter burns less. If it went up or if it's an extreme difference, it might be a glitch. This has happened to some others in the past.