ManiacalLaugh Member


  • I weigh myself before, and then again a week after I return. Sometimes just the travelling itself can add water weight. This is particularly true if you're going to be stuck in an airplane or car for a long haul. Add to that being in a different climate, altitude, and eating foods you're not used to, and the water weight…
  • Another point to consider is if you're going to a gym. Gyms are germ-fests. The one at my office is the worst. People come in from doing their jobs in public transit (a very germy industry), fail to wash their hands, fail to wipe off the equipment, sweat all over the place, put their mouths on the water fountain (yes I'm…
  • No, unfortunately. That was a life lesson for me on starting too quickly, but it didn't take hold for quite a few years. The stress fracture set me back and I fell into the "well, this is just too hard" trap, so I just gave up and didn't try again. I went back to school and gained 30-50 lbs. Luckily, I got my act together…
  • I had a doctor do this type of thing to me and I was not pleased. Apparently my "consent to treat" form was enough to cover their butts, but I wouldn't have okay'd the procedure otherwise. I have known people who have had the treatment, but it was on their spine. Recovery time was pretty long, to be honest. It was around…
  • I developed a stress fracture in the ball of my foot near my 4th and 5th toe. I believe this was due to the fact that I tried running too hard and too fast with the wrong shoes while I was still too heavy. Like you described, I felt fine after my workout, but the next morning the pain appeared. It was difficult to walk on,…
  • - "Mindless" eating while watching TV or playing video games - Eating as a means of procrastination - Eating as an emotional coping mechanism - Binge eating as a compulsion 1-3: I changed this pretty easily. I just didn't put food within my reach when I was supposed to be focusing on something else or dealing with…
  • I get this feeling too. Are you particularly big in the thigh? Personally, I believe it is either minor muscle spasms, or the nerves near skin reacting to having been jiggled violently for 30 minutes of running (I am bigger in the thighs). As weird as that sounds, the feeling has decreased as I've lost leg fat. Oh - and I…
  • That made me laugh and feel uncomfortable at the same time. There was an add series similar to that in the US - where people would come across random piles of flesh and comment about how someone had lost their beer belly, spare tire, bubble butt, etc... So gross, but it was actually somewhat motivating (though obviously…
  • This. The last thing you want to do right before your wedding is push yourself to the point of getting injured or sick. Those last five lbs will mean nothing if that happens. Reducing salt (as mentioned above) will go a long way to making that dress more comfortable.
  • Wow - if I had 700 calories left over at the end of the night, I'd rather go with a bowl of ice cream! At least you get some fat and protein. And if you add fruit, you can increase its nutritional value too. I love white rice, but that does seem like a LOT.
  • Loose skin can be tucked away and hidden by smart choices in fashion - fat cannot. You're getting healthier - and that's just one of the battle scars some people have to contend with. On the upside, it's quite possible you have the genetic giftings of elastic skin (some people do). So this is not a guaranteed result.
  • If you can hear them heckling, speed up! I'm not sure if anyone has laughed at me, but I usually can't hear much anyway due to wind, or am too focused on the road. If you feel a little self-conscious, check with your city/community and see if there are dedicated bike and pedestrian trails that do not run along busy…
  • Walking can be an awesome exercise; at the right intensity and incline, it can help you work out your lower body while you also get some cardio in. I wouldn't push running too fast until you know your body can handle the impact. I was 220 at 5'4 and gave myself several stress fractures by trying to run too hard, too…
  • I rotate audio books with good music. Occasionally, I'll put my laptop in front of it and watch a movie in segments.
  • I don't know how long you have to have not eaten to count as "fasted" officially, but I love doing my cardio on an empty stomach. Well, actually, it's a forced love. If I have anything in my gut, I will get sick. I usually plan my workouts 3-4 hours after I've eaten at minimum for this reason. It makes it a major pain in…
  • This is what I was trying to say. OF COURSE it's easy to trim the portions down to "short size" when you're making your own food. When you're going out, it's an issue, and it usually takes "guess work" by leaving some of your portion on your plate, or cutting something out elsewhere. Not impossible, but it's a little…
  • "Adjusts" was a quick way of saying that excess water weight from beginning a new exercise and diet routine is shed, fat cells empty, ect... Some people lose weight in chunks (once every few weeks) and never experience a steady rate of loss. It's called the "whoosh".
  • If you are meticulous about tracking your nutrients, it's probably possible (we are only talking about 100 calorie difference, here). However, there are other detrimental effects to under eating, including mood and sustainability issues. Are you exceptionally short? The 1200 calorie limit was devised for women of average…
  • I lol'ed - because as ridiculous as this thread is, I can completely relate. A real NSV for me is when I can put on freshly-washed jeans and they still feel a little loose.
  • Dark chocolate and coffee? SMH - I should look like I have an eating disorder by now then.
  • What sucks for me is restaurant portions and trying to fit in eating out. They don't make a "short persons" menu, and while a 700 calorie plate is only 1/3 of my bf's quota, it's 1/2 of mine. So, it's a matter of trying to figure out how much to leave on the plate (which can be tricky), or just accepting that I'm going to…
  • No. No no no no. You do not necessarily need to decrease, especially by this much. Weight loss sometimes stalls for a bit while the body adjusts. It's an axiom around these boards that a true "plateau" doesn't even really begin until you've stalled for 5-6 weeks. How many calories are you currently eating? I plugged your…
  • I don't know if it has any detrimental effects, but I eat a ton of it too (sadly a little less than I used to since moving away from home). The only time I've heard of anyone tapering their intake back intentionally was due to the smell that began seeping through their pores. It wasn't really bad either; it was just enough…
  • It depends on your definition of "clean". The problem with "clean eating" is that it doesn't have any one definition, so you'll likely get different answers. I eat "dirty", but I would wager the answer is "no" due to processing.
  • As a diabetic, that's not bad advice. I would recommend you search for some of the Low Carb groups. There are also a handful of diabetic groups, from my understanding (both T1 and T2), so you can probably find some good support there to help.
  • How is that wrong? (Legitimately curious) Every person who I've spoken with who has had some form of stomach alteration surgery has still had to count calories and watch portion sizes. Is it a matter of forbidden foods or something?
  • Oh yeah.... I forgot about the day I learned that particular lesson. Oops. (Glass casserole dish, in my case.)
  • Kind of depends on the sweetener - and the food, for that matter. I never did get used to sugar free chocolate, for instance. Diet Pepsi is also pretty foul to me (especially after they changed it). Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper, however, is one of my favorite drinks. I find I actually hold it equal to original Dr. Pepper.
  • >_> Call me crazy - I can't see where the OP might have mentioned she was using this as an "excuse," so I'm not entirely sure why some replies are insinuating she did. In fact, she seemed to say she pushed through it - and that it just wore her out. So... we're not allowed to have "off" days? When we aren't smiling and…