Absref71 Member


  • It has a lot to do with entitlement, when you are constantly pushed down it takes its toll and keeps you in "your place". Repetition in this form will cause a feeling of safety by not standing or speaking out. I'm guessing you get that uneasy feeling every time someone compliments you and want to almost diminish your…
  • Affirmations help, they sound silly but write them out and read them daily. It helps, a lot.
  • Firstly 1200 does sound kind of low, did you include how many days you will exercise in the MFP questions? (Im losing weight on 2500) I think where you may be getting confused is "Macro-nutrients". Its not all about whether you are above or below your calories, you need to have the right amount of carbs/protein/ and fat.…
  • Water is the way to go, easy on the joints for beginners
  • Prepare and freeze... Every second week or so ill have a massive cooking session, put them into little baggies and freeze. And whenever I do cook I always cook way too much and have 2-3 extra servings saved for lunches later in the month. Ham on wholewheat sandwiches fills you up with out too much fat, careful what ham you…
  • Woah, dude if the rest of your body is progressing well then its not your eating. I've always had the easiest time building biceps (could be genetics) but these moves seem to put size on my biceps fast: Chin ups (best of the lot): with them being weight based I aim for 10-12, when I can hit 12 i put a little weight between…
  • Hey guys, Im Adam, recently getting back into fitness and setting my goals really high this time. I have extreme dedication for short periods but tend to have a week or two of pure laziness and pizza every now and then. The people on here are great motivators so would be stoked to have more friends to kick my *kitten* when…
  • Thanks for the advice, rate I will giv it the day then start of slowly and see how the body reacts
  • A nice snack for me is cottage cheese (125grams) with provitas and a few almonds. A little bit of everything that keeps you going for a while
  • Hi, I know how you feel, some times getting that much protein from your diet is not possible but food is definitely first choice for as far as you can. In terms of protein shakes there are two main types, whey and casien, (o yeah and soy, im allergic so know absolutely nothing about it). Whey protein is a fast absorbing…
  • YES!!!! i do this 1 as well (mom got it from weight watchers) tastes really good, not great for calories but much better than normal!! Talking about cauliflower, mash some up and add it to mash potatoes, lowers the calories per volume and i think it tastes better than normal
  • I generally carb cycle to lose weight quickly, 2-3 days low carb with 1 day normal/high carb. This will stop your body going into "starvation mode" where you will get lethargic and moody (trust me on that one) as well as your metabolism slowing down. But 1 thing im learning here is that everyone has a different opinion…
  • I agree here completely. The whole "per a pound" thing is just a way of over simplifying a more complex thought to make it easier for the average person to follow without any thought
  • First Law of Thermodynamics states that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed. Math is everywhere if you know what to look for
  • Perfect, in the end you stay below your calorie limit, get your nutrients from the other meals and to be honest a cheat meal keeps you sane when dieting. Enjoy!! (Think I might even use that for my cheat meal rather than going cold turkey and slipping)
  • Eating "clean" unprocessed foods is always the best choice. White breads pasta and flour are all milled into a fine powder that is easily and quickly digested making you hungrier quicker. The rush of carbohydrates in one burst will also cause more of an insulin spike than any slow digesting carbohydrate, im sure we all…
  • Its a challenge. Iv got 6 months to look like a menshealth cover
  • Could always do with seeing others methods
  • Ha ha I know how you feel!!
  • Yes. What she eats and exercise will determine how much of it is fat and how much is muscle. 1600 of twinkies for a year vs 1600 chicken/veg and rice...
  • Depends on the protein, whey isolate will be out in approximately an hour and a half by design where casein can be up to 8 hours. Dairy proteins generally take longer (hence cottage cheese before bed as a staple bodybuilding tradition). In that specific example the source of protein was cheese hence the time difference.…
  • Apologies for the double posting, new to this and was unsure if the quote system to be used as a reply to a specific answer. Here is a quote from Ryan Raynolds' trainer when training for Blade trinity : "He ate most of his carbohydrates post-workout, and none after 8pm." and a few websites that turned me to the idea of…
  • You do burn calories in your sleep but its the method of burning, when sleeping we are in an aerobic state and use fat to fuel our primary functions
  • True, if you eat less than your body uses you will lose weight, however it will be fat as well as muscle that is burnt as fuel. Although it is more common for methods of carb tapering to be used in the higher end of fitness models and bodybuilders cutting that need that level of detail
  • You do burn calories in your sleep but its the method of burning, when sleeping we are in an aerobic state and use fat to fuel our primary functions
  • True, if you eat less than your body uses you will lose weight, however it will be fat as well as muscle that is burnt as fuel.
  • Nah thats not completely right. By fasting like that you will lose a lot of muscle as well as fat. Instead do what the bodybuilders do and "carb cycle". Much safer and effective, if you are disciplined enough to do an entire fast then you can carb cycle easily
    in 5:2 Diet Comment by Absref71 August 2012
  • The guy posting is is dead on. You should open your diary so people can see what you are eating, your calories might be low but the quality could be bad
  • Personally I think you look amazing and really don't need to lose any more buuuuuut if you really want to lose that last bit you should do 2 weeks of carb cycling. to get down to the level of BF you want, its probably the only way