Is it this considered a cheating diet and is it healthy?



  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I make my own pizzas BUT I make sure they never go above 500 calories by loading up on veggies. I also try to use high quality products. If you can get a really, really thin crust pizza - you could make yourself something you'd enjoy BUT you still have to count everything. The key I think is loading up on veggies. I actually barely put 1/4th of a cup of cheese on my pizza and I actually enjoy it.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    By the way, I agree with the poster that it's the calories in and exercise part that matter. You can't eat over or you'll just gain weight. If you do tons of smaller healthy meals throughout the day and stick to your calorie count to loose weight it will happen.

    But, healthy foods (high quality) do help. If you buy real food (not processed junk), you'll see that helps.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So you want to know if it's ok to have periodic junk food binges? Not sure why you'd choose binging over moderation but if you don't feel compulsive or distressed about it, have at it.

    Ok, I can see where 1000 calories of ice cream might be a binge, but 1000 calories in pizza... that's just a meal. It's about the same calories as two McDoubles and a small french fry from McD's. It's not THAT much food.

    Maybe I just define binge differently. I think of it as a large consumption of food that doesn't fit in your calorie and macro goals.

    I had pizza last night. Bacon cheeseburger thick crust pizza. It was divine. 900 calories for the 4 slices I had, with 39g of protein. It's macro split is 53% carbs, 17% protein and 30% fat. I aim for 50% protein, 25% protein and 25% fat. It's pretty easy to balance out my breakfast, lunch and snacks that day to get the numbers to fall in line. Even easier if you go by weekly averages instead of daily.

    If I were someone dead set on never going over 1200 calories, then, yeah, that pizza would be a calorie bomb. I'm not. And neither is the OP.
  • Absref71
    Absref71 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for all the replies everyone! I guess what I'm afraid of is gaining fat while indulging in a "junk food" once in a while. For the most part I would be eating very healthy but some days (maybe once a week or once every 2 weeks) I would like to reward myself with one meal of high calories which is why I posted this question.

    For example:

    6oz greek yogurt w/ blueberries, raspberries, and flax seeds: ~170 cal
    100g baby carrots: 35 cal
    7oz alaskan cod: 163 cal
    100g broccoli 34 cal
    100g zucchini 15 cal
    6oz chicken thighs 200 cal
    spinach salad 50 cal
    protein shake 120 cal
    _____________________________________________ _______________________
    total calories before junk: 787 cal

    cookies with ice cream 1000 cal
    total caloric intake: 1787 calories

    I planned this out so as a diet for the "cheat meal". It consists of a low calorie but high nutrition meal before the junk food intake. The rest comes from ice cream. And yeah it's a day where I am literally indulging in ice cream. 10oz to be exact! I've only done this once a few weeks ago and I gotta say that I was very happy. The following week I think i was more enthusiastic to work out.

    But I realize it is a large amount of junk with high fat and saturated fat for just one meal. I don't HAVE to do this if it is going to be terrible for me because I'd much rather choose my body than food. I can even do it with less calories. But if I can "cheat" then I would like to do so once in a while because like all humans I enjoy eating any delicious food whether it's healthy, unique, or just bad for you.

    Perfect, in the end you stay below your calorie limit, get your nutrients from the other meals and to be honest a cheat meal keeps you sane when dieting. Enjoy!! (Think I might even use that for my cheat meal rather than going cold turkey and slipping)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I am 5'10". I am currently 150lbs with a muscular build

    You might want to post pics and also provide an example of your goal build. Chances are good that you shouldn't be eating at a deficit given the above stats.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    That is hugely cheating... The main rules are simple and constant, calories in must equal energy out or you will lose or gain weight.<snip>

    Unless your metabolism does not want to readily liberate 'weight' (fat or muscle?).

    Why should an energy deficit automatically result in the liberation of fat in proportion to the caloric degree?

    It doesn't.

    The 'main rules' are neither simple nor constant.

    We have a biological problem that is not best solved with a mathematical solution.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    That is hugely cheating... The main rules are simple and constant, calories in must equal energy out or you will lose or gain weight.<snip>

    Unless your metabolism does not want to readily liberate 'weight' (fat or muscle?).

    Why should an energy deficit automatically result in the liberation of fat in proportion to the caloric degree?

    It doesn't.

    The 'main rules' are neither simple nor constant.

    We have a biological problem that is not best solved with a mathematical solution.

    Did anyone make the above claim in bold?
  • jleadie
    jleadie Posts: 7 Member
    I eat about 1200 calories a day 6 days a week and on my day off I eat what I want in moderation. Honestly, when I start eating "junk" I have what I call "eater's guilt". Then I think, its gonna take 45 minutes to burn that off. But, as long as I do not go over during the week I do have an ice cream bar (250 calories) or a couple of cookies (300 calories) on my day off. I figure I deserve it!
  • Absref71
    Absref71 Posts: 75 Member
    That is hugely cheating... The main rules are simple and constant, calories in must equal energy out or you will lose or gain weight.<snip>

    Unless your metabolism does not want to readily liberate 'weight' (fat or muscle?).

    Why should an energy deficit automatically result in the liberation of fat in proportion to the caloric degree?

    It doesn't.

    The 'main rules' are neither simple nor constant.

    We have a biological problem that is not best solved with a mathematical solution.

    First Law of Thermodynamics states that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed. Math is everywhere if you know what to look for
  • corinneselene
    corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
    I also think that you need to have unhealthy foods once in a while if you plan to make a lifestyle change. They arent cheat days, they are normal eating days as long as you do it in moderation. I am unsure if you are a cooker but you should try to lighten up the so called junk foods.

    I live in NJ with some of the best pizza parlors in the world and I make my own at home because 1. its healthy 2. it tastes a 1000 times better. Making your own ice cream is also a plus. I love making my own chinese/japanese/thai food too!
    If you are interested in new cooking methods, feel free to add me!!