30 Day Shred

Hi! My name is Cara, and I have been a member of this website for years.

....but I also haven't used it in years haha. I am 18, 5'3, and weigh 123.5. I started at 142.8, and my goal is 117. I am at a plateau right now so I thought I would try the 30 Day Shred.

i just completed day 2 of level 1, and I am SOO SORE! I was wondering how long it took everyone to notice results, in the mirror or on the scale? i was originally hoping to reach my goal weight by august 27th which is my first day of class. that still could be possible if i can get past this plateau. I am really hoping to see some results after a week!


  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    These are before Day 1 of the Shred

  • Ivana331
    Ivana331 Posts: 230
    I saw my tummy start shrinking about day 3, but if you look at my pics, you see I have finished level 1 and already have lost weight and looks slightly slimmer.
    You already look amazing IMO
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    you are looking great! that is crazy that you have changed so much in just 10 days! that is awesome motivation, thanks :) are you still like extremely sore? i am sooo sore today haha

    and thanks, i am just trying to lose these last 5 or so pounds. my idea weight for my height is 115
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    I'm on level 3 (just did day one) and it gets easier by day 4 or 5 I'd say. But then the difficulty starts all over again when you up to the next level of course. So far I've lost 11 inches (3 of which were from my belly, yay!) I actually started seeing inches come off by day 5. Weight didn't come off until the end of level 2 for me because I was building muscle.

    There does come a time when you wont be sore during the Shred.... and then you'll miss it! lol.

    Stick with it! (you already look amazing... I'm jealous!)
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    11 inches in 20 days? that is awesome! i probably should have taken measurements other than my weight before i started...maybe i will do that tomorrow even though ill be on day 3 already. i of course am looking for an instant change on the scale, but i recognize now that that may not be the case if i build muscle. instead of weighing daily i am going to wait until the end of level 1 to weigh in again! hopefully i will see results there and in other measurements. and i am hoping to be a little less sore tomorrow for day 3 haha
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    we have the same name i was a gymnast when i was younger too =]
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    haha thats funny! i dont see many people with the same name! yeah i quit about a year and a half ago, but i made this account a long time ago haha
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    Starting measurements:

    Hips: 36.5
    Waist: 27
    Thighs: 21.5
    Calves: 13
    Biceps: 11

    hopefully i did all these measurements right! i used a guideline online, but i have never taken measurements before

    i also just finished Day 3 of Level 1 of the shred, and it was killer!! (big surprise!)
  • Absref71
    Absref71 Posts: 75 Member
    Personally I think you look amazing and really don't need to lose any more buuuuuut if you really want to lose that last bit you should do 2 weeks of carb cycling. to get down to the level of BF you want, its probably the only way
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I think 30 Day Shred is great for you to do! You'll strengthen while you lose that last bit of fat and look great (although I would repeat the previous post saying you look great already).

    I noticed a big difference after about two weeks - measuring! I was down on the scale too.

    Hang in there - after about 4 days, it will get easier and you won't be so sore. For me, it was just at the start. I have much more weight to lose than you, so I will probably do Ripped in 30 next since I was so happy with the results of 30DS. It would be too boring to repeat that again now, so I need a new workout. I will definitely go back to it again (and I'm thinking of doing a level 3 workout later today).
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    I think that I am going to give the 30 DS a try first. If it doesn't give me the results I want, then maybe I will look into carb cycling. As of right now though I am keeping up a healthy diet of 1200 - 1500 calories per day and it seems to be working for me :) Thanks for the advice though! :)
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    Mellie, thank you! It is always so motivating to hear other people say how pleased they are with the results from the 30 DS. I also haved Ripped in 30 so maybe I will give that a try too. I don't feel that sore when it comes to just walking around or anything, but as soon as i start the video I can feel it everywhere haha. Tomorrow is day 4 so hopefully my body will be getting used to this by then! Congrats on having such great results! :) Jillian Michaels is amazing
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    So after only 4 hours of sleep, the LAST thing i felt like doing this morning was the 30DS. I woke up and felt crappy and my body was tired and a little sore. I debated whether or not to hold off on the video and wait until tonight to do it..but I talked myself out of that idea. I know if I don't get it done in the morning, then I will end up not doing it at all. Anyways, all said and done, I just completed Day 4 of Level 1 and am feeling much better! (and not to mention, accomplished!) The video was much easier today than yesterday, and I am much less sore! It is a great feeling knowing that Jillian is whooping my *kitten* into shape.

    I had a really bad day yesterday calorie wise, so I am making sure not to let that happen again today. I can already see a little difference in my body and I don't want my diet to sabotage my potential. I am not going to weigh again or take measurements until the end of level 1. I can't wait to weigh myself again! Hopefully the show will show a difference haha. If not, hopefully the tape measure will!
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    So I was off track for just a couple days, and now my weight is at a steady 125.0....very discouraged :( i didn't do the 30DS yesterday but I just finished Day 5 of Level 1 today

    i have come such a long way, but looking at myself in the mirror today I realized how incredibly unhappy I still am. I really really want to be 120 when school starts on the 27th
  • rmbslo
    rmbslo Posts: 28 Member
    I am on day 14 of the shred and on level 2. So far have gained 1lbs but lost inches. Glad I have a tape measure because to see the scale going up is discouraging. Each day has become easier and I actally look forward to my workouts now. I can see a change in my body for sure. My arms are getting toned as well as my legs. I am 6 lb away from my goal weight right now and don't know if I will lose weight with the 30 day shred or just inches.
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    Hopefully it is the same for me. I am going to take measurements again at then end of level 1. It is discouraging because I have seen so many people lose 5 - 10 pounds from this and all I have done so far is gain. I guess if we lose inches there will still be a difference in the way that we look! How many inches have you lost?
  • grimsin
    grimsin Posts: 78 Member
    I'm on day 25, halfway through level 3 and I am down around 8 pounds won't know measurements or anything till saturday. I also do this in the morning and do 30 minutes at the gym in the afternoon so it's not pure 30ds
  • rmbslo
    rmbslo Posts: 28 Member
    I have lost 1/2" off my chest and waist and 1" off my hips. I didn't measure my arms or thighs . I started the shred to lose my final 5lbs. I do like the way I am becoming more toned for sure :) I might be at the weight my body is going to stay at LOL
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    I just completed day 2 of level 2 (ended up movng on to level 2 after 6 days) and i look more toned but no results are showing up on the scale, I have only lost 1/2 inch off my hips and nothing off my waist or thighs. My diet is between 1200 - 1500 calories a day, so i am not sure why I am not getting results (
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    Done with day 3 level 2, and also cardio level 2 of jillian's body revolution.

    I have a new goal for myself. Weighing in only once a week.

    I am addicted to the scale and I need to stop weighing daily because I only discouraged. But its so hard not to weigh myself :(