I am new and open to any team.
How many 5% Challenges have you done? This will be my first. What do you like to do for fun? I like to read and to make things. What major city do you live in or near? State? About 40 miles east of Los Angeles. What are you health/fitness goals for this season? To be consistent in tracking How would your pet or friend…
Lose 25 lbs in 2020 Fri. Jan. 3: ?? Fri. Jan. 10: 293.6 Fri. Jan. 17: 287.4 Weekly loss: 6.2 Total 2020 loss: 6.2 To go for 25 lb challenge: 18.8
The biggest mistake I resolve not to make again is getting overly confident about my weight loss. I had it nailed for a while, was doing everything right, and I loosened up the reins on myself and undid so much progress. I need to recognize my progress for what it is- the result of mindful and intentional hard work and not…
I like the idea of quarterly goals. My January to March goals are:* To log everything- the good, the bad, and the ugly * To drink my water- work up to 64 ounces (starting from zero) * To move more every day than the day before (starting from nearly zero) * Good sleep of at least 7 hours per night (this one is highest…
Hi Jason, not too much going on in this group. I did find some fellowship in OA facebook groups as well as on Reddit. There are also phone meetings that are kind of interesting. Best of luck to you with finding the right sponsor :-)
I mix low-fat cottage cheese into guacamole to increase the portion I can eat.
Here's Riley
So awesome, Lori, you rock!
I know that my skin initially goes through a "purge" and breaks out when I introduce new healthy products topically. You may be experiencing something similar from the inside out. Stick with what you're doing, I would expect it to pass and result in better skin.
I made some oatmeal bars yesterday with blueberries: 4 small-ish bananas 2 cups old-fashioned oats 1 cup blueberries 1 apple 45 grams dark chocolate chips chopped walnuts (I don't remember the measurement) Moosh up the bananas and mix everything into it. Press into a greased pan and bake at 350 for about 30 minutes And…
I'm not retired, which is why I'm covertly pouring over this thread at work. I am in awe of all the talent here.
My face, which makes me look old(er).
I just joined the group.
I quit my 40-year habit in December 2016. is a great community and resource.
Hi all, 57 here. I lost over 80 pounds a few years ago using MFP and then I quit smoking and most of it crept back. I'm at it again- losing weight, not smoking ;-)
Breakfast: pineapple, peach, mango Lunch: cabbage, carrots, broccoli, green onion, radish Dinner: lettuce, spinach, tomato, onion, avocado Snacks: apples, grapes
Aww, thanks!'s all decluttered and nice now. Let's see how long I keep it that way.
I took last week off work and spent nine days sorting, purging, and organizing my entire house, shed, and car. I'm in So Cal and it was brutally hot through a few of those days but it felt really good to push through it. Took more than one carload to donation almost every single day.
Pineapple, peach, mango, and spinach is one of my favorites. I'm drinking blueberry, banana, avocado, and beet right now. Most always made with coconut water.
I love this thread. I have been horribly off track with my eating for a while and at the same time have been shopping somewhat out of control. I'm getting a handle on the shopping and have started a full out assault on clutter in my life. I hope getting my eating back on track will follow.
This! So much!
Sigh... Me: Very few B: Too many to count Turning the page to June...
My local Goodwill has a sign posted prohibiting leaving items while they're closed.
I just finished listening to the audiobook of Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight by Peter Walsh. A really good take away for me was the idea that once I designate a place for a certain type of item, when that place is full I cannot have any more of that type item. For example, in order to organize my shoes, I bought 50…
Garmin. Excellent customer service.
Hi, I'm Cheryl. Longtime MFPeep, new to this group. Looking forward to getting to know people.
I don't know how it works on the phone app but if you're using a PC click on "find members". Then you can specify gender, age, etc., as well as entering your zip code and searching for people within a certain distance.