

  • Good luck!! This site is great for that :)
  • As you said, it's been debated a million times, haha. Personally, I eat most, of my exercise calories. The site is already calculating for you to eat less as a path to weight loss, but that calculates whatever state you tell it (in my case, minimal activity, I think). Problem is, if I do an hour's worth of working out,…
  • I forgot about this but just found the link and thought it might be helpful: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/328410-116-calorie-or-less-lunch-quiches Quiches tend to last a while and they're so yummy!
  • For me it's about half and half. Some days I feel like I'm STARVING, and others I forget to eat. I try to specifically plan my work outs so that a meal is always soon after (I've read it's best if you feed your body 30 mins - 2 hrs after working out to help with recovery).
  • Yay! Welcome!!
  • Haha, me too!! In part, though, I think it's because I've found a LOT more support and positivity on here than I have there...
  • WOW! You look FANTASTIC!! Congratulations :)
  • I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, grew up there, then moved with the fam to the Pacific Northwest :)
  • Ooooh! I was running into this, too! Then I went to Safeway one day and saw a salad that fills me up and I could easily replicate with a tenth of the amount of oil they use. I have been buying a can of 5 different beans (I use string beans, kidney, pinto, black, and...One other one?), then I mix them in a GIANT bowl, use…
  • I'm not sure how you've gone about the diet change, but I personally think it totally is. For this very reason, I decided from the start I wouldn't straight up cut out junk food. I just eat it in moderation, I measure out servings (usually by calories rather than actual serving size so that I have room for real food in my…
  • wow! Congratulations! That's an incredible accomplishment, and a wonderful reason to do it :] Feel free to add me, if you'd like!
  • Honestly...I'm not sure. Haha, not helpful, I know. For my first week or two, I started running with friends, even if just sometimes, which actually taught me that running could be fun. During that week I practiced telling myself that I enjoyed what I was doing, even if I didn't. I told EVERYONE that I loved it, that it…
  • I weigh more than you do, by quite a bit, but I'm eating 1400 average (or rather, I eat between 1000-1400 net usually). Sometimes I'm still hungry, though, so I've been trying to figure out what makes me feel full (such as more protein in my diet) and trying to incorporate that so that I can go longer on less. I've found…
  • I'm 5'8" and was once 120, but in looking at pics, I think that was too skinny for me, and I know it was based on an unhealthy lifestyle. I think if I can reach 140 right now, I'd be ECSTATIC. If it makes sense to go lower then, AND it's healthy, I wouldn't mind it :)
  • Ugh! It's KILLING me! I don't know WHAT it is about the change in diet and exercise, but I basically haven't slept right since the day I started (a month ago now). About once a week I'll crash and sleep for like 12 hours, but besides that I run on an average of 4 hours a night. I can't wait till it stops. It's not hunger…
  • Echo what most people have posted. Even from the day I started, I tried to not obsess over the scale (though, i will admit, at first it was AWESOME to weigh myself because I love to see the numbers go down!). Unfortunately, I was finding that to see them fluctuate was disappointing, especially when they'd go up, even if it…
  • I'm doing my first 5k October 8th! Cool! Also, I'm only slightly under your weight. Personally I love a lightweight dark-colored cotton tshirt, and I use sweats with ankle cuffs up to my knees or capris yoga pants. Best of luck in your 5k!!
  • I don't know if it'll help, but I've been just cooking a little extra when I make dinner and taking that for lunch. My favorite, which is SUPER easy to make and lasts quite a while is a bean salad! Mix a can of garbanzo beans, green beans, kidney beans, whatever other beans you want, add just a little oil, and some…
  • If you friend me, I'd be more than happy to look over your food diary :) I'm not an expert, in ANY way shape or form, in fact am new to MFP, but I'm willing to give it a shot :D
  • Vitamin supplements are definitely something I've struggled with adding, I just finally successfully added breakfast to my every day routine, haha. I have multivitamins, just forget to take them... As far as caffeine, I actually don't really consume any. I'm not a fan of coffee, have been staying away from sodas, and…
  • Welcome! I'm more than happy to offer encouragement as needed! I'm fairly new to the site as well and thus far love it :-) My only suggestion is: Be honest! Sometimes I'm not, because I feel bad about straying, but i'm definitely trying to be and know I'm only cheating myself!
  • I live just south of Seattle, and would be more than happy to offer my share of encouragement :-)
  • its about 10 hours later,I know, but I found a thread that made me think of your post and I wanted to share it! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/9433-expectations
  • I've never been a runner, honestly, ever. But some bug bit me and I decided recently to do a 5k in October, started training with the C25K about 5 weeks ago, and I should be done by 5k time. I know it's not quite a half marathon, but it feels like it to me :) I'm proud of the full 3 minutes I can last now of straight…
  • I know it may be a hard switch, I had to switch off of soda when I started working out and eating healthier, but it WILL help in the long run. I haven't cut it out completely, because I don't believe in cutting foods out, personally just makes the cravings worse, so I will allow it once a week, or once every other week. I…
  • Also don't forget that if you're exercising, you may be gaining muscle as you shed fat, too!
  • I've done at least 10 lbs, I can tell when I wear my work clothes sometimes, because my shirt fits diff and my belt fits like 2 notches better, but I can't otherwise. My mom didn't see me for a month and was absolutely shocked when she saw me, so it must be there.
  • Having gotten tired of my low self-image :o