Coke Zero

I am a major soda drinker. I normally drink about six cans of Pepsi a day. Since trying to watch my calories, I have cut the soda down to two cans a day. I feel pretty accomplished. I know moving forward I will need to improve on the two cans a day.

I never tried a diet soda. I have had a few sips here and there but felt like they tasted gross.

Today is my first day trying something other than Pepsi. Its called Coke Zero. So far, it seems not too bad.

Does anybody have any success stories with Coke Zero or diet sodas for that matter?



  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I know i should be telling you that diet soda is bad, even worse for you that regular soda....but the reality is that if you are watching calories and you CAN'T give up soda, diet is the way to go.

    I LOVE coke taste so much like regular coke. Diet Dr Pepper is my fav though, i used to go through a liter or more of it a day. I also like Pepsi max or any of the flavored diet pepsis
  • drdenise
    drdenise Posts: 87 Member
    Any soda, diet or otherwise, is horrible for your body. Better to get off it completely. The acids in the soda demineralize your bones, the sugar or sugar substitutes cause insulin issues. Better to drink water, tea and coffee!! Even BEER is better! I quite drinking soda 7 years ago, and feel so much better! Just say NO!
  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    Pepsi Max has become my favourite treat drink! I try to only have one a day. I also like Coke Zero as well. But I spend my day at work on water only. And I was also one that drank pop all day. At one point I was drinking 8 cans a day. And I hated diet pop at all! I actually like Pepsi Max...and still stay away from diet pop. Just tastes wrong to me. But the Max and Zero is okay. :)
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    I have diet sodas once in awhile. I have found Coke Zero to taste much better than Diet Coke. Even better is Cherry Coke Zero. Another good one is Diet Pepsi Lime. Diet Dr Pepper is good too.
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Diet Dr. Pepper is the best diet soda (taste wise) that I've found.
  • ttrttrttr
    I would start with the coke zero and then try to get off that as well, baby step it. I read an article awhile ago and I wish I could remember it better so I could quote it to you but basicly is stated that some of the ingredients in diet soda trigger hunger in a body so it can make you snack more. So for trying to lose weight, eventually its best to just kick the habit
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I don't do it often, but sometimes if I get a headache, I still drink a diet Mountain Dew.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I used to drink 8 to 12 cans of coca~cola classic per day. About 51 weeks ago I decided enough was enough, and stopped drinking it. It was hard for the first few weeks, but I've never regretted quitting. Haven't had a soda since. No sweet tea or any caffeinated beverage either.

    Just drink water :tongue:
  • pipistrula
    I know it may be a hard switch, I had to switch off of soda when I started working out and eating healthier, but it WILL help in the long run. I haven't cut it out completely, because I don't believe in cutting foods out, personally just makes the cravings worse, so I will allow it once a week, or once every other week. I HAVE found that adding Mio to my water helps! It actually tastes really good, has no nutritional or caloric intake value, and makes sure I'm drinking water all day!

    Best of luck with whatever your choice is though! :)
  • senraq
    senraq Posts: 8
    Thanks everyone for all the words of encouragement and private messages.

    I have done some research on Coke Zero and it is very interesting.

    The truth is that soda in general is not the best for you.

    I am hoping to eventually kick the habit to once a week or something like that. I am encouraged by others who drank sodas and have changed their behavior. Hopefully that will be me.
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    0 soda and 0 juice is the way to go... only gatorade like once every 2-3 months...
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the words of encouragement and private messages.

    I have done some research on Coke Zero and it is very interesting.

    The truth is that soda in general is not the best for you.

    I am hoping to eventually kick the habit to once a week or something like that. I am encouraged by others who drank sodas and have changed their behavior. Hopefully that will be me.

    You said it best's not the best for you. In a perfect world it would be easy to kick bad habits, but the fact that you've identified a bad habit and taking steps to kick it...well, props to you! As you continue your healthy lifestyle journey, keep trying to better yourself each day, take time to appreciate all your efforts and look to encourage others on their journey!

    Cheers to you!
  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    I got myself off of it just a couple of months ago!! I read somewhere else that these drinks also make you crave more sweets & I think that's true!! Good luck to you you're off to a good start