Day 1: New to mfp

Hi, guys! Just started using mfp today, on the recommendation of a good friend (onefatellaphant - add her, she's wonderful!). I believe this is the first step towards getting back into shape + finding that healthy balance between diet + exercise that fits into my busy lifestyle. I could definitely use some positive mfp friends to help keep me motivated or who will crack the whip if I stray off course. Any health-related advice or suggestions on how to get the most out of this app are greatly appreciated & welcomed! =)


  • city_of_frogs
    city_of_frogs Posts: 101 Member
    Hello :)

    I have been using the app for 3 weeks and its GREAT. Really easy. One thing I do recommend is 'don't always believe that the barcode says'. Double check just incase. Alot of the entries are from other people, and some people cheat to make themselves feel better. So that chocolate that says its only 100cals might actually be 150... :S I have noticed that it's more common to have a slight discrepency in naughtier items. But most food is accurate.

    Good luck! I have lost 4kg (8.8lbs) in 24 days.
    I have a strict calorie goal of 1200, and I excersise with weights and cardio 3-4 days a week. I strongly recommend weights.

    So good luck. If I can do it, you can too :)

    And feel free to add me if you like :) I'm happy to give you some motivation if you need it.

    Just have a clear goal, and any temptations that arise to push you off track, just remind yourself that you can either;
    - step towards your goal
    - step backwards away from your goal
    - or move in a different direction and lose your goal

    :) have a lovely day
  • pipistrula
    Welcome! I'm more than happy to offer encouragement as needed! I'm fairly new to the site as well and thus far love it :-) My only suggestion is: Be honest! Sometimes I'm not, because I feel bad about straying, but i'm definitely trying to be and know I'm only cheating myself!
  • RunninWild23
    @ city_of_frogs » words of the wise! i will definitely be cautious of the calorie database now-- thanks for pointing that out. i sent a friend request your way + i can't wait to learn more of your tips + tricks. have a great day! =)

    @ pipistrula » that's great advice! i definitely intend on being honest with myself about what I'm eating. I think I've failed to do that for far too long, and right now it's about making changes. plus, i've sent a friend request your way, so if i get out of line you can hold me accountable + remind me of this conversation, hah! I'm lookin' forward to learning mfp right alongside you-- we can do this!