ewoksrule3 Member


  • I find workout dvds - Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Shaun T's Rockin Body or Hip Hop Abs - to be much more fun and engaging than a treadmill or other repetitive things. Do you have access to privacy and a tv where you could do some of your cardio at home?
  • I'm shooting for 5 pounds this month...and 5-6 days of workouts per week. :) I'm currently following the schedule for Turbo Fire.
  • I'm shooting for 5 pounds down in January and at least 5 days a week workouts.
  • I have always HATED the 40 minute stretch workout in TurboFire. To me, it feels more like 30 minutes of horrendous body-weight strength training, and 10 minutes of stretching. It has always gotten my heart rate as high as cardio workouts do, and I would be shaking and exhausted and hating every second of it (until the 10…
  • bluenoser38 - congratulations! I would say that even if the doctor's scale is more accurate, you'll be using yours more regularly, so I personally would go with what your own scale says for purposes of tracking. Just my opinion. :)
  • That's awesome, go you!!!
  • It's tough being by yourself on holidays. I lived in a different state than my family for a while and worked a job where I had to work a lot of holidays...it seemed to help me most to just treat it like any other day and try not to think of it as a holiday or being special. That way, I could just do my normal routine…
  • My company actually gives us a paid 1/2 day off as an incentive to get an annual physical, so mine is set up for next month! Having a blood pressure cuff at home is a good idea, too. Even if you just take a reading once a week, it gives you an idea of if something is off or if you're still doing well. yes, you have to…
  • It's funny, both things I've had this morning (slim fast and juice) popped up with a message on MFP saying they have a lot of vitamin C. Guess I had good timing!
  • I've been sick for the past week, so it wasn't quite the stellar loss I was hoping to get me back on track after eating poorly for all of October...but I am closer to my end of September weight than to my end of October weight so I'm making progress in the right direction!
  • I've been struggling with something similar. I had lost almost 30 pounds, but still have a long way to go...and I was jus progressively getting worse to the point where the last week of October I was eating how I used to. I told myself that if I didn't have at least a 500 calorie deficit 4-5 days out of the next week I was…
  • My teeth hurt just thinking about you guys crunching ice! lol!
  • I tried a new healthy soup recipe last night...sadly it was a bit bland. I'm going to add some pepper tonight and see if that helps!
  • I did horribly this whole month. I'm giving myself a week to get back on track, and if I'm not there by next weekend I'll start eating ONLY at the table, while doing nothing else. I really really like to eat and snack while reading or watching tv, but if I am just going to end up binging all the time like I have lately,…
  • Thanks for extending it! It helps me to fill in the info and look at the progress over time. :)
  • I did 20 minutes of cardio and 25 minutes of strength this morning...gonna get some cleaning in later on to keep the activity rolling, plus do some much needed catching up around the house.
  • I wish I had great advice on this...I've been through a couple of situations like that. Once, I was riding my horse at a friend's house down the road (at my place, you aren't close enough to the road for anyone to see you) and some guys yelled out of their car that I was too fat for that poor horse, I should get off him. I…
  • I think that *not* being kind to ourselves in a healthy way, but trying to nurture ourselves in unhealthy ways (eating) is a big part of gaining excessive weight. I am hard on myself in some ways...I never feel like what I'm doing is as much as I COULD be doing, and I feel overwhelmed because I just can't manage to keep up…
  • This is going to be tough....I usually fast forward through the commercials to make each show take up less time! But I'll try to get up and walk during the commercials for at least one show tonight (I have a bunch dvr-ed to catch up on atm). :)
  • Only 3.1 pounds lost in September. Gonna try to kick it back up for at least 5 pounds in October. I've been really struggling with my eating (read "wanting to eat junk food 24/7 and giving in way more than I should") so it seems like I've spent half or better of every week just getting back to where I'm breaking even after…
  • I HATE seeing pictures of myself in my favorite clothes! I already know from looking in the mirror that they are more flattering than the rest of my clothes, so it is super defeating and depressing to see a picture of myself in something I felt good in...and realize that it isn't as flattering as I thought! That means…
  • I'm curious....seeing your picture, you have the fingerless gloves on...one of my problems with biking is that my hands tend to go tingly and numb from the pressure of holding my upper body up. Do the gloves help with that, or are they for something else?
  • I'm also aiming for 4 pounds this month. I set 8 as my goal last month and didn't even quite make 4 pounds, so I figured I should make this one very achievable! I've had a few bad eating days in a row, so hoping to get back on track this weekend.
  • Down 1.5 pounds this week. :) Starting today this week is going to be tough...I'm going out to eat for my sister's anniversary tonight, out to a movie Friday (which means popcorn, and I'm not going to give it up, just eat less!), and then out for lunch Saturday. I won't be able to get in two of my workouts because of when…
  • My guess is that it probably depends on whether you're able to keep your calories lower in the evening or not....if you can successfully do so, then this is probably true. But I know me, and evenings are when I'm hungry and want to snack! If I eat a lot for breakfast or lunch and don't leave enough calories to eat what I…
  • I'm definitely down to keep going with a new goal for September! My goal for August was 8 pounds and I only lost 4...so I think for September I'll shoot for 4 and hope I surpass it!
  • Great job! It's no fun working around an injury, so good for you for keeping up with what you can still do. :) I took today off so I could visit my Grampa and still end up with a normal length weekend, and I did my workout before leaving this morning...then went to pick out a new bed this evening. So it's been a long day!…
  • Great job, nannersp61! Sounds like you've got a couple steps into getting right back on track, which is awesome. :) Yoshirio - it's tough exercising when you don't feel very well. I've got some knee problems and have had a really stiff neck all week, and I haven't been feeling like doing it at all. But 90% of the time I…
  • Do it today, lady! ;) I had a couple of really bad eating days, so I'm a pound up from last week. Halfway to "making up" those calories I went over, though...and then I can get back to losing!
  • Great job getting it done today! There's your first step back on the path you want for yourself! :) just take another one tomorrow!