dahhhhhling Member


  • Water weight? 2 lbs is nothing, I can put on 5 lbs of water weight depending on how much sodium I have or how hard I exercise that day and then it's gone the next morning.
  • I'm at 206.5. I haven't been under 200 in 5 years, I'm hoping to be there by September.
  • Kettlebells! After only 20 minutes I am pouring sweat.
  • I'm not big chested, I have C cups. Basically I don't fully understand the plight of the well endowed woman. I'm not uncomfortable while wearing a bra, but it is the first thing to come off when I get home and it doesn't go back on until I have to go to work the next morning, and if I'm home for the weekend it won't make…
  • It's subjective. "Soggy" to one person may be "perfectly steamed" to another. If you like raw veggies, eat them raw. Marilyn Monroe ate raw carrots next to her cooked meat.
  • Like others have said, the order doesn't really matter for weight loss. However, I lift before I do cardio simply because cardio tires me out, so if I were to lift after I've already done my cardio it puts me at a greater risk of improper form and injuring myself. I usually do a warm up (I like Tony Horton's warm up on…
  • Just eat at maintenance that day. Find out your TDEE and don't go over that amount, look over the menu and preplan what you're going to order. Then go to a bakery and get some fancy cupcakes and enjoy one with him. You won't gain fat as long as you don't go over your TDEE, maybe a bit of water weight depending on the…
  • How about diet coke is just disgusting? To each their own I guess. Seriously, unless they want to quit, nothing you say will curtail their drinking it.
  • I have 50 pounds to lose. I've seen more inches go in the last two weeks with heavy lifting compared to when I did only cardio (these include bootcamps, kickboxing, and dvd style cardio and "toning", just to clarify). Just my experience, but yes, I think you should lift. Either tell your trainer that he needs to get with…
  • It's actually quite simple. As someone with more to lose, your TDEE is going to be higher. So if it's 3390 calories (I'm assuming because 2390 + 1000 = 3390), if you eat under that amount of calories per day you're going to lose weight. One pound = 3500 calories. So two pounds = 7000 calories. In order to lose 2 pounds per…
  • How are they measuring this, exactly?
  • Why do you say that? I think a much better indicator of weight loss would be inches lost and how loose your clothes are getting. Some people go crazy with the scale, worrying about every ounce gained and ignoring the fact they've lost 2 dress sizes. I would much rather look good naked than worry about some number on a…
  • I'm currently doing Stronglifts 5x5. I think it's great for a beginner.
  • I, like many posters, have my own doubts about this diet. But since I don't know the first thing about the weight loss center you're going to, I'll just have to trust you when you say that it is being medically supervised by people who have a clue about what they're doing. If you haven't already, please thoroughly research…
  • Heavy weights. Look into Strong Curves or Stronglifts 5 x 5. I would hate myself if I had that exercise schedule.
  • OP is 34. She saying she's had anorexia for the past 13 years. You have a tough road ahead of you, stay strong, you can do it.
  • Might want to report to the manager/owner that she's pushing this junk on the clients. I don't know about this gym in particular, but most companies frown upon this sort of thing.
  • I had a similar problem. I did what many people wouldn't: I stopped coming around. I stopped calling as often, and when I did I limited the phone calls to 20 minutes, or whenever they started bring up the hurtful words. This was my last resort because talking to them didn't help the problem, they would change for a little…
  • I juice vegetables every once in awhile. However, I do not replace meals with juice, I like to eat the majority of my calories and so I will have it along with my breakfast. I find that it does help to increase my energy and my skin is clearer when I do juice. I don't do veggie smoothies because all that fiber all at once…
  • You do not need to cut carbs unless you have blood sugar/insulin resistance issues. I have mine set at around 130g/day and am losing just fine. What I found really helped me was increasing my healthy fat intake (nuts and nut butters, avocados, oily fish) and training with heavy weights. And go to the doc and get some blood…
  • One of the side effects is anal leakage. I'm going to say I do not recommend. Calorie counting and exercise all the way. There are no fast fixes.
    in Alli? Comment by dahhhhhling August 2015
  • https://dashingdish.com/recipes/shakes/ Any of these protein shake recipes are awesome. Just find yourself a good quality protein powder (I personally like egg white protein powder)
  • I personally would just work a hotdog into my daily calories. One hotdog won't derail your progress, and you can buy a bottled water instead of getting a soda or beer. Maybe see if you can get popcorn without the butter. It's been a while since I've been to a stadium, but I don't remember there being any "healthy" options.
  • I would do a smoothie instead of juicing, but all that fiber all at once does not agree with my stomach. I find a cup of veggie juice agrees with me much better than a cup of veggie smoothie.