Juice clense???



  • dahhhhhling
    dahhhhhling Posts: 66 Member
    If you like juice yeah.

    If you're doing it to "jump start" weight loss... NO.

    If you're doing it because you think you have "toxins"... NO.

    If you're doing it because you think you need to cleanse yourself.... NO.

    Exactly this.

    I have a juicer, and I do sometimes juice in the mornings. It does energize me and my skin has looked better since doing it, plus I just like the taste. But I do not use it as a meal replacement, I have it along with my breakfast. I also only drink one cup as I prefer to get the majority of my calories from eating, my husband will usually drink whatever extra I make.
  • dahhhhhling
    dahhhhhling Posts: 66 Member
    edited August 2015
    Don't do a juice cleanse! No need for it and you would lack serious nutrition. Protein and fibre are the main ones!

    A cup of homemade juice now and again is great for quick vitamins and minerals but, juicing removes all the fibre. I personally would return the juicer and get a good blender so you can retain the fibre in the fruits and veggies.

    I would do a smoothie instead of juicing, but all that fiber all at once does not agree with my stomach. I find a cup of veggie juice agrees with me much better than a cup of veggie smoothie.
  • Spamalam
    Spamalam Posts: 25 Member
    Spamalam wrote: »
    So I've recently bought a juicer. I was wondering if anyone had done the juice clense. (I've seen some people do a week or two or anything up to 60 days) I was wondering if anyone had any advise tips or just any advise on the juice as I planning to have one for breakfast anyway... Thanks guys

    I have heard different opinions about the "cleanse", but I know juicing transformed my health.
    My diet was so bad. I think I ate fast food nearly every meal. I needed a boost of nutrition and bought a juicer and flooded my system with nutrients and blended back in most of the pulp. There was no way I was ever going to start eating fruits and veggies - no way!

    After about 3 months I slowly began changing my diet and cleaning things up. Today I eat mostly whole foods...lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, beans, nuts, whole grains and raw dairy stuff.
    And I still juice a liter of fresh fruits and veggies daily.
    Again, I don't know if I have been "cleaned", but my results have been stellar.

    You look fab. :)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If you dislike cooked vegetables, it's certainly a way to get vitamins from raw vegetables without having to eat copious amounts of salad greens. Tomato, cucumber and carrot juice is delicious. Add half an apple to just about any vegetables, and it's quite tasty. Kale, beet, spinach, broccoli... you miss out on the fiber, though.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Spamalam wrote: »
    mathjulz wrote: »
    Check out these threads, they'll give you a better start and long term results than a juice - "cleanse"



    Thanks i just want overall health and fitness and controlled ibs lol not to feel sluggish read thay it makes sense =)

    You know what helps a lot if you don't want to feel sluggish? EXERCISE.

    There are no quick fixes. Eat real food and move your body.
  • Spamalam
    Spamalam Posts: 25 Member
    Spamalam wrote: »
    mathjulz wrote: »
    Check out these threads, they'll give you a better start and long term results than a juice - "cleanse"



    Thanks i just want overall health and fitness and controlled ibs lol not to feel sluggish read thay it makes sense =)

    You know what helps a lot if you don't want to feel sluggish? EXERCISE.

    There are no quick fixes. Eat real food and move your body.

    I excersize half hour a day as well as walking 4 miles to work... I don't eat *kitten* I cook it from scratch.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    If you like juice drink it

    Be careful of the numbers of calories in juice as opposed to the actual fruit or vegetables and log carefully

    There is no cleanse though ..that's just marketing bollocks


    No need to do a juice cleanse - your liver and kidneys do all of your body's cleansing for you.
  • broncos33
    broncos33 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a current "juicer" and LOVE it. IT IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY though. I do 21 day stints and add pea protein to my morning juice.
    I'm down 56 pounds so far and feel like I'm 25 again.
    Did I mention IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE? But after 10 years of fighting for my health I have finally found something that works for me.
    It is NOT easy. The prep and clean up are a pain. It doesn't taste good because I minimize the fruits.
    My biggest problem is I don't have an "off" switch. I don't know how to push the plate away. By not having anything but juices I can stay within those boundaries.
    I started April 3 of this year so I'm still relatively new. But so far so good.
  • Spamalam
    Spamalam Posts: 25 Member
    broncos33 wrote: »
    I'm a current "juicer" and LOVE it. IT IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY though. I do 21 day stints and add pea protein to my morning juice.
    I'm down 56 pounds so far and feel like I'm 25 again.
    Did I mention IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE? But after 10 years of fighting for my health I have finally found something that works for me.
    It is NOT easy. The prep and clean up are a pain. It doesn't taste good because I minimize the fruits.
    My biggest problem is I don't have an "off" switch. I don't know how to push the plate away. By not having anything but juices I can stay within those boundaries.
    I started April 3 of this year so I'm still relatively new. But so far so good.

    Awh great welll done 52lbs down so amazing. Any particular juice u like?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    broncos33 wrote: »
    I'm a current "juicer" and LOVE it. IT IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY though. I do 21 day stints and add pea protein to my morning juice.
    I'm down 56 pounds so far and feel like I'm 25 again.
    Did I mention IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE? But after 10 years of fighting for my health I have finally found something that works for me.
    It is NOT easy. The prep and clean up are a pain. It doesn't taste good because I minimize the fruits.
    My biggest problem is I don't have an "off" switch. I don't know how to push the plate away. By not having anything but juices I can stay within those boundaries.
    I started April 3 of this year so I'm still relatively new. But so far so good.

    I'm afraid this post has warning signs all over it

    I would be surprised if you were hitting your protein and fat minimum macros ...it's important you do

    56lbs since April is 18 weeks is 3lbs a week which means you are probably losing at a higher rate than is healthy and ripping through your LBM more than is necessary

    There doesn't sound like much of a learning curve in what you are doing so what happens when you stop juicing ? How will you cope with real food?
  • f5alcon
    f5alcon Posts: 3 Member
    Juicing works, but mostly because it is a fairly extreme calorie cutting method. a mostly vegetable juice is around 15 calories per ounce, so with a cup of juice being a 120 calories, it is easy to drink a lot and feel full without consuming a lot of calories. It isn't a balanced diet though and probably is best used as supplement or an occasional meal replacement, with other nutrients coming from the remaining meals.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    OP, I prefer the yellow ones for cleansing (green is typically used for bulking), but I can get behind a juice cleanse.

  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    This juicer's formula looks closer to my preferred method, but note that they have forgotten to remove the eyes. That's a common rookie mistake; a classic sign of a n00bie juicer. The eyes are full of toxins that, among other things, inhibit proper flow of chi and can actually disrupt the monoglucosaccharide detoxification process. You've gotta take off the eyes first.

  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Ah I wondered how long it would take for the Peep Cleanse to make an appearance :)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Ah I wondered how long it would take for the Peep Cleanse to make an appearance :)

    Precisely as long as my last conference call!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Other than the peep cleanse, I much prefer to eat my calories. :)
  • Meg_za
    Meg_za Posts: 18 Member
    I did a juice cleanse about 3 weeks ago. Honestly it was really tough, I was working the week a was doing it which probably wasn't the best idea. It got to the point where I drank juice for breakfast and lunch and then HAD to have a salad for dinner or else I was absolutely dead!
  • lucstone
    lucstone Posts: 41 Member
    I think juicing is great. It does wonders for me as far as health is concerned, forget weight control.