Neanbean13 Member


  • Im your height and im 64kg as i do mainly weight training but i concentrate on my BMI etc i think 59 is fine and 51 is actually rediculous unless you want to under eat the rest of your life.. clean eating urgh. Clean eating is for health benefits not weight loss. You can still over eat on clean eating. And its bloody…
  • Family is that situation where you can yruely show your true colors. Either by expressing true love and intimacy OR jealously and hatefulness.. When i was younger i had such low self esteem at school, i was bullied daily and the only way i could greet any kind of power back was to take it out on my sister. Any kind of…
  • Me too. I try putting out stuff like carrot stiicks with home made tzatiki and olives or home made hummous from cauliflower or beetroot anything bit less calorific then add with a few things you like. But i try stay away from things like cheese n crisps that are high in calories for littlw volume... every now and then ok.…
  • If u can afford it id go with a personal trainer for a month or two. They should teach you proper form and create routines and expose u to new equipment. I did a few small group training sessions too tbat was free with gym membership. Once u have basics down go for it. I do a mix of say 4 or 5 exercises say 3 rounds 10…
  • Keto. God no. I like to eat what i want whenever i want thanks. If it fits i eat!
  • Omg stuff the scales! Ditch them and go for measurements. Much more satisfying to see waist reducing than being a 'goal weight'. Plus scales are so affected by hormones, water intake, salt etc why put yourself thru the stress
  • you obviously have lessons to learn n retrain yourself with food which will atill be there after 2 weeks of drinking crap shakes, being moody and annoyed with the world. Lots of companies deliver healthy portion sized meals to you door. Try that for few weeks to get used to portion sizes. Bit expensive but least…
  • Are they electronic scales? Try a heart monitor to help calculate. They go with some great apps to help see where you are with your fitness levels etc. As on MFP grossly over estimates exercise calories! My scales stopped but im still losing size which is more important than scales and weight. Switch focus n measure your…
  • Electroni Food scale and heart monitors. More accurate measuring helps.
  • Think about yourself and hunger patterns and how you and your body reacts during day with your routine. For me personally, my high energy time is around 11am and luckily i get to work out then. But im also hungry when i wake up. I have a tiny breakfast like a boiked egg n apple with black coffee. I get to work and have…
  • Are u logging all your foods on here n sticking to your daily goal? Are u constantly going over? What you could do if u ARE doing the above but each time u find yourself binging afterwards sit down and start a diary. Record all the activity you did that day and write down how you feeling mentally. Did something u do today…
  • Food is definately the key. A year ago i was going gym 6 days a week, lifting heavy weights n still putting on weight. Without logging i eas under the impression i could eat what i wanted n lose weight! Oops. No. Then i hot injured n couldnt work out at all. Apart from the mental stress at not being able to move (ive…
  • Id make sure things are ok for him mentally. Is he stress eating? Being bullied? Over eating could be a sign of mental unwellness. School, exams, even competition in sports etc i know trying to get any 16 yr old to talk abouttheir feelings is hard but worth exploring even with his coach or school.
  • Always! Need to chuck some oats in
  • Id look at what u are measuring, if you are at all. Are you choosing generic brand measurments or logging exactly what you eat? Are u weighing things like any oils etc. Its impossible to NOT lose weight. Its experimenting what works for you. As i dont have a heart monitor i dont count my exercise calories i eat to my…
  • Id bring it with u next time and just tell them u thought it was strange to read this when u didnt discuss this at all during the visit. And youd like to be weighed more accurately next time. Then it just clears the air for u but more importantly youll get the service u want (hopeully) and not feel ripped off. Its prob a…
  • I supplement my fresh food with some frozen veg to kee in freezer as its more cost effective. I also keep minimum junk food in house to reduce binge but also promote healthier eating habits in household. Things like frozen peas, spinach, carrots etc can help bulk up one pot wonders plus u dont throw away unused veg. Plus…
  • Im always waking up starving. I divide breakfast up into 2 smaller meals. After a coffee i have somerhing small first then wait hour n half or so n have next meal. I try have stuff that i wont finish in two bites n try eat it over an hour period like oats, greek yoghurt n fruit
  • How do u monitor calories by not weighing food???? If you want to lose u really fo have to weigh everything. From oil u use for cooking to milk in coffee etc... the serving sizes ive found are inaccurate in their calorie readings. If u are weighing raw food find the equivalent raw measurement in MFP. Or if cooked weight do…
  • As long as you at or under your weekly allowance over 7 days it's fine. Doesnt mayter when u eat the cslories over the week. I eat less during week n save n extra 500 for a saturday or sunday if i know ill be going out
  • These people are toxic. Unfortunately some like to befriend people they feel better about themselves around. Then when the other friend is trying to lose weight etc it triggers their insecurities and they will do things like this. They appear to be supportive but their actions say otherwise. However because they have been…
  • What i want to know is why do people get so damn offended so easily on this app?
  • Monthsssss.....ike the scale was down but actually seeing was prob like 3 months
  • Depends if you have an immediate weight loss goal. If not use it as experiment to see how you ho and what youve learnt n try to apply when u at mums. Remember it IS a holiday too and u cant do that much damage in 10 days. As long as u have some self control...use it as a mental break.
  • I dont like to learn abiut food habits and nutrition in a points system. Its not life sustainable. For me. Everythings done in calories in the world so go MFP
  • I tried that too but on the day u honestly dont care
  • i started 3 days for strength training then down to 2 then 1 now im off seeing if i can do it on my own. Ive done a bit of research in fitness and personal training and theres a lot of 'trainers' out there teaching bad form and arent knowledgeable about body imbalances, mobility or even demonstrate clients to get into good…
  • Goodness im wondering who yold you this was correct form?
  • Remember a few months out of a lifetime lifestyle is just drop in ocean. It will heal and u will work again. I tore adductor so did core n upper body what i could. Then straight after tendon damage wrist for 4 months did core n lower body lol. I spent that time investigating my weaknesses and body imbalances within what i…