Self control

I have an over eating/indulging problem And whenever friends come down to visit there is obviously some overindulging happening what can I do to be good? I'm usually good during the week but terrible on the weekends...I make it to 110 and always gain my weight back 112 then have to work during the week to lose the 2 pounds again... my goal is 107 in 5'2 and a half! This is my struggle...


  • xchocolategirl
    xchocolategirl Posts: 186 Member
    112 is a healthy weight for your height and weight you're probably restricting yourself too much thus you feel the need to binge. I would recommend Body recomposition for you since it would be a good strategy for you. It's where you eat at maintenance and you try to work more on losing fat and having a more toned body. This usually involves cardio and strength training some incorporate a lifting program.

    Good luck!! I've seen a few threads on body recompisiton feel free to search. Losing weight is not always the answer especially when one is already at a healthy weight.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Realize that food tastes good and that foods people typically overeat are specifically made to be very easy to overeat. At the same time, realize that you still have a choice of eating or not eating, and what and how much to eat. Eating is not something that happens to you. Framing things more appropriately, like that, and not calling what you do, overindulging, and what you think you want to do, to "be good", can take a lot of pressure off you. And you're already at a good, healthy weight, so whatever you are doing now, is at least keeping your weight stable. Yes, fluctuations within a few pounds is perfectly normal and not gain/loss.
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Me too. I try putting out stuff like carrot stiicks with home made tzatiki and olives or home made hummous from cauliflower or beetroot anything bit less calorific then add with a few things you like. But i try stay away from things like cheese n crisps that are high in calories for littlw volume... every now and then ok.
    But if i know people coming over for lunch id try have a large late breakfast so I'm not starving when they come. Then less likely to mindlessly eat. Also if i put snacks or food AWAY from me so its not right in front of you its easier to resist.
    Or if an event coming up add an extra cardio sesh in or save 100 cals a day for the weekend.

  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    It's hard to deny yourself some treats in social situations! So I agree with the strategies Neanbean13 outlined, setting out food that's healthy and filling and tasty when you're hosting your friends. If you're going out to a restaurant with your pals, you can order something that's healthy and filling because you're in charge of your choices. Drink lots of water. And here's a thought: if you're eating more salty snacks on the weekends, that gain you're seeing could partly be water retention.
  • doittoitgirl
    doittoitgirl Posts: 157 Member
    Not looking at foods / meals as "bad" or "good" is a good place to start. Looking at those things in black and white is more likely to cause you to eat unhealthily. You're not bad if you eat chips and you're not good when you eat celery. You're just a human feeding your body. If you want a little extra on the weekends, I calculate my calories on a weekly basis instead of daily and leave a little extra left over for the day I'm going to have some drinks and snacks.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    The good news is you have found maintenance. All you have to do is reduce your intake by a couple hundred calories per day and slowly get to where you want to be. Congrats!