HELP ! I Am Too Embarrassed to go out



  • aka62792
    aka62792 Posts: 98 Member
    After doing some research, I agree with both of you. I have never dieted, because I was swimming or riding everyday. However, this past year, I basically stayed in bed. I ate frozen food or nothing at all. So, now I am making meal plans. I am still having problems with the food diary.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    aka62792 wrote: »
    After doing some research, I agree with both of you. I have never dieted, because I was swimming or riding everyday. However, this past year, I basically stayed in bed. I ate frozen food or nothing at all. So, now I am making meal plans. I am still having problems with the food diary.

    What problems are you having with the food diary? Perhaps we can help.

  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    aka62792 wrote: »
    After doing some research, I agree with both of you. I have never dieted, because I was swimming or riding everyday. However, this past year, I basically stayed in bed. I ate frozen food or nothing at all. So, now I am making meal plans. I am still having problems with the food diary.

    Did you read the threads on logging? There is a lot of great information out there:

    If are having specific concerns, maybe we can help you out.
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Food is definately the key. A year ago i was going gym 6 days a week, lifting heavy weights n still putting on weight. Without logging i eas under the impression i could eat what i wanted n lose weight! Oops. No. Then i hot injured n couldnt work out at all. Apart from the mental stress at not being able to move (ive always been fit) i focused on what i could control. Diet. Used MFP to set it to a sedentary lifestyle and experimented with the daily calorie target.
    Worked a charm! Did no exercise. Lost weight!
    When i started to incorporate exercise again i kept same level til i reached goal. Now use to maintain.
    Things i did at home when everyone was out, get on youtube n find exercise videos. Blast some my fav music and even dance (shuffle) round living room like no ones watching! Did billy blanks boxing vid. Did to my own pace.
    In a month i felt better n went outside. Music in, chose a destination to walk to n back. Kept going. With your previous athletic back ground your body will remember and adjust quicker than most. Our bodies CRAVE movement its our brains that stop us!
    Get your food right n any exercise is a bonus ;)
  • aka62792
    aka62792 Posts: 98 Member
    YAY, YAY, I figured out how to add my food ! However, it said I'm not eating enough !
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Seems like you're feeling good about this :smile:

    One resource I found particularly inspirational was Cameron Diaz's body book. She has lots of good information in there* based on sound science and not woo. She is not a proponent of the BS Hollywood fad diets. Her key principles are basically to look after yourself and feed yourself a healthy diet and exercise as an act of self love, on an ongoing basis not just to lose weight.Most of it told me what I already knew but the way she writes is very feelgood and helped me break my psychological diet fatigue. If you don't like reading the audio book on Audible is really good.

    *some of the scientific advice has changed since she wrote the book - notably her advice on eggs.
  • aka62792
    aka62792 Posts: 98 Member
    I have a kindle, I can pick it up on Amazon. Thank you so much for your help and support . I have lost 5 pounds WHOO HOO
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Fantastic news! Glad it's going well for you :-) keep up the good work!
  • maemyst
    maemyst Posts: 2 Member
    Keep up the good work!! Fellow rider here... I love your profile pic!
  • aka62792
    aka62792 Posts: 98 Member
    Horses have been my life !