B.E.D. - How Do Know, For Sure?

I have a pattern. I've seen it more often lately. I noticed the symptoms and that lead to .BE.D. I think it might be caused by some deeper underlining issues but I'm not sure what my next move should be. How do you know when a problem is really a problem and not all in your head? (Wow. This sounds so incoherent...please advice) -Jerome


  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Are u logging all your foods on here n sticking to your daily goal?
    Are u constantly going over?
    What you could do if u ARE doing the above but each time u find yourself binging afterwards sit down and start a diary.
    Record all the activity you did that day and write down how you feeling mentally. Did something u do today trigger you?
    Did u talk to certain people that may have triggered it? Do u have an impending event or situation coming up thats triggered it?
    Once you have written down a few episodes see if you can see a pattern in all of this..or go see someone and bring your diary with you for an unbiased professional opinion?
    The cause will be individual to everyone so theres no size fits all answer...but first step is recognising you may have an issue.
    Once the route cause or triggers can be possibly identified you can then choose to deal with them differently.
    Good luck!
  • jeromeantone3
    jeromeantone3 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you for your insight!