Numericmama373 Member


  • If you are Switching off of a processed diet though, like where your diet was mostly processed, I could see there being a big withdrawal period.
  • What is eating clean - Whole Foods? We started eating a whole foods based diet in 1997, but we still give ourselves grace for something that does not fit into our regular diet. Like, we have a serving of corn chips once a week. We plan on that. We get pizza for the kids once a week, but other than Dave's Killer Bread and…
  • It sounds like hormones to me. Are you pre or post menopausal? Try and make it as easy and routine as possible. Just work out everyday even if it is a little workout, so that it becomes routine, So that it becomes weird not to. And standardize your diet as much as you can. Same breakfast, lunch and snack daily and switch…
  • "I would have asked if they had aspergers or were just rude." This sounds like you are putting down people with Aspergers though. Which is really uncool. About as uncool as the person who asked if she were pregnant.
  • I'm sorry your daughter got cancer. I hate cancer. It sucks. One of my best friends had cancer as a child (and again at 21 because the medical field was so new they didn't really know what they were doing yet). She is now 48, with 2 kids and doing well!
  • I'd also like to define "cheat". When I was on WW I would feel that way. It kind of felt shameful, which would derail me. There is no shame in what you eat. But some things aren't healthy and need to be more restricted. Or for me, string cheese is a total trigger, so we just can't have it at all.
  • I am focusing on building healthy habits and routines so that the practice of being healthy carries me through the tough times. The weight loss you are seeing is probably going to slow. I lose about a pound a week, which is my goal. 1-2 pounds is healthy and sustainable.
  • I don't take any of those things. I try for a whole food diet and exercise. I'll add you.
  • Hey. My husband is hyperfocused on my weight too. But not to the extreme weights your husband likes. He is fine with me bring 1 # overweight per my BMI. Oh and I'm 46. What I have found is that it really needs to be about me. Body shaming is not allowed. Neither is food policing. If he steps over he gets an immediate and…
  • I'm just starting. I did a modified elbow plank for 60 seconds. 6/25. 60 seconds
  • Are you on a special diet for the colitis? I don't have it. My dad did and almost died at age 38, so when my brother and I started getting sick (age 27 for each of us) we switched over to my dad's diet and that stopped it. I still have a super responsive system though. It makes it hard for me to really know what is going…
  • Walking is my main cardio. The PT I went to for sciatica wanted me squeezing my stomach the whole time I was walking as a core exercise to support my back. At first it was hard to remember, but now I just do it all the time
  • Send me a message too. I'd like a walk challenge
  • There is a big difference. She is beautiful. She looks a lot better than I do according to any traditional standards. However, I feel,like it is most important that she logs on and meets her own friends, I know you can support each other in a really Important way. My husband supports me really well too. However, for me to…
  • I will never judge you for,your sugar choices, it if you have a y questions feel free to ask.
  • I any be helpful or I may not be. We eat a diet comprised of foods that are whole that I process into what we are going to eat, I am gluten free, so,we can't even buy premade teriyaki sauce because of the soy sauce base. Except for our emergency spaghetti sauce for nights I can't pull it together, we have no refined sugar…
  • I don't know what you did in the past. All I can say is that I know what I need. I need to focus on exercise 5 days a week. I need to have my regular breakfast and 4 cups of coffee. I need to do this for a month. I may get results. Yay! After getting those things pretty strongly settled I can add more. If things are habits…
  • I set aside for wine!
  • I'm not super motivated. I have a o make some healthy changes and I am choosing a few to start with that I am turning into habits. I get a reward for exercising 5 days a week for a month. I am so close I don't want to lose it, so exercise is a priority. My diary is open, so I feel like I need to be honest about what I am…
  • I wonder if would be better not to live together. Sometimes a little space is a good thing.
  • Have you been to see a doc? There is nothing wrong with medication to adjust your brain chemistry.
  • Mine are 14'and 10. I am just staring to figure iT out. One kid is special needs though, so . .
  • I'm sorry. One of My BFs has RA and another autoimmune disorder with a big freaking long name I can't remember. Autoimmune disorders suck. She got glocoma from the RA medicine, so she has to try and control the RA with diet. Sugar is super huge on her no no list. It leads to an increased risk of a flare up. She eats super…
  • I heard this thing on NPR a while ago which I found really helpful. They said that it's not will power, it's choice or decisions that we make. We just run out of the ability. You only have a limited amount of decisions you can make in a day. And that includes the little stupid decisions too, like "shall I wear my brown…
  • The first thing you need to do is start tracking so you can really see what is going on.
  • After a bit of that easy breakfast, lunch became the focus. I am still working out the kinks. If I can have a well rounded or " satisfying "" salad daily with not much work. And that is my focus fir now. How do I get used to making these lunch sLads in advance, so they taste good. I am almost there.
  • I need things easy and step by step or I get overwhelmed. So I first standardized my breakfast - 1/2 c cottage cheese, I banana, 1 orange. Notice, we should have 5 fruits/ begs a day. 2 are out of the way. At first that was all I could think about. So . .
  • Are you lifting weights? It can be a lot of work to gain muscle mass. You may want to get expert help. My hubs has to lift 5 days a week to be muscular.