Looking for some tough love!

Been yo-yoing for years. At my heaviest and want to live to enjoy my retirement years! Wake-up call at the Doctor's office..... Sugar and Cholesterol are at the brink of needing meds. I don't want to go on meds!!
Gave up Soda cold turkey 6 months ago. Trying to figure out how I did it so I can be that strict with over eating and SUGAR!
Help! Need some honest friends that will say..."Yes you do look fat in those pants... But it's not the pants!"

I'm okay with being fluffy... I just want to be healthy!



  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    The first thing you need to do is start tracking so you can really see what is going on.
  • baronjus10m
    baronjus10m Posts: 2 Member
    Do you have house plants or outdoor plants ? Feed your plants what u feed yourself if it's gonna kill them don't put it in your body
  • baronjus10m
    baronjus10m Posts: 2 Member
    Better yet start a compost bin and only eat and drink what u can compost